“I am on that bright red star, quenching the Primordial Spirit and artifacts, not many people know.”

   The killing thoughts lingering around Bai Gu’s body suddenly closed, and his bones became crystal clear again, and his precious light gleamed.

   “Demon Palace, Zhu Zhenlin is one of the insiders.”

  Bai Gu said this in a surprisingly calm tone. He just moved towards Demon Palace and glanced casually, “Mo Yan, turned out to be his youngest son. It just happened to be wrong with you, really interesting .”

  Bai Gu seemed to laugh, “I heard that you seized his Fiend Demon Cauldron from the Starash Sea Territory seabed, and I felt that it was really an injustice.”

   Yu Yuan was immediately aroused by curiosity, “What’s the hidden inside story?”

   “I won’t hide anything from you.” Bai Gu whispered.

  , who was once the Ghost King of Youling, mastered a unique Body Refining Technique when the Land of Fear transformed from the form of a ghost step by step.

   Refining the body shell with Yin Qi and “Essence of Yin Sunflower”.

   That one, previously hidden in the Small World in the crevice of the stone, has many bodies of “Essence of Yin Sunflower”. It is the body of his secluded tomb. It is refined by his Sect’s Exclusive, and it is infinitely useful.

  This skill is his original creation.

   When he was successfully reincarnated, he became the evil king Yu Xi, and he studied the many mysterious and mysterious techniques of Heavenly Evil Sect. He combined with the Body Refining Technique he used when he was the Ghost King of the ghost king to create a kind of The magical technique of refining the corpse of the flesh and blood body.

   Refining the corpse from the physique of the dead, Human Race, Monster Race can be used, foreign races and ominous beasts can also be refined.

The corpse after    refining can be moved by his secret technique, and it can also be occupied by his soul. In battle, it can exert a strong killing power.

  The technique of refining the corpse, he passed on to an innate talent out of the ordinary, but his personality is somewhat extreme.

   But when he wanted to carry forward this technique, he was strongly opposed by all the Elders of Heavenly Evil Sect. At that time, some old-school cultivators of the three upper sects, Demon Palace and Monster Palace, thought that refining corpses was more harmful than The secret technique of Blood God Church is even more extreme.

  He has a lot of exquisite secret techniques, and seeing that Refining Corpse Technique is so unpopular, he didn’t continue to immerse him.

   He also gave the order to ban the extreme discipline and continue to study the technique of corpse refinement.

   But that discipline has been addicted to it, and has benefited a lot from the technique of corpse training, realm advanced by leaps and bounds, rapid progress.

  The discipline respects him very much and regards him as his father.

   In order not to give it to him, not to cause trouble to Heavenly Evil Sect, the discipline voluntarily asked to leave Heavenly Evil Sect and stand on its own. He also recruited several young people to study the technique of corpse refinement, but instead This unpopular and remote sorcery is carried forward.

   Later, for what purpose Zhu Zhenlin of Demon Palace found his discipline, and asked for the secret technique and tricks of Refining Corpse Technique.

  His discipline, he has made great achievements in Refining Corpse Technique, and he did not agree to Zhu Zhenlin.

   It didn’t take long for Zhu Zhenlin to represent the Demon Palace. The Refining Corpse Technique was too extreme and should not be stored in Heaven and Earth as an excuse to put his discipline into the ranks

   kill, and chase down all the people who master the Refining Corpse Technique.

  The technique of refining the corpse is also defined by the Demon Palace as a forbidden technique, a cultivator, once discovered, execute without any mercy.

  The evil king at that time, as the Heavenly Evil Sect Sect Master, has a reputation like the sun at high noon.

   Although he was an outcast, he really loved him. He was killed by Zhu Zhenlin. He also hunted down the Refining Corpse Technique practitioners everywhere. He was dissatisfied and took the opportunity to make trouble and killed Zhu Zhenlin’s discipline and Under his command.

   The two of them had a grudge.

   At that time, the Evil King had not condensed the Primordial Spirit, so he let out his words, and when he advanced to the Primordial Spirit, he stabilized the realm and challenged Zhu Zhenlin immediately.

   Everyone knows that his so-called challenge is that he is dissatisfied with Zhu Zhenlin for killing his discipline.

   700 years ago, he used the name of the evil king to cross Nirvana Continent. Everyone avoids it like a snake and scorpion. Although Zhu Zhenlin is the No. 2 figure in Demon Palace, he still can’t hold the limelight.

   What’s even more amazing is that he did what he said, and after a long time, he condensed the Primordial Spirit.

  His trip to the Outland Star River was to stabilize the Primordial Spirit Realm, washing his body and soul with the fine gold ability of the bright starry sky, returning in a state of heyday, and challenging the Demon Palace Zhu Zhenlin.


  ”The news that I was hiding in the cultivation of the bright red star should be what Zhu Zhenlin used to inform the powers of the Outland, which led to my besiege.”

   More than seven hundred years later, Bai Gu still seemed quite excited when he talked about the past.

   “My death, those five were also injured to varying degrees, but it benefited the Demon Palace by destroying a heavenly demon lair and beheading several Demon Gods.” Bai Gu snorted, “700 years later, his youngest son , I have made things difficult for you again and again, for fear of vaguely knowing that you and Yu Family are my descendants.”

   His green eyes lit up suddenly.

  ”To my surprise, you did not lose the wind in the battle with Mo Yan. If it hadn’t been for the cross-cutting, the little boy Mo Yan, you might have been sent to Falling Moon Forbidden Land. I was torn apart by heavenly demon.”

When    is here, Bai Gu is very pleased, with a smile in his eyes.

   “By the way, the inheritance of the corpse refinement technique should not be cut off.” Yu Yuan suddenly remembered the person he met on Flying Dawn Island, and also about the Yin Corpse King held in Sword Prison, and said: “I have seen Two, cultivators, they should also be your discipline’s discipline.”

   “I’ve heard some vaguely, and I know this technique hasn’t stopped. It’s just that my Direct Disciple is already not in.” Bai Gu seems to have no feelings for the new generation of cultivation practitioners.

   Turning the front of the conversation, he arrogantly said: “Yu Family is exhausted, you don’t have to worry too much, it’s me. When my retreat is over, I will advance to Ghost God. The Land of Fear is the ruler, I don’t think there are many people, dare to provoke my descendants of Yu Xi.”

  Ghost God realm, outside of Land of Fear, is also enough to sit on an equal footing with Monster God and Primordial Spirit.

   In his jurisdiction Land of Fear, he is directly invincible.

  , Desolate God only needs to be in Desolate Great Lake, Hao

  漭Heaven and Earth does not have any powerhouse and can defeat him one-on-one.

   Once Bai Gu becomes Ghost God, he, like Desolate God, becomes one of the Supremes of this a side world, without being restricted by anyone or any force!

   As long as he is not determined, he chooses to stand with Divine Soul Sect, and chooses to be enemies of the vast world, he will not fall.

  Monster Palace, Demon Palace, and the three upper sects must give him face, and don’t move Yu Family Town.

   “All Yu Family erlangs can come to Land of Fear tempering when they condense Yin God.” Bai Gu pupil light Mingyao, “from now on, Land of Fear is the back garden of Yu Family junior. How about you.” , I’ll condense Yin God here for now, and ignore the news outside.”

  ”After I have been promoted to Ghost God, I will be able to gain real freedom. I will tell the world that I am the evil king Yu Xi and I will settle accounts with Zhu Zhenlin.”

  Bai Gu high-spirited and vigorous.

   Edge zone.

  Cao Jiaze turned around and looked at the territory of the Hui Ma Nether Ghost, listening to the fragmentation of the Yin Mountain, the small section of that lofty peak.

  ”Ming Dou, turned out to be the first to die.”

  Cao Jiaze furrowed his brows deeply. I never expected that Ming Dou, who was once the ruler, had disappeared in a short time.

  Netherworld River stopped flowing, the Yinshan Mountain within its jurisdiction collapsed, and its corresponding towering Yinshan is small, which already explains everything.

   was a complete failure.

   He who has never failed, his heart is full of bitterness. He chewed, and he shook his head and laughed at himself, “Divine Soul Sect, Divine Soul Sect, it is unexpectedly powerful. It’s not even missed.” Sect Master, I got stuck this trip, but was used by others.”

   Shell, carrying Ming Dou’s body, was possessed by Tian Cang’s body.

   The Blood Spirit Altar that he refined was actually held by Tian Cang in his early years. When Tian Cang returned with the help of Divine Soul Sect and revealed the identity of the heavenly demon of the Blue Demon Race, he knew he would be back to heaven. Surgery.

   He admitted his failure and understood that even Sect Master didn’t know everything.


   secretly realized that this gathering of Heaven and Earth Yin Qi, he looked at Bai Gu’s territory in amazement, and said in shock: “The final winner is not Tian Cang!”

   Holding “Blood Spirit Altar”, body possession Ming Dou, Tian Cang, who has thousands of years of Ghost King background, lost to Bai Gu?

  Cao Jiaze is a little dazed.

  ”that’s all that’s all.”

   Accepting the situation in front of him, Cao Jiaze flew up and rushed to the outside world.

   After a while, the blue sky and white clouds reappeared, and the dusky sky is never seen again.

  ”disciple!” Han Qi stood up suddenly and waved from a distance, “What happened? The Ghost King named Ming Dou, did he successfully kill Bai Gu and get everything back?”

  As soon as I said this, one after another looked at Cao Jiaze, waiting for an answer.

  ”Bai Gu will become Ghost God!”

  s: Sorry, something happened yesterday, so I changed a chapter, and I didn’t have time to notify

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