At this moment, because Bai Gu, Hei Zhang and Qian Jie are fighting fiercely in the black cloud, the Human Race Yin God who came here, the eyes and attention of the spirits and ghosts all fall back on the black cloud.

   Many ghosts can’t help but move closer to the dark cloud.

Mo Yan of    Demon Palace, also driving the “Asura Demon Blade”, quietly went away and approached the black cloud.

   There is only that Cao Jiaze, in that palace, with a calm expression, always looking towards this side.

  looked towards him, and Fiend Demon Cauldron.

   After noticing the gazes between him and Chen Qingyan, Cao Jiaze grinned slightly, slightly nodded, as if he had heard the conversation between him and Chen Qingyan through the magic light shield so far away.

  Yu Yuan’s eyebrows sank, and immediately looked at Cao Jiaze again.

   “Big Brother Yu, that ice stone tombstone”

  Chen Qingyan looked at the mustard bracelet on his hand, “Du Binghai belongs to our Star Frost Sword lineage. He is dead. Can you give me a part of that tombstone? That is, it has his name notched. A small part?”

   Yu Yuan was taken aback, a ray of soul thought escaped into the tombstone.

   “Sword Sect, Star Frost Sword lineage, Du Binghai’s tomb!”

  , a line of simple and unsophisticated official script script, after the death of Ghost King of Cold Abyss, clearly revealed from the surface of the smooth mirror tombstone.

   Yu Yuan suddenly knew that the inscription had been there all the time, but it was obscured by the power of the Ghost King of the cold abyss, and no one could see it.

   Hanyuan died, and there is no power to cover it up, the inscriptions will be revealed.

   This also indirectly shows that the cultivator of Sword Sect has never forgotten who he is, and has always regarded himself as Sword Sect, Star Frost Sword lineage.

   “He was not persuaded by Cold Yin Sect, he was persuaded by Senior Brother Cao.” Chen Qingyan whispered, “Senior Brother Cao promised him, if he becomes a Ghost God, he becomes a member of Land of Fear Domination, he can restore his real name, with the name Du Binghai, recognized by Sword Sect.” At this point, Chen Qingyan faintly sighed, very embarrassed.

   “Sword Sect Ghost King, Sword Sect outcast.” An Ziqing mocked coldly.

   “This is the matter. I will peel off the lettering above the tombstone and hand it back to you.” Yu Yuan quickly made a decision.

   “many thanks.”

   Above the magnificent palace, Cao Jiaze of Profound Heaven Sect cup one fist in the other hand and said, “I promised him. Unfortunately, it didn’t happen. However, if the inscription on the tombstone can be brought back Sword Sect, being allowed to enter the Star Frost Sword lineage by Ji Senior, the attic of the dead, can be regarded as fulfilling part of my promise.”

   Yu Yuan said: “I am because of Chen Qingyan, it has nothing to do with you.”

   “Thanks the same.” Cao Jiaze said with a slight smile.

  ”Senior Brother Cao talked to my Master first and got my Master’s permission before persuading him.” Chen Qingyan explained, “My Master agreed. As long as Hanyuan Ghost King and Tianyuan Continent are in the same camp, whether he can If you can’t become a Ghost King, you are allowed to return his bones to Sword Sect.”

  Yu Yuan’s face was indifferent, and he stopped responding.

  Ji Ningshuang and Cao Jiaze, based on the interests of Tianyuan Continent, convinced Hanyuan Ghost King to reach the top of Land of Fear, and indirectly led Hanyuan Ghost King to be the first to challenge Bai Gu and ended up with the soul flew away and scattered end.

   Ghost King of the Cold Abyss, no matter who it was before, in Land of Fear, he and Bai Gu’s enemy.

   However, now that he is dead, looking at Ji Ningshuang’s face, cutting out a piece of the Ice Soul Crystal, it can’t be considered.

   “Big Brother Yu, then I will go by first.”

   Chen Qingyan blinked and pointed to the gloomy Sword Sect man inside the Cloud Cruiser in the distance, “His name is Shen Yan. He is taking care of me for my Master. He has been so boring and annoying. .”

   “Go, let that person named Shen Yan stop making me upset.” Yu Yuan knew her embarrassment and waved.

   Looking at the face of Ji Ningshuang, that Shen Yan, who also came from Star Frost Sword lineage, did not care about some cold words.

   “I knew Big Brother Yu is the best.”

   Chen Qingyan smiled sweetly, raised his head to An Ziqing, lightly snorted, and flew away from Fiend Demon Cauldron first.

In    Cloud Cruiser, Shen Yan was always worried, and when she returned to the cabin, she reprimanded and said: “I told you that many, you just didn’t listen. You and that kid are not making trouble for your Master. Is it? Your Master is Sword Sect, one of the nine Sword Immortal, her discipline, how can you chat and laugh with demons?”

   “I want to go back, part of the monument of Martial Uncle Du ancestor.” Chen Qingyan said.

   “He is really willing to give it? That’s a lifetime ice crystal! For the cultivator of Cold Yin Sect, for us Star Frost Sword lineage, the ice crystal is the Supreme Treasure!” Shen Yan was surprised.

   “This sword can be created by him.” Chen Qingyan held the Han Jian sword and said with some annoyance: “The Master just doesn’t recognize him. He thinks he is the guy who seize every opportunity, saying he I walked the lucky dog ​​excrement because I got the Sword Soul in Falling Moon Forbidden Land and helped me in Yin Wind Valley.”

   “I talked a lot with the Master, saying that he knew this sword, and said that he helped me, the Master was not satisfied.”

   Chen Qingyan sighed. Whenever he thinks of Master and talks about Yu Yuan’s coldness, he gets upset and dry.

  ”Stupid girl, that’s because you don’t know the inside story. That kid, the sword dao inheritance obtained in Falling Moon Forbidden Land, the owner of Sword Soul, formerly in Sword Sect, is the culprit who caused the long silence of Star Frost Sword lineage !” Shen Yan snorted, “Before your Master, Star Frost Sword lineage, at the bottom of Sword Sect, is not thanks to him!”

  ”Yu Yuan’s sword dao inheritance originates from him, it’s weird if your Master has a good face!”

   Shen Yan took a deep breath lightly, hesitated for a moment, awed, and complained dissatisfied, “even more how, in the end, that person also parted ways with Sword Sect.”

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