Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 126


Chapter 126 Politics

Hear the word from the cultivator , Winters completely lost interest in the conversation.

"Bullshit politics." The second lieutenant in the town threw his boots with a bad attitude, and the soles of the boots hit the floor and made two thuds: "It's just such a small place with bullshit politics!"


"Where there are people, there is politics. Even in this small room, there is politics." Reid cultivator stroked his beard and said with a smile: "You represent the authority of the military in Langtun, while I'm a Daoist sent to the bottom by the Catholic Church, isn't this politics? Since there is politics between you and I, then Langtun Town naturally has it."

Winters subconsciously wanted to refute, but he I think what the other person said makes sense.

"So an old geek giving me a politics class? Ridiculous." Winters dismissed it and started making the bed for bed.

He didn't notice: his demeanor had softened a lot compared to when Rhett cultivator first entered the bedroom.

"youngster, I want to correct one of your notions." This level of irony obviously can't sting the face of the cultivator, the old man said with a smile: "Although I am a genius, I am Your magician."

"When did you become 'my' magician?" Winters asked rhetorically.

The old cultivator replied in a tone of as it should be by rights: "Of course you hired me, aren't you paying me?"

"You still Excuse me? Have you ever worked as a scribe?" Winters sat on the bed with his arms in his arms, and sarcastically used his honorary title: "Mayor Mitchell dares to bother you with this job, Saint, Isn’t the paperwork still being done by Pan Weiqi? You eat at the Mitchells, live at the Mitchells, and pay a salary. To be honest, I want to change seats with you.”

"Someone is a scribe because he can only copy, and the reason I don't do it is just the opposite." The old cultivator was not ashamed to shirk his work, he said with great sincerity: "If I do Copying work is like someone wasting your resources, and I certainly can't allow this to happen."

"You really speak the words of shameless!" Winters was shocked.

The old man at a moderate pace said: "Mr. Second Lieutenant, power requires knowledge to function. Why do imperial officials in the Far East hire scholar as their advisers? Why do your noble lords hire priests as advisers? It's all the same reason. To you, my value is not in the chores like copying and reckoning, but in providing knowledge that you don't have."

"What knowledge?"

"Political knowledge."

Winters sighed: "It's getting late, Rhett cultivator, please go back and rest."

"Let me ask you a question, stationed in town Your Excellency." The old cultivator had no intention of leaving: "Do you know why the plateau people call this new land?"

Winters thought for a while, and he speculated literally: "Because it is Newly cultivated land?"

"Newly cultivated?" The alms-cultivator chuckled, looking directly into the second lieutenant's eyes: "What about the original owner?"

The old man His eyes are dark and deep, and I don't know how many secrets are buried.

"How do I know?" Winters didn't know much about the history of Plato: "Land of the Land."

The old cultivator laughed, grinning back and forth. , as if to hear the funniest joke.

"Little fellow, let me tell you, as far as the ocean is in the east and the vast sea in the west, there is no land without owner under the sky. Reid cultivator wiped the tears from his laughter with his palm: "The new cultivated land of the plateau people has been the pasture of the Hud people for 30 years. The black liquid river that divides the wolf village and the neighboring town is the population of the Hud people. The 'Da 楲' in the middle, which means nine crooked rivers."

Winters returned to a sitting position from half-lying: "So...what does this have to do with the current wolf town?"

"It's related, of course it's related. Everything today can be found in the past. Only by knowing the history of this place can you understand the 'politics' of this place." Reid cultivator asked an irrelevant question: "You Have you been to the villages under the jurisdiction of Langtun?"

"Yes, I have been to every village."

"Have you paid attention to their land?"

Winters didn't understand what the other party wanted to ask: "Land? What do you mean?"

"I asked if you paid attention to the amount of cultivated land in each village." The alms-cultivator smiled: " In other words, it is the amount of wealth.”

“The two villages of Nanxin and Beixin look a little worse.” Winters recalled what he saw in each village, and replied: “Hedong Village and Hexi Village are different. Better, Dusa Village is the richest."

"Wrong!" The old man found a cane stick out of nowhere, moved towards Winters and knocked on the head: "We are the richest. The place where I am sitting is the Mitchell family, the Wilkes family, the Bentin family... These are the owners of the manor! Next is the village of Dusa. Then there are the east and west of the river, and the poorest are the villages of the Protestants ."

The moment Winters was hit by the rattan stick, it seemed as if he had returned to the military academy class. He covered his head and asked, "So what? Isn't it normal to be rich and poor?"

Reid cultivator lightly asks: "Did you not see anything wrong?"

"What's wrong?"

"Pa" The old cultivator gave Winters another shot in the head Rattan stick: "Think about it, what is planted in the main land of the manor? What is planted in Dusa Village? What is planted in other villages?"

"How do I know? Wheat seedlings and weeds can't be distinguished!" If the other party wasn't an old man in his 90s, Winters really wanted to grab the rattan stick and beat him back.

"[Selika language] The four bodies are not diligent, and the five grains are not divided." The alms-cultivator recited in a language that Winters could not understand, no longer trying to guide Winters to think, but directly instilling : "The big landowners grow tobacco, sugar beets and other crops that can be sold for money, and there is only a small amount of arable land to grow food. Why? Because they are not short of food, how much can they eat with their mouths open? The manor occupied Langton. The best and most abundant land has the fewest people, so most of their arable land is used to grow cash crops.”

The old man took a sigh of relief and continued: “And Dusa Village, Dusa The village has fewer people than other villages, but their land is second only to the manor owners, more than the other four villages combined, and even more than enough to use the three-plant system. Do you know what the three-plant system is? ”

Winters, who leaned forward, elbows on his knees, shook the head.

"The three-yard system is the rotation of farming, dividing the cultivated land into three equal parts, one for the main grain, one for the supplementary grain, and one for the fallow as the pasture, which is rotated every year." The old cultivator thought for a while, Asked: "Have you seen the public pasture in Dusa Village?"


"That is the land that was fallow this year and used as the public pasture in the village. That's why Dussack can afford to raise horses and feed pigs with oats, because they have no shortage of arable land."

"What about the other four villages?"

The cultivator sneered. Said: "The other four villages? Those four villages have to go to Dusa Village to rent horse-drawn plough carts every year, because their arable land is used to grow food and cannot support large animals. The arable land in Hedong and Hexi villages is still Barely enough.

The two Protestant villages have the largest population and the least arable land. Even if every inch of the land is planted with food, it is not enough to eat. Aren't the long-term workers of the Mitchell family Protestant? If you can be a self-employed farmer, which farmer would be willing to be a hired laborer?"

"The more people there are, the less land they cultivate?" Winters brows tightly frowns: "How could this be? There are many wastelands!"

"Do you think that the wasteland here can be reclaimed if you want to reclaim it?" The old cultivator's smile became more and more stern: "I have already told you, every inch of land here, every Every tree, every river...even the rabbits in the forest, the fish in the river, the birds in the sky all have their own!"


The altar cultivator pointed the cane at the tip of Winters' nose: "Yours."

Winters was at first dazed, then surprised, and finally displeased: "Do you think this is funny?"

"Or I'll put it another way." The old cultivator's hand rested on the rattan stick: "You are part of the true master of this land."

Winters was finally awakened: "You mean ... Army? Prato Army?"

"You're not too stupid." The old cultivator patted the second lieutenant's shoulder with a cane stick: "Of course it's the military, otherwise you are a small hundred households. Why do you hold the power of life and death in Langtun? Do you think you are here to manage the security? No! You represent the authority of the real owner of this land."

"Wait... The power of life and death?" The young Veneta was confused: "I'm not sitting on a fat vacancy, I was assigned here! Wasn't the town officer in Wolf Town vacant for more than ten years before me? Is it?"

"The vacancy is because the wolf colony is not rich, not because the resident officer position is not rich. In your system, you are sent here for distribution. As far as human beings are concerned, you are a master who fell from the sky.

The status of the Palatine Army in the new reclamation area is almost equivalent to that of a feudal lord, and here you are half a lord. So the landlords and Dusak welcome you, the Hedong and Hexi villages fear you, and the Protestants simply do not trust you. "

"Why don't you trust me?" "

The face of the cultivator was a faint smile: "There are some Protestants, there are wasteland in the wolf colony, what is preventing them from opening up the wasteland?" "

" it me?" "The answer was obvious, but Winters didn't understand: "Why? "

Reid cultivator sneered: "Because even if they take up a penny of land, you'll take the Dusa people over and chop off their heads - don't worry, the Dusa people will be happy to do it." this kind of thing. If you are defeated by them, another group of soldiers will come from the county seat. If one team is not enough, there will be another ten or one hundred teams until they are all killed.

So they are afraid of you, they are afraid of you to the death, they are afraid that you will find the marginal land they have stolen, they are afraid that you will find the bones of fish and rabbits in their house. You are Lord Knight of Wolf Village. They are despicable peasants who poached and cultivated on your land. How could they not be afraid of you? "

"I still don't get it." In some places, Winters still couldn't figure it out: "Does the law of Palato even prohibit hunting and fishing?" Is it also forbidden to open up wasteland privately? "

"The law of Palato does not prohibit it, but the law of the new land does not. "

"Why? "

"Not why. "The old cultivator has found that the second lieutenant's political innate talent is lacking in front of him: "This land is the spoils of war of the Palatine Army, and the Palatine Army has all rights from the sky to the ground. "

"And then what? "

"Then the best land was sold to the rich to pay off the loan, and so there were these estate owners." As a reward for fighting and as compensation for generations of service, Dusak was also allocated land, so there was the village of Dusak. There are also some poor people and tenant farmers who dream of becoming self-cultivators. They only have enough money to buy a small piece of land. Hedong and Hexi villages are these people. ”

“What about Nanxin and Beixin villages? "

"Those Protestants were originally from the Empire, and they had been fleeing from the north one after another in the last ten years." "Laughed by the old cultivator: "The Empire does not like Protestants, and the country of galloping horses is short of people. Therefore, every time the Catholic Church engaged in a conflict in the north, there were more Protestants in the newly cultivated land. However, the Protestants here are late, and the land price in Langtun is not as cheap as in the early years, even more how there are other buyers. "

"Who? "

"What do you think?" "The old cultivator's eyes are bright: "The Dusa people are the land grant system, they do not worry about the land. Small homesteaders also support their own families, and they have no money left to buy land. So who can it be? So who has the money? "

Winters was silent, he thought for a while and said, "Suppressing land reclamation in order to sell land for money, no matter how you think it will do more harm than good. How could the people of Paratus come up with such a system?" "

"Does more harm than good? Reid cultivator laughed dumbly: "Boy, you really don't understand the power of this system at all. Among your republics, the country of galloping horses has the smallest population, but the country of galloping horses has the most territory, and it is increasing. What do you think it is for? ”

“Is it possible that just selling land to make money? "

"Of course it's not that simple. The old cultivator tapped Winters on the head again with a rattan stick, and said, "I ask you, what do you think is the most murderous weapon in this world?" "

"Uh. ' Winters replied tentatively: 'Swords? "

"Wrong! The most deadly weapon in the world is called 'mobilization'. The sword is a human weapon, and it can only kill one person if it is sharpened again. Mobilization is a weapon of mutual slaughter between countries, which can prosper or destroy another. "Old cultivator sighed: "Ai, I said you don't understand. Let me tell you something you can understand. "

"Please say." "Winters sat respectfully with his knees together.

"It takes manpower to search the mountains, and your dozens of Dussacks are not enough. Dussack is your most reliable person, but after all, the number is too small. The other four villages have to be activated. "

Winters said bitterly, "Nanxincun and Beixincun are reluctant to send militias. Protestants are especially hostile to me, and I don't know why." "

"You hang out with the Dusa people every day, it's strange that they can give you a good look." Who do you think the emperor's Dussak is against? Who do you think drove them out of their homeland? The smile on the old cultivator's face was very subtle: "But I will help you solve the problem over there. "

Winters was surprised: "Aren't you a Catholic?" Carman thinks it's dangerous for you to go to the Protestant side. "

"Politics! boy! politics! The cultivator tapped the second lieutenant's head twice with a stick: "The point of politics is not to turn the other party into yours, but to make the other party think you are his, understand?" Go to Protestant Village with me tomorrow. "

After saying that, the old cultivator left Winters' room without looking back.

"Please walk slowly." "Winters got up and watched.

The old man went out for a while, and it was only after Winters closed the door that he realized: "[Vineta swearing]! When did I really take this old god as a teacher? "

The word mobilization didn't appear in the main universe until the French Revolution, so let's let this word be born in advance in the universe in the book.

PS: Oh, it's caused by lack of consciousness. I made a mistake in the number of chapters again. This chapter is the Twelfth chapter.

Thanks to the book friends who voted for the recommendation before, thanks to the book friends Social Justice Pharaoh's monthly pass, and thanks to the book friends 20180309221323285, Tianjian, Jiang Snow Diao Weng, the most in your life, book friend 161120205936216, Ami, overlooking the abyss, social justice pharaoh,

Hua Family's yellow rabbit, book friend 20200822165222737, calm gray past, ideal three旬的某uncle ,谢谢大家。

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