Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 137


Chapter 137 Chasing and Killing
The school official immediately scolded condescendingly: "Trash! The smuggling caravan disappeared in your jurisdiction! Did you, he, mother neglect your duties or collude? Speak!"

The second lieutenant said nothing, and flames almost burst from his eyes.

The guard beside the Colonel noticed the second lieutenant's eyes. He stepped forward lightly with the horse's rib, faintly discerningly stopped between the lieutenant and the colonel, right hand gripping the hilt of the sword.

The colonel thought Ma Qian was just an incompetent low-ranking officer, not realizing that he was facing a sorcerer who was on the verge of losing control.

Winters · Montagne is about to get out of hand.

From the moment he was escorted to Plato, Winters had been accumulating negative emotions without even realizing it.

He had people around him who supported each other during even the toughest days on the archipelago. But in Wolf Town, he has only himself.

At the moment when his willpower is at its weakest, as long as any hostile behavior by the school officer follows, the remaining rationality of the Veneta people will completely evaporate, leaving only the tyrannical and cruel instincts.

The steed, keenly aware of the searing anger, moved its front legs uneasily.

Ms. Mitchell also subconsciously hugged Mr. Montagne's arm.

The commander noticed the second lieutenant's clenched fists, and a nameless fire also burst forth. Just as he was about to continue teaching the disobedient little officer in front of him, some inexplicable intuition prevented him from taking action.

Many silhouettes came from Mitchell Manor.

Hearing Ms. Michel's scream, the Dussacks picked up the guy and rushed out. The one running in the front was Sergey, the old man was carrying a sickle he didn't know where to pick it up.

It was only when Sergey got closer that he realized something was wrong.

Even if Dussack didn't recognize mother, he wouldn't recognize the wrong uniform. Old Sergey scolded secretly: This is a gentleman, and he is also a high-ranking official.

Sergei Morozov is a Dussack who is not afraid of the sky or the ground. The only thing that makes his calf go weak when he sees the officer's uniform.

But now he can only brace oneself.

The old man dared to stand beside the second lieutenant, swallowed unconsciously, and shouted sternly: "Hey! What are you doing?"

The officer coldly disdainfully snorted, he gestured to the guard beside him, without even looking at the peasant in front of him.

Little did he know that his attitude gave Sergey a lot of peace of mind.

The Dussack behind him also ran over one after another, and everyone was shocked when they saw the school officer's uniform. Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and no one dared to speak.

The officer's bodyguard grabbed the silver whistle hanging around his neck and put it to his lips and blew it hard.

The cavalry team outside the manor also noticed something was wrong inside. When the sharp whistle sounded, the cavalry quickly moved towards the commander.

Except for a small number of cavalrymen who went straight to the scene along the road, all other cavalrymen jumped over the fence to wrap up from the flanks. They ran without scruples in the bean fields, and pieces of soybeans were trampled and smashed.

The smaller cavalry side surrounded the Dussacks.

This is a team of real cavalry, not horsemen, not mounted infantry, but cavalry with strict combat training.

Their military swords are not haphazardly hanging from their waists, but are sandwiched between the horse's back and their thighs, ready to be unsheathed.

The cavalry little by little moved forward, compressing the space of the Dussacks. The Dussacks holding farm implements were a little flustered, but they were not out of control yet.

Old Dussack Alexei slowly approached Sergei, bit his ear and said to the Old Partner, "Vladiminovich, do you see it? It's half a platoon to say the least. !"

"I'm counting, how can there be half a platoon." Sergey replied anxiously: "More than thirty horses, just one platoon."

" What should I do?"

"I. He. Motherfucker knows!"

While the Dussacks were whispering, several silhouettes rushed over from the manor.

"I'm the mayor of this town." The crowd involuntarily made way for the people who came, Gillard walked to the colonel's horse: "May I ask what Langtun Town can do for your Excellency?"

Gillard was panting for breath, apparently running all the way after hearing the news. Seeing Captain Mitchell arriving, the Dussacs let out a long sigh of relief, and the big stone hanging in their hearts fell to the ground.

"You are the mayor?" The school official glanced at the brawny man in front of him.


"Did you know there was a battallion of smugglers who crossed the Bighorn from Wolftown yesterday?"

"This...I I don't know."

"The officers stationed in Wolf Town neglected their duties." The colonel said coldly: "Have you ever made a report?"

Gillard's expression froze.

"Your Excellency Colonel, I can't agree with you." Another slightly accented voice came from the crowd: "Everyone present and all the squires of this town can attest that Mitchell Township Chang and the Montagne resident officer have always been conscientious and conscientious, and have never been negligent in their duties, and certainly do not need to report."

I don't know when the old cultivator came to Winters, and he didn't Vigorously squeezed Winters' arm and took the whip out of Winters' hands.

The old cultivator walked up to the school officer and handed the whip up, with the friendly smile of the clergy on his face: "I am the cultivator Reid of this diocese, I don't know how to call the Colonel Your Excellency."

"I'm not a colonel, you can call me Lieutenant Colonel Custer." The lieutenant colonel took the whip and shook it a few times, then sneered and asked: "I am conscientious and conscientious, so even a large number of smugglers cross the border. They didn't even notice it. That's because they colluded in advance to pretend they didn't know?"

"The Dajiao River in Langtun is more than 70 kilometers long, and there are large uninhabited wastelands along the river bank. How can people take care of such a long river?"

"Although the river is long, there are only three crossing points."

"But the three crossing points have little to do with each other. The distance of 20 kilometers, the most northerly crossing point is even more than 40 kilometers away from here, it takes a whole day to go back and forth, but it is closer to the town of black liquid." The old cultivator Mianli Zangzhen said: "If you think that the second lieutenant Montagne One person can take care of this smuggler, why did you bring your elite subordinates here?"

Lieutenant Colonel Custer was speechless.

At this time, a large number of people came from the manor, and the farmers who harvested the tobacco leaves also noticed the strangeness at the gate of the manor.

I heard that a group of people of unknown origin had detained Mayor Mitchell and Lieutenant Montagne, and the villagers and hired laborers clamored to come with farm implements to help.

For farmers in a mess, numbers are confidence, and it's the most crowded time of year at Mitchell Manor.

Because of the herd mentality, the more men and women gathered, they all moved towards the manor, and the Dussacs who were not able to show up for the first time also rushed over on horseback.

For a while, the vast crowd was a bit terrifying.

Not only Lieutenant Colonel Custer and his cavalry, but also Girard and Dussacs were all started, and things became more and more difficult to end.

Reid cultivator looked towards Girard: "Mr. Mitchell, please bring a few people to persuade everyone to go back. Time is precious, don't delay the opportunity to collect tobacco leaves."


Girard was stunned for a moment, and nodded hurriedly left with a dozen old Dussacks.

"Lieutenant Colonel, according to what you said, the smuggling caravan has crossed the border. It's pointless to worry about whose responsibility it is. The most important thing is how to solve the problem, isn't it? What kind of wolf colony is there? Please feel free to say what you can provide for gentlemen." The old cultivator looked towards Custer again, and said in a relaxed tone: "You must know, our wolf villagers, who are jealous of hatred, have always been absolutely irreconcilable with smugglers. I can't wait to eat their meat and wear clothes. Their skin."

Lieutenant Colonel Custer was silent for a while, then said with a cold face: "Please provide me and my subordinates with a place to live, and we will take care of the food ourselves. Our horses need Rest in a covered place, don't feed grass randomly, but feed concentrate."

The few requests made by the lieutenant colonel were not complicated, and the old cultivator fully agreed.

Custer gathered the cavalry in one place: "Those guys can't run very far. Conserve strength and store up energy here tonight, catch up with them tomorrow!"

Girard, who dismissed the farmers who wanted to help, turned back to the main entrance, and Rhett cultivator explained it to him carefully.

Gillard listened and nodded, and then led Lieutenant Colonel Custer and the cavalry to another manor with vacant houses to spend the night.

"What's your name?" Lieutenant Colonel Custer asked the second lieutenant before leaving Mitchell Manor.

Winters has regained most of his sanity, but his anger has not subsided: "Winters ·Montagne."


"Second Lieutenant."


"Second Lieutenant."


"I remember you, Lieutenant Montagne." The lieutenant colonel pointed a whip to Winters' nose: "Aren't you convinced? Take all the men you can find and go after me tomorrow. I'd rather See how much ability you have."

After speaking, Lieutenant Colonel Custer walked away without looking back.

The lieutenant colonel's bodyguard took a deep look at Winters, and then drove away.

"Listen to what the commander said, we will leave before dawn." Sergey each minding their own business and the other old Dussacs discussed: "Tonight we have to go door to door to inform Dussacs. K. Let's go to find them separately, we must inform them all, and let the old Young Masters get the horses ready tonight."

Aleksey shook his head a few times: "Would you like to inform the crops or not? Dude? Call the militiamen from the other villages too, there are more people."

"Shit!" Sergey didn't save the Old Brother's face at all: "That officer has four legs. , does the peasant have a horse? Chase with two legs?"

Aleksey closed his mouth shyly.

Sergey smacked his lips and continued: "It may take more than one day to go back and forth. When you notify the old Young Masters, tell them by the way, let the mother-in-law prepare some dry food and water, and prepare it in three days. Let's do it."

While Sergey was thinking about it, he suddenly remembered that Second Lieutenant Montagne was still by his side, which round he would call the shots.

He hurriedly looked towards Winters: "Second lieutenant, I have no intentions. Whether you want to call the peasant's militia or not, you have the final say. If you want to use it, I will inform them and listen to you. But in fact, it's enough to have us Dussack, we promise to save face for you, but it will get in the way..."

"There is no need to notify." After that, Winters also left.

Aleksey looked at the bean field in front of him and sighed: "The officer's equestrian skills are really good, everyone jumps on the fence that is more than one meter high... But it's a pity that these beans, It's almost done..."


The next morning.

The sky turned from black to grey, and a little bit began to turn blue.

"Fuck! What? Run away?" Lieutenant Colonel Custer yelled angrily: "[Plateau's swear words]!"

"It can't be said to run away." The old Sergey looked embarrassed: "I just can't find it."

"Then he... didn't his mother run away?" The furious Custer slammed a fist on the stake: "That little boy Don't Wang.Eight.Dan have backbone? This is running? Running? Grass!"

The Dussacks stood by, all eyes on the ground, no one dared to look up.

Custer swung his military sword and shouted: "Chase me! Bring him back! Neglect of duty, leave without permission! Lao Tzu killed him!"

Medium The school's guard cautiously reminded: "Sir, we still have to chase 'that thing'... That Veneta can't get far. Send someone to send the news to Gervodin, and let others catch it."

Lieutenant Colonel Custer became more and more angry: "Who was the last to see Winters ·Montagne yesterday?"

The Dussacks looked at each other in blank dismay and communicated with each other After another message, the blacksmith Misha finally called over. The old blacksmith did not participate in the hunt because of a wound on his leg.

"The last you saw the deserter Montagne?" asked the lieutenant colonel.

The old blacksmith scratched his head: "I tell you sir, I don't know if I will be the last to see the second lieutenant."

"What is he doing with you?"

"Get his custom-made saber."

"Anything else?"

"No more."

"He said he would Where have you gone?"

"I don't know."

Custer, realizing he couldn't ask anything about the blacksmith, asked gnashing teeth, "You all Protect him, right?"

"No, how dare I." The old blacksmith waved his hands again and again.

Custer let out a furious roar, slashing the wooden ladder beside him with a sword.

"Wait, wait until I catch him, no one who covers him can escape!" Custer glanced at the crowd of Dussacks with hatred, he thrust his military sword back Scabbard: "Go!"

"Report to your lord." The old blacksmith scratched his head again: "The second lieutenant seems to have bought a bag of nails..."


In the Mitchell Manor, Ms. Mitchell hugged her mother and cried: "Mother, is Mr. Montagne really gone?"

Mrs. Mitchell patted the youngest daughter's With his back, he said seriously: "Lieutenant Montagne doesn't belong here. We shouldn't be sad, we should pray for him. Pray that he can return to his father and mother safely."


"Ai, why did you just leave?" Sergey led the horse, sighed: "I don't know where to go."

Gillard glared at Sergey A glance: "Don't talk about it."

"Alas." Sergey rarely retorted to the old big brother: "I just want to send the second lieutenant for a ride, so why not let us send it off?"


"Rid cultivator, is Winters big brother really gone?"

The old cultivator stroked his beard lightly and said: "You Understand, Pierre. It may be a good thing for Winters to go away. [Selika] You must know that misfortune and fortune depend, and fortune and misfortune lie."


And more people: Father Kaman, little stableman Anglo, little hunter Bell... I don't know the news at this moment.


Before setting off, Custer picked three of the best riding men, and he said to the first man, "You take this note with you. Go to Gervodin, and let them send the fastest horses to hunt them along the way."

The lieutenant colonel then instructed the remaining two people: "The Veneta people must be going back to Veneta, you two people Go directly to inform all the garrison on the road to Veneta, and let them set up cards along the way..."

While Lieutenant Colonel Custer was still instructing, he and his cavalry heard an excited cry. Shouting: "Lieutenant Montagne is back!"

"Where?" Custer was furious.

"Over there!" A Dussac excitedly pointed to the hills 100 meters away: "Ryzhik!"

The lieutenant colonel looked up, A red steed leaped from behind the hills and rushed down like thunder. The rider's vision became clearer and clearer, and he was in front of Custer in the blink of an eye.

“Lieutenant Montagne!” Custer yelled angrily, “You left without permission…”




Lieutenant Colonel Custer was only halfway through when he was interrupted by two heavy landing sounds.

The second lieutenant took off his saddlebag and threw it in front of the lieutenant colonel.

A head fell out of the bleeding saddlebag and rolled all the way to Custer's feet. The lieutenant colonel lowered his head and looked at a pair of spiritless eyes.

"The car is on the west side of Fengpingdu, you can move it yourself."

The second lieutenant wiped his nose and rode his horse all night, sweating and blowing, he seemed to be I have a cold.


The peace agreement between the Hurds and the Palatines stipulates that the land west of the Big Horn River will not be cultivated by the Palatu people; the land east of the Red River, the Hurd People do not herd.

In this way, the two sides kept a "no man's land" of nearly 100 kilometers between each other.

The Dajiao River has become the natural boundary on the west side of Langtun Town.

Thirty kilometers to the west of Fengpingdu Tushuchang, Custer found a convoy of smugglers
The goods were intact, and the fully armed corpses were scattered everywhere, except for what was around their necks nor.

Judging from the traces at the scene, what Lieutenant Montagne did was simple: he rushed into the convoy to kill half of the people first, and then began to hunt down the other half.

Custer's guards looked more and more frightened.

"Sir." The guard said to Custer fearfully, "I think that guy may have really had murderous intentions."

"Fuck!" The lieutenant colonel patted his legs. Cursed: "This bastard didn't leave me a single life!"


Before the Custer cavalry set off from Mitchell Manor.

Custer finds Winters, who is washing his hands.

"Get ready. Wolftown is about to get a dick, a Hundred Men Squad," said the lieutenant colonel.

The second lieutenant stopped: "Are you threatening me?"

"Boy, I'm repaying your favor. Now I know, I always know when it's time for a dick. ." Custer coldly snorted: "Wolf Town will have to smoke if there is any event today, it has been decided long ago. The sooner you know, the more you can do."

Winters felt a tinge of fear, not because of the killing, but because he felt... calm after the killing.

Thanks to the book friends who have voted for the recommendation before, thank you all.

Thanks to the book friends for their recommendation tickets for calmly Hui Kuo, Kun Kun, Jiang Xue Diao Weng, book friends 20191007064325842, Wu is Xiao Gao, behere3701, Sky Lens, and black computer accessories, thank you all.

(end of this chapter)

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