Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 138


Chapter 138 Lieutenant Mason
After Custer's "unexpected visit", Winters went by appointment Black liquid town, meet Bud and Andre.

This is the first time the three have been together since being dismissed. long time no see, extraordinarily kind, there are endless things to say.

Bud clicking one's tongue in wonder circled around Redmane to look at it, and raised Redmane's hooves to check it again, and commented: "This horse is fine."

"You still need to tell me?" Andre scolded back with a smile.

Not spending the night in black liquid town, Winters and Bud put on a horse that Andre borrowed from Dusa village in black liquid town, and the three immediately set off to meet the "Senior" that Bud mentioned.

"Which Senior is it?" During a pause on the road, Andre couldn't help but ask Bud, "Do we know each other?"

"You two are sure I don't know, I don't know either. It's my squad leader's squad leader."

The smallest organizational unit of the Allied Army Officer Academy is the "department", each of which will be incorporated into the first, second, and third school years at the same time. military students.

Therefore, an officer student in the military academy can come into contact with students who are two years higher and two years lower than him.

The towns of Langtun and Black Liquid are too remote, and it takes more than four days to travel back and forth to the county seat of Revodan on horseback. And Gervoudan itself is a border city, so Winters and André have few visitors.

However, the town of St. Christopher (hereafter referred to as the town of St. Ke), where Bard resides, is different. The town of St. Ke is located on the thoroughfare between the two counties, and the traffic is very convenient.

The hard-faced Guzhi Road passes through the town, and often troops will pass through the town of Sank when they are mobilized.

Some of the Palatine Seniors that Bud knew well had heard that Junior Brother was assigned to Palatine, either making a special trip or passing by and visiting him a few times.

So Bud's news is better than Winters and Andre. Second lieutenant Montagne and Second lieutenant Cellini are really unfamiliar and smeared.

Bard learned from the "squad leader" who was in charge of taking him during his freshman days: In addition to the officers serving in the garrison in Gervoudan, there are only four graduates of Luyuan in the entire county.

I don't need to mention who the three unlucky ones are, and the other is a Senior, who is stationed in the south of the county seat, about 40 kilometers away from the town of black liquid.

According to Bud's squad leader, it was a squad leader of a squad leader. That is, that man is four terms ahead of Winters, Bud and Andre, and has been with Prato for five years.

As a courtesy, Bud thought they should also visit the old alumnus. Not to mention that in a long-term closed environment, the ensigns are eager to learn more outside news.

So Bud sent a message to the two friends and made an appointment to go together.

After leaving the town of black liquid, they galloped on dirt roads in the forest and wilderness. Because I have to go back and forth on a horse, I have to stop and rest from time to time.

On the newly reclaimed land, where the land is vast and sparsely populated, it often takes a long time to see villages and scattered farmhouses. There was no one in the front and back, and only the dry food and water that came with the horse were eaten and drank.

But it's rare for a few people to get together, so it doesn't feel hard.

The journey was uneventful, but Winters and Andre felt weirder as they got closer to their destination. They don't seem to be heading towards a town, but moved towards a less populated direction.

"You're not mistaken?" Andrei asked Bud uncontrollably when he was resting again, "There's no place to live here, and we didn't bring a tent. Wrong and troublesome."

Andre has been estimating the distance and direction, and he realizes that the destination should be within a few kilometers. But the surrounding looks more desolate than before, and it doesn't look like the outside of the town at all.

"I should be right, there are no forks on the road." Bud took out a roll of paper from his saddlebag, with a scribbled map and a description of the route drawn by Senior: "The key is that I don't have Gervoudan either. A detailed map of the vicinity."

"You should have brought a guide." Winters regretted a little: "I forgot that this is Prato."

The three studied their hands. map, carefully recall the way you came, and confirm that you did not go wrong. Only bronze oneself can continue to move forward.

After another half hour or so, wooden fences began to appear on the roadside. With signs of human activity, the three lieutenants' confidence surged.

didn't expect The end of the dirt road turned out to be a rudimentary and dilapidated town than Wolf Town.

Although Wolf Town is small, there are at least two streets, one horizontal and one vertical, as well as a church, and it is full of vitality.

But the town in front of me was just a row of low wooden barracks along the road.

The reason why it is called "barracks" is because the shape of those wood houses is similar to the prefab houses in military camps, and they look very different from the houses in ordinary farms.

Although the materials and structures of farmers' houses are similar, the details are full of the life of the users.

And the wood house in front of me is the same, as if it is a mud doll poured out of a mold, full of template flavor.

A row of wood houses stands abruptly on the ground, surrounded by desolate meadows, and looks very lonely.

The weirdest thing about it -- Winters pondered for a while -- was that there were no women and no kids in this town.

"Is it here?" Winters looked towards Bard.

Bud is also very puzzled: "It should be here, but it doesn't look right."

People outside the wood house noticed three officers on the roadside, one with a bow and arrow on his back , A man who looked like a guard came over, and drowsily asked, "Who are the adults looking for?"

The man has a large dark red birthmark on his left eye, covering almost half of his face, which is very conspicuous .

"We're here to find Lieutenant Mason." Bud asked the man, "Is the Chief-In-Charge here Lieutenant Mason?"

The man replied listlessly: "The Lieutenant leads the way. Going to supervise the mowing. Sirs, please wait here for a while, and I'll find someone to call the lieutenant to come back."

He roared in a strong Platonic accent, at the edge of the wood house A small man complied, moved towards the dirt slope not far away and ran.

"Who are you here?" Andre brows tightly frowns asked, staring at the man.

"Me?" The other party smiled: "If you go back to your lord, I'm the one who is responsible for watching other people."

Winters noticed something strange: "Wait a minute. , this is a prison?"

"Of course not, my lord." The bored guard didn't lift his eyelids: "This is a pasture, a labor pasture."



"Haha, it's a rare visitor, but I haven't been visited by alumni for a long time." Lieutenant Mason pushed open the door and warmly invited the three Junior Brothers into the room: "I've been busy lately. Mow the grass for winter, all of them will work hard without looking at them... Hey, what am I talking about! Come in quickly, you're welcome."

The furnishings in the lieutenant's house are very simple. A bed, a cabinet, two tables one big and one small, a few stools, a wooden rack for hanging clothes, that's all.

The other woodhouses in the labor ranch are shared by several people, and only the lieutenant owns one woodhouse—probably the only luxury in the house.

The simple wooden bed was placed in the corner of the room, and the quilt remained the same as when the user left it, haphazardly rolled up.

The morning leftovers were still on a plate on a small wooden table, and two flies were alarmed when the lieutenant walked past it.

The whole room is a good representation of the life of a typical single, solitary, unattended young male.

The only thing that made Winters more curious were the stacks of books and manuscript paper on the large wooden table.

"It's a little messy." The lieutenant threw the dinner plate on the small table into the barrel outside the door: "Don't mind, please sit down."

He was in the chest of drawers After rummaging around, I took out a few cups. Climb under the bed and find a half-drinking bottle of spirits - followed by an unopened bottle.

"I haven't had a guest here for months." Lieutenant Mason, busy pouring drinks for the Junior Brothers, said happily, "It's rare that someone comes to visit me. Come and give me earlier next time. Send me a message and let me get ready. The beef I have here is very delicious."

As soon as he heard that there were guests coming, Lieutenant Mason rushed back. After learning that the guests were his alumni, Lieutenant Mason's enthusiasm took a new level.

Without waiting for the three Winters to ask, Lieutenant Mason opened the conversation on his own. And just like a dam burst, it can’t be controlled at once.

Drinking a full glass of spirits, Lieutenant Mason started slapping the table and yelling at "The Sun Sheep". The swear words are occasionally mixed with "I am an artillery officer from a dignified class", "The Japanese sheep with maggots asked me to raise pigs", "I might as well go overseas" and so on.

When the mood reached its extreme, Lieutenant Mason grabbed Winters' hand and said tearfully: "Listen to my advice, leave early and get out early, and if you can take off your military uniform, go back to the Union as soon as possible. Let's join forces. Don't think about what kind of career you can do when you come to this place..."

"This...Senior, I'm not from United Province, I'm from Veneta." Winters looked embarrassed and thought. Hands out and sorry.

"Huh?" Mason was dumbfounded, looking towards Andre: "Then you are from the United Province?"

"I am not, I am also from Veneta." An Drey shook his head hurriedly and pointed to Bud: "But he is."

Mason's mood gradually cooled down, and he wondered: "Then why did you two Veneta people come here? Shouldn't it be time to go back to where it came from?"

Winters without omission and in detail recounts the unpredictable disasters suffered by this class of Veneta graduates.

When it was said that the mustache officer could not help but imprison the Veneta graduates in the carriage, and when they came out, they had already reached the castles, Lieutenant Mason sneered contemptuously: "It's like the group of the Interprovincial Army. What a bastard can do."

When it was said that the Palatine Army had forcibly disbanded Lieutenant Veneta and assigned him to various places, Lieutenant Mason's face was even more contemptuous: "Fuck the sheep. I'm not at all surprised that this guy can do this kind of thing."

After listening to Winters' remarks, Mason looked at the three Junior Brothers with great sympathy: "The Union Province sent you to Here, I'm not only provoking Veneta, but I'm also provoking Palato. Of course, you won't give a good face to you. The battle of great characters always requires us to sacrifice, ahem!"

Lieutenant sighed, and then said comforted: "But don't worry, you are better than me. The plateau people will not hold you until they send you back. Like me, you can only stay here for a lifetime. Feeding pigs, horses, prisoners, day after day, helplessly wasting time, just thinking about it makes me hopeless..."

This topic is too heavy, Mason's expression is getting more and more gray.

Andre hurriedly interrupted: "Senior, are all your subordinates prisoners?"

Mason was stunned for a moment, then replied: "Except for the guards... But most of my guards were prisoners before."

"But aren't your guards a little... lax?" Winters immediately added a new topic: "It seems that it's not difficult to escape?"

"Run? Where are you going? There are desolate meadows on all sides." The lieutenant's face showed afaint smile, and he explained patiently: "And the people who come to me are all light criminals. You can go home if you live a month, but if you run away, you will be wanted for the rest of your life. I am looking forward to running a few people occasionally, and I can have more fun.”

“Do the people of Paratus use labor instead of prison? ?" Bud asked.

"The Japanese sheep are very stingy, how can they tolerate being in jail for nothing?" When it comes to the Palatine people, Mason is always dissatisfied: "But because of stealing a chicken to work for two months , is better than having your hands chopped off, right?"

"That's true." Several people echoed.

"However, the Japanese sheep are good, and you don't have much control. As long as you pay enough meat and animals, you don't care about the rest. I'm living a leisurely life here. The past few years have been good, and I can still Give the prisoners some wages and some meat. Some homeless prisoners are reluctant to leave in the end." Mason's face glowed again: "I have been improving breeding stock. When I find a way to get rid of this body Military uniform, just buy a small ranch in Palatu..."

The three second lieutenants looked at each other in blank dismay, it sounded that this Senior was very dissatisfied with being assigned to raise pigs, but It is clear that he has fully devoted himself to the business of raising pigs.

“Senior, have you heard about the dicks lately?” Winters asked the lieutenant.

Winters and the others came to visit Lieutenant Mason with the intention of inquiring about the outside world.

But it seemed that Mason was more isolated than their environment, which surprised several people.

Lt. Colonel Custer said that "Ding Ding", Winters also told two friends, after the three discussed that Custer did not need to lie to Winters.

But the three of them didn't know anything about why they wanted to pump Ding, and even what the word "Ding Ding" meant in Prato was completely unclear to the three of them.

While the lieutenant didn't look like a well-informed man, Winters made a casual remark.

didn't expect Mason replied in the tone of as it should be by rights: "Of course I know, it's probably after the autumn harvest."

"Have you got the news too?" Winters froze.

"No, no one can give me news." Lieutenant Mason took out a few pieces of paper from the big table: "Although no one gave me news, but I have seen the newspaper sent by the army postman, I can also guess what the Japanese sheep want to do."

Di Bao? Winters never received.

After Mason's explanation, the three second lieutenants realized that the postman from the Palatine Army would only come to the door once a quarter, and along with the salary, he would also deliver newspapers to the officers stationed in various places.

In the sparsely populated Republic of Palatu, the settlements are far apart, making communication difficult. In order to alleviate this problem, the military and administrative agencies will distribute newspapers to various places every quarter to ensure the most basic information flow.

A few Winters took over the last quarter's Dibao and read it carefully, but they didn't see the fact that "Dings will be drawn after the autumn harvest", nor did they see the word "Dings".

"The Army has been advocating for a long time, so it's almost time to say it directly." Lieutenant Mason said calmly: "Looking at this posture, it is estimated that the battle will start after the autumn harvest and start the war in the winter. The prisoners, so I rushed to cut the grass. The prisoners are all recruited, and I don't have enough manpower here."

"Think about it for yourself." The lieutenant said with a sneer, "Why did the province choose this? When is the time to deal with Prato? It’s just that the Japanese sheep will endure.”

Thanks to the book friends who voted for the recommendation before;
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(end of this chapter)

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