Cauldron Spirit Yu Yiyi, return to Small World Inside The Cauldron.

   The dark great cauldron shrinks slowly, turning into a palm-size, which is gently held by Yu Yuan.

   Soul Mind, like thousands of invisible ghost electricity, flies from the palm to the great cauldron.


On the surface of    great cauldron, clusters of magic patterns surging, like a living, wise Totem.


  ’s figure suddenly shook, Yu Yuan suddenly felt a strange and extraordinary feeling.

   For a moment, he seemed to have thousands of incarnations scattered on all sides of the mountains.

   In the cold lake, five clansman of the silver scale tribe, head down, posing in a strange posture, drew from the bottom of the lake, full of water, foggy psychic energy, refining to silvery bright scale armor Under the heart.

The    Nine-Star Sage named Beilu, from the    Star Clan, discussed seriously with Luo Yue in the grass Medicine Pavilion building built by Heavenly Evil Sect.

  ”I will find a way to collect the missing medicinal herb from the outer domain. It is rare in your vast area, and you can find it in many places in the outer starry sky.”

   “That’s good, the toxins caused by our Voodoo Poison Cult, the corresponding antidote, I can find from Chamber of Commerce.”

   “Wait for that big deal.”

  He heard everything the two said clearly.

   Inside the mountain peak, there is a heavenly demon chiseled groove, in which there is a brilliant strange spar, tempering with a strange monster body.

   There is Banshee, who curiously explores the minds of spirit birds and beasts, enters their thoughts, and wants to figure out the difference between spirit birds in the vast world and monsters with wisdom.

Under the    mountains, there are 36 veins, and the connecting track with Fiend Demon Peak, one after another is reflected in the heart.

   Every Fiend Demon who was refining by Fiend Demon Cauldron, scattered in those veins, turned into his eyes and became one of his Avatars.

   It seems that he can take possession of Fiend Demon with Yin God body in an instant.

  Through Fiend Demon, the movement around the mountains, the signs of the life race, what you say, what you do, taking in the entire scene.

   As long as he wants to see and listen, he can be obvious at a glance.

   This feeling was something he had never had before in Falling Moon Forbidden Land.

   at a thought.

   On a hill where many Rock Clan gathered, dozens of Fiend Demon lurking underground suddenly broke out.

   Following his soul control, it transforms into a “soul hell” array, forming a mysterious dark vortex.

   There is another Fiend Demon farther away, moved by his thoughts.

   A new batch of Fiend Demon, combined together, turned into a “Soul Split” formation.

   The two areas, clansman from Rock Clan, and clansman from the Silverscale tribe, were a little surprised, not knowing what to do, looking at the array that suddenly appeared.

   They first came to vast world, although they got the guarantee of Divine Soul Sect, they were still very cautious and a little disturbed.

   Because the knowledge passed by their ancestors from when they were young told them that the Human Race of the Great World and vast world in the center is a nightmare for all heavenly demons and aliens in the depths of Star River! It is their most terrifying enemy, must be treated with caution, and no negligence!

  Now, they set foot in the Central Great World, in the most brutal and terrifying territory of Human Race.

   How can you not be afraid?

   “Don’t care.”

  Zhou You’s voice sounded at an appropriate time, giving these foreign visitors a little peace of mind.

   They gradually calmed down.

   “A different feeling, right?” Chen Liangquan asked with a smile.

   Holding “Fiend Demon Cauldron”, Yu Yuan, who has opened eyes, is full of surprise rays of light, “You are right, simply is a completely different feeling. I think I can use any Fiend Demon, put my Yin God in. All Fiend Demon can be combined into a familiar array according to my heart.”

  ”This is the subtlety of the Ten Thousand Demon Array. You are on the Fiend Demon Peak, holding a great cauldron. You can call those Fiend Demon buried in the underground veins to concentrate on attacking anyone who stepped in.” Chen Liangquan touched With his chin, “It’s just that, because of the many evil spirits taken away by Yunhao, this formidable power can’t be seen.”

   “Or, do I need to collect more Fiend Demon?” Yu Yuan said in distress.

  ”Vast world, there are only two places that can provide you with enough souls and refining as Fiend Demon.” Chen Liangquan smiled, “And these two places are familiar to you.”

   “I just came out of Land of Fear.” Yu Yuan stated.

   “Actually, you only need to go to the Falling Moon Forbidden Land, leave Fiend Demon Cauldron, and let the soul find it for yourself.” Chen Liangquan gave sincere advice, “Trust me, the Land of today Fear, it is more suitable for great cauldron to find a suitable Fiend Demon. More importantly, there is no danger at all.”

   As soon as this statement came out, Yu Yuan eyes shined.

   “Remember, if the clansman of the Mingguang clan comes, give me some thin noodles.”

  The new emperor of the Azure Phoenix empire, who was busy with business, didn’t stay for too long, so he went away.

  half a day later.

   Luo Yue negotiated with Beilu of the Star Clan and told him that the seven toxins in the nine-star sage of the Star Clan had been figured out and explained in detail.

   has followed Yu Yuan for a while. She, who has a talent for refining medicine out of the ordinary, is already proficient in poisons. She has a plan in her mind, but the spiritual grass she needs cannot raise all.

  ”There are four spirit materials, the venom of the ice sea lizard dragon, the leaves of the dark Spirit Tree, the twin grass, and the black spring of the Dead Sea. I can only ask the outside world for help.” Luo Yue was a bit distressed, “I told Beiru, he Talking about these four spirit materials, he will think of a way. Soon, in that large-scale transaction here, more aliens will arrive, and there should be these spirit materials.”

   “The rest, let me tell Feng Zhong, it should be available from Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce.”

   paused, Luo Yue said again: “Brother, I am now the Spirit Physique Ghost King, and I have no ability to refine medicine pill. Your inheritance of refining medicine has come, but you have really tried refining medicine. ?”

   She was full of suspicion. She suspected that Yu Yuan had the inheritance of the medicine god Hong Qi, and she didn’t try to figure it out seriously.

   After all, every Medicine Refining Master has to go through countless attempts, learning, failures, and precipitation before he can learn the tricks and truly enter the industry.

  可 Yu Yuan

   She was in Land of Fear and outside, and she had never heard of this junior, who had made any amazing medicine pill.

   “When all the materials are collected, I will refine the medicine. You will help me. If there is something wrong, just mention one or two.” Yu Yuan said nonchalantly.

   “You are most recently, do you want to try it? I can take the Master and teach you first.” Luo Yue suggested.

   “No, really no need.” Yu Yuan shook his head and refused.

   The next day, Ghost King Chu Ling of Land of Fear, wearing a robe transformed from the “Spirit Lock Map”, concealed his breath, and found it sneakily.

   “That grand trade, I want to participate.” He was in the form of an emperor boy, and said bluntly.

   “Chu Ling, you want to participate?” Luo Yue was surprised.

   With the crown of the emperor on his head, dragon robe is wrapped in the “Spirit Lock Map”, and his breath and amazing soul magnetic field are hidden well, “I will come over to trade. In addition, I will also help some people , I want to buy something. Of course, they are all based on your rules and exchanged at equal value.”

   In the depths of his eyes, two points of blood light flashed suddenly.

   Two points of blood light, the size of a grain of rice, An Ziqing clearly emerges inside, and there is also an image of a strange and handsome man.

  ”Blood God Church!”

  Luo Yue took a look, just

   know that the red robe, the handsome man, is Sect Lord Ann.

The relationship between   安 and Chu Ling is out of the ordinary. He represents the Blood God Church. It is inconvenient to visit in person, so he instructed Ghost King Chu Ling to come. From a certain point of view, An fear has different intentions.

  ”Blood God Church’s words” Yu Yuan stretched his voice, nodded, “OK.”

   “See you then.” Chu Ling laughed and left.

   Within a few days.

   Very obvious spatial fluctuations, coming from the valleys arranged in the array, Yu Yuan standing on Fiend Demon Peak, staring at Luo Yue, you can see the Space Transmission Array jointly created by Zhou You and Yan Qiling. The crystal light is clear under the sun, and if there is lightning developed by Space Law, it flies through the array.

   “successfully accomplished!” Yan Qiling grinned and said to the clansman of the silver scales who be eager to have a try, “I know you want to go to Desolate Great Lake. In the depths of the Great Lake, there is a corresponding Space Transmission Array, the location coordinates are available. You guys, dare you try to go to that Great Lake?”

  A tall man of the silver scale tribe, speaking difficult and awkward language, said: “Do you want to collect spirit stones?”

   He seemed shy in his pocket and knew that there was no free lunch in the world. He touched a snakeskin bag hanging on the scales around his waist, as if he wanted to check his belongings.

  ”The first batch, no spiritual stones will be charged.” Yan Qiling looked very lavish and waved his hand. “Desolate God, there is an agreement with us. As long as you don’t behave, no monster will attack you.”

   “Then go!”

  Starting from him, a series of seven silver light and brilliant alien powerhouses with scales stood on Formation one after another.

   “Remember, I have to pay for Lingshi when I come back!” Yan Qiling pointed out a beam of icy cold light at the tip of his fingertips, fell into the corner of the Space Transmission Array, and adjusted the coordinates.

   A circle of bright white light surrounds the square stone platform, suddenly forming a violent spatial shock.

  ”The array is complete, which can connect Azure Phoenix Empire, Desolate Great Lake and Silvermoon Empire.” Yan Qiling floats in front of the newly built Space Transmission Array, looking down at the crowds of visitors from the sky, “This We have a contractual agreement with us in several places, and you cannot help but come.”

  ”Of course, the original rules must be followed.”

   “We, want to visit the largest Azure Phoenix empire.”

  ”We are going to Desolate Great Lake.”

   “We don’t need arrays, go to Land of Fear, take a trip, can you see it?” A heavenly demon raised his voice.

   At this time, Zhou You and Yan Qiling both looked at Yu Yuan together.

   According to their plan, Tian Cang advanced to Ghost God. Land of Fear is like Desolate Great Lake. You can let heavenly demon enter, just like the Yin God powerhouse of Human Race, to sharpen yourself.

   But now, the owner of Fang Qidi is Bai Gu. Bai Gu, with the help of Yu Yuan, has this luck.

   The most important thing is that Bai Gu is the ancestor of Yu Yuan and has another deep relationship with Yu Yuan.

   “What do you think?” Yu Yuan asked Luo Yue in a low voice.

   “I think it should be okay.” Luo Yue has learned a lot of inside information through the communication with Beiru recently, and believes that if heavenly demon enters the Land of Fear according to the rules set by Divine Soul Sect, it will not cause anything. Uncontrollable influence, “Too powerful heavenly demon, try not to go in.”

   “At most Demon King level, and you must abandon your body.” Yu Yuan said.

   The bodies of heavenly demon refining in Outland, mostly not flesh and blood, can ignore the suppression of Land of Fear’s Grand Dao Law. The heavenly demon of the Demon King level is equivalent to the Human Race Yang God. Without the body, the battle strength is reduced a lot.

   In general, it is at the Nether Ghost level at most and will not disrupt the Land of Fear balance.

   “That’s it.”

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