Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 127


Chapter 127 Hunting
I don’t know what the cultivator told the Protestants in those two villages What, anyway, South New Village and North New Village suddenly became enthusiastic about Winters.

The people of the two villages, who were originally opposed to the priest of the wolf sect protecting church, actually began to respect the old cultivator after listening to the sermon of the cultivator.

The young people from the two villages signed up for the bear catching team, and the manpower to search the mountain suddenly became abundant.

"What did you tell them?" Winters was quite curious: "You wouldn't lie to them that I'm a Protestant too, would you?"

Winters watched the old gangster still live. No respect, the old cultivator knows this too. Because of this, the two can talk freely.

The cultivator did not answer directly: "Are you going to clear up the land they stole?"

"Of course not, am I full? Maybe I won't be here in a month." Winters just thought it was an unfathomable mystery.

"Then it doesn't matter what I say." The old cultivator said casually: "As long as they know you don't mean anything to them, as long as they think you're theirs, that's enough for you. Now."

The second lieutenant probably understood something, and he said curiously again: "Then why do they regard you as 'their man'?"

"For some people, In other words, 'worship' is a rigid need. So the more pious people are, the easier they are to be manipulated, because they will convince themselves." Reid cultivator casually said the rebellious words: "Those two villages belong to the Reformed. Know them Whatever they want to believe, the rest is simple - pick what they want to hear and say it."

A word more evil than heretical theology left Winters speechless, and he couldn't help but ask After the lingering doubts: "I really can't figure it out, how can a person like you join the Catholic Church?"

"Having the identity of a clergyman makes it easy to walk. Businessmen will be blackmailed, farmers will be extorted I was questioned, but no one would embarrass an old and poor god." The alms-cultivator, who did not know how many Sects he had converted to, smiled: "In the East, I am sometimes a monk of Bodhi, and sometimes a teacher of Xingyue. French scholar, I'm the priest of the Catholic Church on this continent, and it's all the same."

Hearing Redd's light-hearted confession of being a hypocrite, Winters couldn't believe it.

It doesn't seem to be wrong if you think about it, but the old man's tone is so bland, so bland that he seems to be saying what the weather is like today.

After a long silence, Winters said, half sarcastically, half compliment: "You are quite pragmatic."

"I take that as a compliment." The old cultivator laughed heartily.


After getting more staff, Winters re-divided the search sector and devoted all of its energy to the hunt for the man-bear again.

As the militiamen searched the forest inch by inch, two clergymen in the church in Wolftown opened a bottle of wine and sat chatting at a small table.

"That kid, I'm afraid he is suffering in the deep mountains and forests?" Reid cultivator said with a smile.

"It should be." Father Kaman respectfully echoed: "teacher."

Reid cultivator took a sip of wine and asked casually: "You and him Is there any friendship? Why should I help him?"

"No friendship, I don't know Lieutenant Montagne." Father Carman replied seriously: "But I think he really wanted to do this for him. The parish does a little good."

"A lot of times," said old priest lightly, "good intentions don't necessarily have good results."

"You don't think we should help Him?" Father Kaman asked in confusion.

"What can I know? I'm not just a foreigner living in a foreign land. If I really have wisdom, why can't I return home?" A wry smile appeared on the old priest's face: " Let's take a look."


Although they received the full assistance of the other four villages, the bear hunting team found nothing for three days in a row.

The militiamen beat the tree trunks and marched in the jungle, more than ten meters apart, sweeping across the woodland like a net. They found feces, hair, broken trees, and there were all kinds of signs that the ominous beast must be in this forest, but everyone just couldn't find the evil bear, not even the shadow of the bear.

It's been a full week since the last attack, and the militiamen are starting to grow tired and demoralized by the day.

The village chiefs of Hedong and Hexi found Winters together, and they came up with an idea: "Perhaps the bear escaped?"

It must be said that this is indeed a A very convincing and seductive hypothesis.

The soaring activity of the Mountain Search team scared the bear back into the mountains—sounds plausible.

But the hunter Ralph firmly opposed this idea, in his words "wild beasts become ominous beasts once they have eaten human beings, and they will never forget the taste of human flesh". And judging from various traces, the bear obviously didn't go far, just wandering near Wolf Town.

The old hunter changed his attitude of "killing carefully" before, opposed to stopping the large-scale mountain search, and insisted on "killing the ominous beast completely and eliminating future troubles". He thinks that the piranha is nearby, and it's just bad luck that he hasn't had any results these days. Just keep searching and it's only a matter of time before you find that thing.

Like commanders throughout history who have faced a dilemma, Winters agreed with the hunter—that giant bear never went far. But he also clearly understood that his militia had reached its physical and mental limits.

Searching the mountain is a chore, and every mile you walk takes a lot of energy. Not to mention that when the militiamen left their farm work to search the mountains, when they found nothing in the forest, it was their wives, children, and old people who worked hard in the fields. So the longer the delay, the more shaken the will of these farmers.

Stop searching? Or force the militias to continue?
The former Warrant Officer of Montagne just had to obey orders, but now the Montagne Resident Officer needs to make his own judgment.

Winters called the mayors of all five villages in front of him: "As long as you keep searching, you will definitely find the man-eating bears. But the manpower in each village is too exhausted to continue the search. The only way now is to wait for the giant bear to attack next time."

He didn't say a word: there has been no attack for a week, the bear is probably already stomach rumbling with hunger .

After hearing the news of the suspension of the mountain search operation, the militiamen in Hedong Village and Hexi Village were full of complaints, and the villagers also had a lot of dissatisfaction with Winters; Obeyed orders, and seemed to really treat Winters as "their people".

Once the old hunter Ralph learned of Winters' decision, he left the army without saying a word, and moved towards deeper search in the mountains and forests by himself.

For the first time, Lieutenant Montagne feels the pressure to make decisions.


On the third day after the search was stopped, Langtun Town ushered in another Sunday. Although the dark clouds of the wolf disaster loomed over their heads, the villagers of the three villages rushed to the church in the center of the town early in the morning to participate in the Sunday service as usual.

The church in Wolf Town is not big, but it is not too small, and its layout is similar to other single-bay churches. Two stone walls with windows form the nave of the church, and the structure of the vault makes it unnecessary to support the nave. The nave has the foyer at one end and the altar and ceremony objects at the other.

Because exposing the identity of the sorcerer may cause unnecessary trouble in the closed and conservative Wolf Town, Winters will also sit with Gillard in the church for a while during the Sunday service.

This time, the young Father Kaman was in charge of the sermon. He first led the crowd to pray for several victims of the wolf disaster, and then quoted the remarks of the saints and gave some encouragement to the believers.

Seeing the devout prayers of believers hoping for the gods to expel the bears, Winters understood them somewhat. This is essentially a sense of powerlessness. For something that you are powerless to do, relying on the help of a higher existence becomes a natural option.

The weekly bow and arrow training was canceled by Winters, so people hurried back to the villages after the ceremony.

Winters found Father Kaman: "Although I don't know why, I have to say thank you. The two villages of Hedong and Hexi have been very angry with me recently."

"There's no way around that." Father Kaman said warmly, "The ominous beast is in the forest, and you're right in front of them."

Winters smiled wryly: "My former The wish is to get a job and retire, and I'd rather go back to the army and be a little Hundred-Men Commander."

"There is always a chance that fate puts you in this position. It's the reason."

"I thought you would use the word 'Lord'." Winters said with a smile.

Father Kaman also showed a smile: "Who told you to be an unbeliever? Another way of saying it is acceptable to you."

"But I also don't believe in destiny, this thing If everything is decided, what's the point of human struggle? We just lie on the ground and wait for fate to come."

"Perhaps human struggle is also part of fate."

"Sophistry." Winters snort disdainfully to this: "Didn't God Academy teach logic? You're saying the future is both knowable and unknowable, you're describing a paradox."

"Sophistry." p>

Kaman wanted to say something, but an anxious knock on the door interrupted their conversation about metaphysics.

Kaman glanced at Winters and said loudly: "Please come in!"

The church handyman pushed open the door and entered: "Father! It's not good... ah! The adults are here!”

“What happened?” Winters asked.

"Sir!" The handyman swallowed, "Fenghuo!"


"Where did you run to?" Winters, who was running all the way, yanked Taking the reins, Red Mane stood up in front of the head of Hexi Village.

The village chief did not dare to neglect, he pointed to the west of the village and replied, "West!"

Winters spoke quickly: "When did you come? Are there casualties?"


"It should be during Mass, that thing came in and ate a lot of food and killed a paralyzed Old Lady!"

Winters turned the horse: "Call all the militiamen, Come with me!"

"Okay, my lord, okay." The village chief remembered something and added: "The hunter has already chased after him."

Dusa The militiamen of the village also saw the beacon fire, and the old Sergey immediately brought the Dusa people to join the soldiers of the Hexi villagers.

Different from the three previous attempts, this time the evil beast had just escaped, and the traces it left behind were clearly discernible. Following the trail all the way, Winters led the crowd towards the woodlands towards Southwest.

In the shade of the tree canopy, Winters can see broken shrubs and weeds. The bear was huge, and the trail it trod on the bushes and saplings in the forest was like a path.

Guided by the trail on the ground, Winters followed. At this moment, there was only a single thought in his heart: kill this man-eating bear. Inadvertently, he even left behind the militia for a good distance.

He slammed into the horse's rib, stepped across a hazel bush, crossed the cold stream, dashed up a dirt bag and dashed down, galloping through the woodland.

On the back of a galloping horse, the pine needles scratched on the skin like the sharpest arrows, and every time they touched, there was an extra bloodstain.

The complex terrain between the woodlands is even more dangerous. Fortunately, there is help under the red mane's hoof, otherwise a small rat hole can make him break his neck.

After climbing over a few bales, broken branches and bushes led Winters to a depression, then took a sharp bend and then suddenly began to climb again. Winters didn't know how far he had chased, but he could tell that the terrain was rising rapidly.

The slope became steeper as it went forward, and the red mane neighed as he stepped forward with all his might, his hooves digging deep holes one after another in the soft black soil.

The horses were out of control, and Winters dismounted. He took the two heavy matchlocks and gunpowder pots out of the saddlebags and started reloading.

There is an eerie silence in the dark forest.

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound nearby.

Winters picked up the musket and pressed the butt hard against his shoulder.

"My lord, it's me." Hunter Ralph's silhouette emerged from the foliage.

Before he could talk nonsense, Winters asked directly, "Are you in front?"

"It should be in front."

"Take me there."


"You can't take the horse, there is too much movement." The old hunter explained: "That thing is very fast in the woods, and the horse can't catch up with it, but it will startle it. In case it scares it away , we'll just have to wait for it to die."

Winters took two javelins out of Redmane's saddlebag, gave one to Ralph, and kept one for himself.

Then he moved the red mane head towards the direction from which he came, and whipped the horse's butt hard: "Go! Go home!"

Red mane was in pain, Run away along the way.

“Go,” Winters said to the hunter, carrying two muskets on his back and carrying his javelin.

"My lord, I'm afraid we can't kill that thing alone. We'd better leave marks along the way and wait for the reinforcements to catch up." Ralph's weapons were a hunting knife and a In addition to the single bow, there is only a javelin given by Winters.

It was then that Winters realized that he had lost touch with the rest of the militia.

"Anyway, let's find that thing first." Winters drew his Dusa saber.

"Yes." Ralph nodded walked first, but he still couldn't help reminding: "Sir, you don't have a matchlock on your gun."

Reply The hunter's voice was cold: "I don't need a matchlock."

The horse's climbing ability is actually super strong. (Maybe there is actually no 60°, only 45°, but the body feels very steep). It's just that the red mane is set to be a warm-blooded pony, and its load-bearing capacity is actually worse. Climbing a hill with two guns and a sturdy adult male was tough.

Thanks to the book friends who voted for the recommendation before.

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Thank you all.

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