Inside Cloud Cruiser, from Sword Sect, responsible for guarding Chen Qingyan’s Shen Yan, the expression is ugly.

   Along the way, he kept telling him repeatedly that if he meets Yu Yuan, Chen Qingyan must remain rational and not get close.

   Chen Qingyan, also promised him that he would not provoke trouble.

   But now, when she met Yu Yuan, she was in a fuss and wanted to enter the Fiend Demon Cauldron.

   I didn’t remember a word of what I promised before, and I completely forgot.

   At this moment, Shen Yan understood what he said, Chen Qingyan this girl must not take it seriously, but only agreed to him on the surface, without realizing the seriousness of the matter.

   The title of Divine Soul Sect is deliberately concealed by Five Great Influences. For many years, few people have known it.

   A rising star like Chen Qingyan, I have never heard of Divine Soul Sect before, and I don’t know how deep and powerful this sect school is.

   Only those who condensed Yang God and wandered through the Outland Star River did they know some of the past deeds of Divine Soul Sect.

   Now, this horrible sect, which has disappeared for a while outside of Star River, has just and honourable, reaching out to the vast world.

  Falling Moon Forbidden Land, Desolate Great Lake, Azure Phoenix Empire

  Many strange places are all in a mess because of the return of Divine Soul Sect. Many smaller, historical factional forces are said to have secretly contacted Divine Soul Sect.

   is more like Desolate God, a great character like Zu An, or secretly, or brightly, all stand with this sect.

   It is foreseeable that the turmoil in the vast world will only become more severe.

  Shen Yan does not even think that the three upper sects, as well as the Demon Palace and Monster Palace headed sects, can really expel the returnees of Divine Soul Sect.

   Next, there will be a long, difficult, irreconcilable battle.

  Yu Yuan, since it is in the same camp as Zu An, and since it is determined to be related to Divine Soul Sect, Chen Qingyan and him continue to interact, no matter how you look at it, it is not appropriate.

  ”This girl, I don’t know what Divine Soul Sect means.”

  Shen Yan has a headache.


   Chen Qingyan’s Yin God, through the magic light shield, fell into Fiend Demon Cauldron.

   Almost at the same time, another purple light and shadow, swaying and floating, also entered the cauldron.

   One plain white silhouette, a purple soul shadow, one left and one right, falling on both sides of Yu Yuan.

   A small Fiend Demon Cauldron suspended in the air, besides Yuan Lianyao, suddenly, there were two more beautiful women, which made Yu Yuan and Fiend Demon Cauldron instantly attract attention.

  ”This kid, what a big Yanfu!”

   Inside the magnificent palace, there is a Spirit Void Sect cultivator, looking down at Fiend Demon Cauldron, there are three beautiful figures in the tripod, tsk tsk sighed.

   Many people, gently nodded, express their envy and approval.

   Yuan Lianyao of Scarlet Demon Sect, has the reputation of “flaming red lotus”. When I was in the Demon Moon Empire, I didn’t know how many rumors and talks were provoked because of beautiful and alluring.

   voluptuous and sexy, Yuan Lianyao of attracting spirit seizing soul, when he was a child

   was photographed by Yin Charm Sect’s expert, which shows how outstanding she is.

   entered Nirvana Continent and was cultivated by Scarlet Demon Sect Fang Yao, her famous name has spread all over the world.

An Ziqing of    Blood God Church, in recent years, is another girl who makes everyone think it is a miracle.

  This woman is not only extremely beautiful, but also very vicious and vicious!

   After leaving Dark Moon City and returning to Nirvana Continent, she did several things that reminded many great cultivators, and they all felt scalp numb.

   As for Chen Qingyan, after Azure Phoenix Queen and Chen Liangquan, Chen Family’s most outstanding clansman.

   Since she was born, she has attracted countless eyes. I don’t know how many young, talented people call her name in the dream.

  ”Big Brother Yu is good, Elder Sister Yuan is good, I have heard your name a long time ago, and I want to see you.”

  Chen Qingyan entered the tripod and politely greeted Yu Yuan and Yuan Lianyao with a smile, “Big Brother Yu, last time at Desolate Great Lake, my Master was not very friendly to you, I’m sorry. I know, you entered the Sword Prison because of me.”

  An Ziqing twitched the corners of his mouth, eccentrically, and said: “That’s not necessarily Yo.”

   “Ann Demoness, what do you know?” Chen Qingyan glanced at her disdainfully, lightly snorted, “Don’t think that you have the cultivation base of Soul Wonder Realm, how great. You should understand that you Blood God Church Spirit Art, although the cultivation speed is a little faster, there will be many tricky situations in the follow-up.”

  ”Yang God’s tempering is a big level, and the realm breakthrough behind it may not be as fast as me.”

   Speaking of this, Chen Qingyan triumphantly raised the corners of his mouth, “Sword Sect has a solid foundation and the strongest killing power.”

  An Ziqing smiled and said: “In short, you and I are the same age, I am taller than your realm now. Whether here or in the outside world, Heaven and Earth, we have played against each other, and I won. As for the future, also Maybe, who knows if you will be killed in the middle?”

  ”Kill me? Do you blood God Church dare?” Chen Qingyan sneered.

  ”Are you really our Blood God Church, afraid of you Sword Sect?” An Ziqing did not show any weakness, separated Yu Yuan and Yuan Lianyao, and Chen Qingyan giving tit for tat, “You don’t even think about it. How much change will there be in the vast world in the future. Maybe, our Blood God Church in Nirvana Continent was directly promoted to Demon Palace and Monster Palace-like Top Sect.”

  ”It is not impossible for you Sword Sect to become the lower sect of Tianyuan Continent.”

  ”After all, you are from lower sect to upper sect.”

  ”In this world, there is no absolute in everything. Your Master, if you accidentally die in the bloody battle later, your Chen Qingyan’s future will not be much smoother.”

  An Ziqing frigid irony and scorching satire.

  Chen Qingyan responded immediately, “You may also die of cultivation deviation while condensing Yang God. You Blood God Church, you have done all the bad things, and you may be Sect extermination.”

  The two women who have never been masked are the most dazzling monastic genius of Heaven and Earth.

   A man born in the Azure Phoenix Empire Chen Family, was taken into the Sword Sect by the Great Sword Immortal Ji Ningshuang, aroused the sympathy of thousands of swords.

   Another person, who appeared like a comet a few years ago, made the focal point of ten thousands rays of light directly appointed as the next head of the Blood God Church.

  An Ziqing entered Soul Wonder Realm faster than Zhou Cangmin and became a new generation of legend.

  The two strange women, who have not been practicing for a long time, have never seen them before, but after entering Fiend Demon Cauldron, they were enemies in the previous life and started fighting directly.

  Yu Yuan was caught in the center, and he didn’t even have a chance to speak.

   He wiped the sweat stains on his body slowly, and looked at the two women of the giving tit for tat in a confused manner. He thought, are these two girls crazy?

   Thinking like this, with a thought in his heart, Fiend Demon Cauldron slowly moved towards and flew away.

   Not long after, the suspended palace drove by great cauldron and Cao Jiaze has been level.

   At a high altitude, he can see more clearly the black cloud covering a hundred acres of land besides several dozen li.

  In the black cloud, the battle between Bai Gu, Hei Zhang, and Qian Jie has begun.

   It’s just that, no matter the people outside, the spirits or ghosts, you can’t see through the black cloud to see the details of the fight of the three Ghost Kings, and you can’t perceive it with your soul.

   The bickering between An Ziqing and Chen Qingyan, he selectively ignored it for the time being, feeling the pill in the stomach and intestines, benefiting qi, blood and spirit strength. The strength had already escaped, and he was a little relieved.

  Thunder Tribulation is not easy to get through

   Swinging the sword again and again, “Fallen Moon Slash” again and again, consumes too much blood and spirit strength.

   is actually the soul mind. Because of the care of the source of the yin veins and the infusion of Pure Yin Qi, he recondenses and fills up before leaving the Silver Ash Small World.

   There is no problem with his mental head, but his blood is exhausted.

  ”It takes some time to let the blood and spirit strength overflow so that you can have the strength to face Ming Dou.”

   thinking like this, he looked around and found that Jiang Xingwen was not coming.

   Jiang Xingwen, in his eyes, means Ming Dou. He believes that with Ming Dou’s power, there must be a way to say Jiang Xingwen, so that Su Yan’s Master is in the same camp as him.

  ”Can you two shut up!”

   Suddenly, Yuan Lianyao of Scarlet Demon Sect couldn’t stand it anymore and roared loudly.

   Yu Yuan, who was meditating, woke up suddenly, looked at the two noisy girls with a headache, and said, “You come in, don’t you want to talk to me? If not, you should go out and don’t stay there. Inside. Also, staying with me for a long time is not good for you.”

   “Isn’t it, with the demons?” An Ziqing sweetly smiled, “I’m not afraid of what people say, or what they think. Anyway, our Blood God Church and my reputation are not very good.”

   talking like this, she glanced at Chen Qingyan lightly, “How about you?”

   “I came in first, do you think I’m afraid? Do you think my Master is worried about this?” Chen Qingyan retorted, hesitated for a moment, and said, “Big Brother Yu, the Ghost King of the cold abyss, actually It is related to our Sword Sect.”

   “Finally, it’s time for business.” Yu Yuan sighed in relief.

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