“Bai Gu will become Ghost God!”

The news brought by   Cao Jiaze caused all the cultivators gathered here to shout.

  ”The winner is Bai Gu Ghost King?!”

  ”Unbelievable, unbelievable! A year ago, Bai Gu was only the Nether Ghost of Ranked 3rd. How could he defeat Hei Zhang, Hanyuan, and the returning Ming Dou in a short time and become a Ghost God The only contender for the seat?”

  ”Tian Cang, as the oldest Ghost King, has the support of which side is behind him. Isn’t Bai Gu an opponent?”

  ”Isn’t everyone underestimating Bai Gu?”


   Everyone talks about it.

  Those who stayed here, gathered Tianyuan Continent, Nirvana Continent and various sect forces. They all paid great attention to this matter and knew that the Land of Fear gave birth to Ghost God, which has far-reaching significance.

   It is possible that it will influence the situation of the vast world in the future.

   The three upper sects, headed by Profound Heaven Sect, were all laid out early for this purpose. They arranged Cao Jiaze, the most capable of sect, with a Heavenly Palace Seal and “Blood Spirit Altar” deep into it, secrets and Ming Dou Ghost King reached an agreement.

   shows how much the three upper sects attach importance to Land of Fear.

   Cao Jiaze, who has never failed, since he has backed Ming Dou, how could Ming Dou lose?

   Everyone exploded, staring at Cao Jiaze and questioning.

  Cao Jiaze is rather patient. Facing Master Han Qi, and some old cultivators from various parties, he tirelessly tells him what he has seen and guessed many things.

   Scarlet Demon Sect over there.

  Fang Yao looked wrong, touched the chin, stared deeply at the drowsy sea of ​​clouds, astonished and said: “I know Bai Gu well, and I never thought that this guy is capable of overwhelming the evil spirits of the heavens and became the strongest competitor of Ghost God. “

   The other doormen of Scarlet Demon Sect also clicked one’s tongue in wonder, and even called Bai Gu’s luck.

  sect was able to establish friendship with Bai Gu, it is said that it was all because of Fang Yao, who helped Bai Gu back then, but there was no unbreakable deep emotion between the two parties.

  Fang Yao, the knowledge of Bai Gu is actually not that deep.

   Suddenly heard that Bai Gu became the only contender for Ghost God in the current Land of Fear. Fang Yao also felt unbelievable. He said to Yuan Lianyao: “Yuan Lianyao, you can rest assured. The winner is Bai. Gu and Yu Yuan are in no danger in it. Don’t enter Land of Fear again. Go back to Scarlet Demon Sect and advance to Soul Wonder Realm in a spurt of energy.”

  ”I can check it out for you in Land of Fear.” Hou Tianzhao laughed heartily, and offered to invite: “Bai Gu and Fang Yao have friendship, or they will give us Scarlet Demon Sect some face. What about me. , And Yu Yuan that guy, but befriended by life, he will never harm me.”

   “If you want to go, it really works.” Fang Yao said.

   He went on again, persuading Yuan Lianyao kindly, let this “blazing red lotus” not be reckless, and improve his strength as much as possible, and finally have a goodbye to Yu Yuan in the future.

   Yuan Lianyao was persuaded by him.

   the other side.

   a remote gray place

  Brown mountains and rivers, there is a prominent stone platform on the mountainside with lush trees growing.

  Ghost King Chu Ling, who is in charge of “Spirit Lock Map”, and An Ziqing of Blood God Church, sat face to face.

   At this time, An Ziqing, Yin God returned to the body, and the purple god armor on his body released a divine splendor that people dare not look directly at.

   “I can’t think of it.”

  Ghost King Chu Ling through the “Spirit Lock Map”, saw scenes and scenes of what happened in Land of Fear, what happened understood, “Even my grown-ups were defeated by Tian Cang and won in the end. Actually it will be Bai Gu.”

  An Ziqing passed the “Spirit Lock Map” and also saw that he was inside the Canran Star River and finally walked out of Bai Gu.

At the moment when    Bai Gu came out, the secret was deceived, and the “Spirit Lock Map” could no longer reflect the scene.

   This also means that the power of Bai Gu has already covered the sky, making it difficult for Ghost Kings of the same level to snoop even with the help of extraordinary soul artifacts.


   A middle-aged man wearing a scarlet robe, with white skin and blood vessels underneath clearly visible, appeared unexpectedly on the protruding stone platform.

   The handsome man is indescribably handsome, in a robe with jade, wearing a chicken bloodstone Universe Ring in his hand, and hanging blood snake earrings on his ears.

   A man with a fascinating atmosphere everywhere, with slender eyebrows, and between the opening and closing of the red phoenix eyes, the blood light is shining.

   “Bai Gu, it was I who brought your attention at first.” The man’s voice was sweet, and it sounded like a spring breeze, “After Ming Dou appeared, when I invited you to work together, I stopped you. If I hadn’t reminded you several times, You are rash, listen to Ming Dou and start with Bai Gu.”

  ”Sir Father.” An Ziqing rolled his eyes, “It turns out that you stopped Chu Ling.”

   “Old An, I thank you for your foresight. But you, can you tell me why you favor Bai Gu alone?” Ghost King Chu Ling snorted, “You are right, Bai Gu is in Land of Fear, when I was promoted to Nether Ghost, I didn’t care about him.”

  ”Because of your reminder, I paid attention to it a little bit and observed it secretly. Through some of his follow-up things, I found that he was indeed unusual.”

  ”Further on, we descended to the bottom of the rock together. I know he is a quiet tomb. But what about the quiet tomb? The quiet tomb was only comparable to Ming Dou a thousand years ago, not at all. I am not at all. I can’t figure out why you stop me everywhere and prevent me from attacking Bai Gu.”

   Chu Ling’s belly defamation.

  He and Ann are Old Friend, and he has always valued his opinions for the leader of the Blood God Church.

   This is because he knows how terrifying Ann is in front of him once he goes crazy.

  安, when he emerged in the Blood God Church hundreds of years ago, it was a terrifying existence that made people become terror-stricken at the news. No one wanted to be an enemy of peace.

   repaired the extreme secret technique of the Blood God Church, and I had several times lost control of Ann, and I don’t know how much blood was stained.

   But he can spend it every time, and step by step, he has become the current leader of the Blood God Church, the Peak of the Free Spirit realm, and can attack the Primordial Spirit Realm at any time.

  Chu Ling feels that as long as Ann hits the Primordial Spirit Realm, he is at least 70% sure.

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