The edge of nothing left.

  Under Yu Zhu’s Magical Powers mystery, the Yu Family Town, which originally belonged to the empire, was covered by the influx of Spiritual Qi, and it became the jurisdiction of the Monster Palace.

   did this at the beginning because Gao Family became the master of Dark Moon City with the support of Mo Yan.

  Xu Zixi is worried that Yu Family is in danger. After requesting Monster Palace, Yu Zhu started to take Yu Family Town into the territory and transfer all Yu Family clansman from Dark Moon City.


   In addition to Yu Family Town, there are two new towns that have sprung up.

   are Zhao Family Town and Zhan Family Town respectively.

   Old Master Yu Can and Zhao Zhenghao, the lord of Zhao Family, under the evening glow, watching many Yu Family medicine slaves, tied up the medicinal herb, the worry on their faces grew thicker.

  According to the agreement, today is also the time for Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce to send someone to buy medicinal herb.

   However, in the previous two months, Chamber of Commerce made many excuses, and no one came.

  What’s the reason, Old Master has a clear heart.

   Yu Family this generation, the most watched grandson Yu Yuan, because of some things in Azure Phoenix City, was secretly called the evil demon by the sect forces of Tianyuan Continent, saying that he had abandoned Haotian.

  This situation caused Yu Family to suffer.

  Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce is a neutral force and does not want to be misunderstood. Therefore, in the past two months, they have not continued to purchase medicinal herbs grown by Yu Family.

   This also put Yu Family in trouble again.

   “The changes of the times, unexpectedly weird, can you and I think that with the support of Demon Palace, the emperor will suddenly rebel?” Zhao Zhenghao fanned the banana leaf fan, blowing away the hot wind and pulling it Yu Can came under an old locust tree and pointed his fan in the direction of Spider City. “It really doesn’t work. I went to Spider City to sell it.”

  ”Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce doesn’t accept it. Those in Spider City, who dares to accept it?” Yu Can smiled bitterly.

  The three upper sects, the seven lower sects, as well as the Demon Palace, Monster Palace, and the rest of the sect’s forces, all avoid suspicion, for fear of being related to the Yu Family.

   In this situation, the medicinal herb planted by Yu Family is destined to lose sales.

   “Spider City also has a Loose Cultivator.” Zhao Zhenghao reminded.

   “Forget it, I’m afraid that I will leave Yu Family Town, and on the way to Spider City, I will be calculated by some unruly people.” Yu Can shook the head and gave up.

   Xu Zixi, after the python, specially reminded him, telling him the clansman of Yu Family, most recently try not to leave.

   In Yu Family Town, Yu Zhu has a ray of demon to take care of. If you dare to enter the powerhouse, Yu Zhu will immediately feel the sense.

  Yu Zhu is a little bit fit for the Wudi Road, but it also protects Yu Family Town from Outsiders, but if you leave Yu Family Town, it will be difficult to guarantee.

   After all, she is impossible to stare at all Yu Family clansman all the time.


   A silhouette, turned into an electric rainbow, suddenly fell in front of Yu Can and Zhao Zhenghao.

  His appearance shocked many Yu Family clansman, Yu Li, Yu Ji, and Yu Feifei, including many people from Zhao Family.

   “Mister Gao?!” Yu Can exclaimed in surprise.

   “Chamber of Commerce and Yu Family’s medicinal herb transaction, continue.” Gao Qin stepped on a sword, with a calm posture, sword light streak across, bundles of medicinal herb disappeared, he laughed , Explained: “In the past two months, Chamber of Commerce is also arguing. But now, the opinions are unified.”

   “But, my grandson’s charge was washed away?” Yu Can said expectantly.

   “I said, Yu Yuan impossible to abandon the vast world!” Yu Li, who has been repaired to the late stage of Nuance, raised the corners of his mouth and said with a cold face: “Some people maliciously slander him and have bad intentions!”

   “The big brother saved a lot of people in Falling Moon Forbidden Land, I can testify!” Yu Feifei called.

   Many other clansman from Yu Family, as well as Zhao Family clansman, also agreed.

  Gao Qin expression is weird. I said haha, “I don’t know the specifics. Anyway, Chamber of Commerce got new instructions.”

   He would like to say, if you know that Yu Yuan, not only did he not clean the stains, but he also went harder, destroying the three upper sects, Demon Palace, and Monster Palace in the Land of Fear, leading to the death of Ming Dou, and Just and honorable set foot in Heavenly Evil Sect, forcing Heavenly Evil Sect to relocate, still not scared to death?

  Yu Yuan is not only going astray, but on the way of demons, going further and further.

   By the way, Chamber of Commerce suddenly discovered that the situation on the mainland has changed drastically.

   has changed so that it is no longer the five supreme powers, and can determine the rule of Heaven and Earth.

   Different person Chen Liangquan, arrived as scheduled.

   With the permission of Yu Yuan, the current Your Majesty of the Azure Phoenix empire, communicated in detail with Cauldron Spirit Yu Yiyi and got busy under the mountains.

   According to Zhou You, Chen Liangquan is a vast world, a very creative Array Master.

   This hybrid powerhouse of Human Race and Mingguang tribe, I don’t know where to study Array Avenue, and even Zhou You is amazed.

  ” 36 underground veins, connected to the Fiend Demon peak, jointly build a great array of demons. Heavenly Evil Sect migrated and tampered with the formation curve, making it more inclined to evil spirits and more suitable for being circulated by the evil spirits Power.”

  ”Chen Liangquan is to restore the original appearance of the Ten Thousand Demon Array, so that Fiend Demon’s power can flow endlessly below.”

   “I have a catalog of the Primordial Formation of Ten Thousand Demons. I relayed it to him. He can understand everything and can cast spells in an instant. It’s amazing.”

  In the cave of Fiend Demon Peak.

   Yu Yiyi’s soul form was revealed. When she spoke, the white dress on her body was unexpectedly changed.

   The snow-white long skirt wrapped her silhouette, starting from her chest and heart, 36 small gleams were clearly seen, extending towards the edge of the dress.

   such as 36 streams and rivers, flooding from a water pool, flowing outward together.

   The subtle changes in the “Magic Array” are faithfully reflected in Yu Yiyi’s dress.

   Beilu and Luo Yue, already not in the cave, Yu Yuan squinted his eyes and looked at her curiously, and found that she was transformed into a pink jade, graceful and beautiful little girl.

  snow-white dress, white skin like suet jade, superb temperament.

   Compared with Yu Zhu back then, it is one Heaven, one Earth, and incomparable.

  ”Heavenly Evil Sect moved and took away a lot of evil spirits. I have fewer Fiend Demons at the lower level.” She rubbed her forehead in distress. “The big array of demons, as the name suggests, needs a huge amount of money. Fiend Demon is the basis. At least 10,000 Fiend Demon is needed, hundreds thousand is not too much.” She told Yu Yuan, explaining the mysterious mysteriousness of this “Major Demon Array”.

   Once the “Major Demon Array” is formed, all Fiend Demon can pass through the 36 underground veins and enter any boundary of the mountains to launch an offensive against the intruder.

   And, it can also be combined with the many soul formations engraved in Fiend Demon Cauldron, arranged by Fiend Demon.

   For example, Soul Split and Soul Prison.

   A great cultivator of the Free Spirit level, if it is locked by the array formed by hundreds of thousand Fiend Demon, it will also have a headache, and it may even get stuck in it and be a little bit of cultivation.

   This is still based on the premise that Yu Yuan is in the Yin God realm as it is now, and his realm is low.

   If Yu Yuan has cultivated to the Yang God realm, or possesses the power of the Free Spirit realm, people are in the mountains, holding Fiend Demon Cauldron and launching the “Magic Array” against the enemy, the powerhouse of the Primordial Spirit Realm will be there, and there will be Danger.

The formidable power of the    array can be greatly improved by the caster on the original basis.

   When speaking, the 36 slender shimmers on Yu Yiyi’s body were still extending outward.

   She continued to talk about the profound mystery of the “Major Array”.

   During this process, Yu Yuan could feel that many Fiend Demon in the cauldron, who had been refining and re-washed, left continuously and poured into the “Magic Formation”.

   Every time Chen Liangquan sorts out the underground veins and restores the original form of Formation, a new Fiend Demon will enter.

  , like water, flows into the river.

   After a flash, several days passed.

   “It’s finished!”

   On this day, Yu Yuan heard the soft drinks of Yu Yiyi and Chen Liangquan at the same time.

   Yu Yiyi was pleasantly surprised, and Chen Liangquan was relieved.

  ”Fortunately, I will not shame my life.”

   Chen Liangquan, a stranger, appeared in the belly of the mountain after a flash, his face was a little dark, looking very tired, “Yu Yuan ah Yu Yuan, I treat you really well. You brat, you have to remember , The people who come from my Azure Phoenix empire, whether it is Chen Family clansman or other hybrids, will take care of me for a while.

   “Senior’s several hands, I remember it in my heart.” Yu Yuan hurriedly said.

  Azure Phoenix City, it was this number of times to help, and also gave a garment of animal skins to help him repeatedly prevent the Transcending Tribulation. When his blood decayed, Chen Liangquan also helped him with the body of a big monster.

   This time, it’s the same again.

  ”Soon, there will be clansman of the Mingguang clan coming to you to participate in that large-scale transaction.” Chen Liangquan slightly smiled, “If she has a bad temper and offends, please bear with me.”

After   , Chen Liangquan said: “Next, you try it, it feels like it fits with the big team.”

   “Let me also see, have I recovered from this brand new Ten Thousand Demons Array.”

   He urged Yu Yuan expectantly.

   “I used to be in Falling Moon Forbidden Land, and I also fit the Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation, what’s the difference?” Yu Yuan strangely said.

   “Boy, what was your realm at that time? If you didn’t cultivation to Yin God and refined Soul Power, how dare you say that it fits the big array?” Chen Liangquan looked at him mockingly, “The ranks of the Ten Thousand Demons, although Not as good as the Falling Moon Forbidden Land, but you are now Yin God, you can feel it again.”

  Yu Yiyi also said: “It will be different.”

   “Then I will try!”

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