“How did Long Jie provoke that woman?”

Master Gray Crow was startled by the sword glow and took a long look, strangely said, “Hidden Dragon Lake and Sword Sect are not related.”

Xu Zixi thought for a while and said, “Chen Qingyan that girl, when she came out of the Jade Peak Mountain Range, she brought an attendant named Long Tianxiao. Long Tianxiao, a mixture of dragons, was imprisoned in the Falling Moon Forbidden Land. After escaping, I went deep into the Jade Peak Mountain Range.”

When she said this remark, she glanced at Yu Yuan meaningfully.

Yu Yuan stared at the sword glow light river pulled out by “Star Frost Sword” for a long time, immersed in the memory of previous life, as if he hadn’t heard the conversation between the two.

“Yu Yuan? Yu Yuan!”

Xu Zixi drank again and again, only to see his expression tremble slightly, as if returning from a wandering spirit.

“What else did you see in the depths of the Great Lake?” Master Gray Crow calmed down, the complexion is gloomy, “Zhan Tianxiang and Zhao Yafu, and 3 Monster Palace Little Brat, after you, they also entered the Great Lake. The leader is a member of my clan, have you seen it?”

“Zhan Tianxiang and Zhao Yafu were rescued by Lu Liu, and the other three died.” Yu Yuan said.

“Lu Liu!”

Gray Crow and Xu Zixi screamed in unison.

oh la la!

At this moment, a series of clear and winding streams drifted out from the depths of Great Lake.

Desolate Great Lake, Lu Liu, who is proficient in water law, used the innate talent Bloodline for a little bit, and pulled out 7 streams.

Lu Liu’s slender and stretched snake body, shrunk 100 times in size, disappears in the Hanoi of every stream.

At the golden-bright and dazzling giant elephant located in the golden mountains and rivers, when Lu Liu appeared, he roared.


The golden mountains and rivers suddenly moved across the sky to suppress the streams.


Zhan Tianxiang quietly emerged from the water in a stream, shouting loudly.

The giant elephant in Jinshan Judang was suddenly startled when he heard Zhan Tianxiang’s yelling.

Then, he saw Zhao Yafu also emerge from another stream in Hanoi.

Zhan Tianxiang is his discipline, Zhao Yafu is the person in the white Heavenly Tiger phase, these two Monster Palace rookies, in two flowing streams in Hanoi, make the Ancient Golden Elephant God dare not act blindly without thinking.

He watched as a clear stream fell into the ground and quickly disappeared.

With the Ancient Golden Elephant God Divine Ability demon soul, when Xihe first entered the ground, he could perceive Lu Liu’s transformation, and Avatar ten or six more concealed and slender soul shadows.

But the giant elephant can only let Lu Liu escape and let Lu Liu drift away.

another side. The “Star Frost Sword” that cut out a sword exploded the suspended sedan chair that Long Jie had escaped, and blocked Long Yang, Purple Jade Dragon and Li Yuchan with sword light.

The “Star Frost Sword” body turned into a galaxy with the power of frost, trapping Long Jie.

call out!

The sword glow carrying the scent of wilting suddenly appeared from Heaven and Earth where Ji Ningshuang was.

Yang God arrived, Ji Ningshuang, whose body was condensed from the wisps of sword glow, drew faintly at the moment when Withering Sword appeared: “Senior Sister.”

“Girl, don’t send it far away.”

After Xi Quan left such a sentence, Chen Qingyan rushed out of a sword glow, and was bound by the sword intent into vines and threw it to Ji Ningshuang.

“Whoever chases me, that girl will die.”

Xi Quan, who fuse together with his sword, made a sword glow and moved towards the Azure Phoenix Empire.

A giant red shadow towering in the sky, snorted, is about to start.

Ji Ningshuang’s Yang God body, suddenly shouted: “Brother Tang, please stop!”

Between the Red Cancan Giant Shadow and Xi Quan, “Star Frost Sword” brings out a river of sword glow, dividing Heaven and Earth into two. Tang Zheng of Primal Yang Sect can’t get around as long as he pursues Xi Quan. Sword glow Star River.

“You protect shortcomings, I know, but Xi Quan is the rebellious Sword Sect!” Tang Zheng sighed.

“My discipline can’t have a bad pool.” Ji Ningshuang explained.

During the conversation between two people, Xi Quan’s “Withering Sword” had already gone beyond 2 li, from Desolate Great Lake, from the place they guarded.

After Lu Liu, Xi Quan also retreated.

Soon, Zhongli Dapan smiled weirdly, and walked out just and honorable in Heaven and Earth controlled by Profound Heaven Sect great cultivator.

Compared with the Profound Heaven Sect great cultivator hundred zhang silhouette who holds a bright mirror in his hand, Zhongli Dapan is as small as a mosquito and fly.

With a grin, he moved towards the great cultivator cup one fist in the other hand of Profound Heaven Sect, “It’s been a long time since I saw it. According to time, I should almost get rid of the Sword Prison. Well, maybe, a few years earlier. , But it shouldn’t matter, Sword Prison is gone anyway.”

Profound Heaven Sect great cultivator, the chic silhouette is slightly illusory, like the reflection of a bright mirror in the hand, very erratic.

This person pondered for a moment, gently nodded, “You thought about being imprisoned in Sword Prison. There is indeed a time limit. You can come out in only 3 years. However, your discipline Shen Feiqing, who was in the wasteland not long ago, had a rescue The actions of Asura in the dark, we”

“I’m not in the vast world, can’t her behavior be counted on me?” Zhongli Dapan reasoned with the man.

The man at Profound Heaven Sect was taken aback.

“I’m back to Ancient Desolate Sect.” Given this sentence, Zhongli Dapan glanced at the location of Yu Yuan 1000 miles away, slightly regretfully, and turned around and left.

He wants to accept Yu Yuan as a disciple and teach “Ancient Desolate Void World True Art”, but knows that the time is not right now, so he is very sorry.

His departure, Ji Ningshuang, Profound Heaven Sect and Primal Yang Sect, including the giant elephants of Demon Palace and Monster Palace, did not stop them.

Zhongli Dapan, unlike Long Jie, and Lu Liu and Xi Quan, was imprisoned in Sword Prison. There was indeed a time limit, and it was indeed time for him to come out.

Zhongli Dapan returned and returned to Ancient Desolate Sect. It was time to run for Sect Lord’s Position.

Before they came, they also got a secret order to allow Zhongli Dapan to return to Ancient Desolate Sect.

“Just leave?”

Yu Yuan murmured and moved his eyebrows, and said to Master Gray Crow and Xu Zixi: “By the way, Lin Zhuyun of Cold Yin Sect, and Chaos Kun, they are in Great Lake right now!”

Gray Crow bitterly, “Of course we know.”

“You all know?” Yu Yuan astonished.

“What if you know?” Xu Zixi was helpless, “That’s Desolate Great Lake. Without Desolate God’s permission, Human Race great cultivator surpasses Soul Wonder Realm’s Human Race great cultivator, level 7 big monster, dare not go deep.”

With that said, she looked towards Ancient Golden Elephant God, there are three upper sects, and the constantly changing magic cloud of Demon Palace.

Ancient Golden Elephant God, and 4 great cultivators who are also in the Free Spirit realm, gather here, and can only wait outside.

Because Desolate God is a level ten Monster God, and in the depths of Great Lake, Desolate God’s battle strength can increase.

call out!

A plain white ribbon, carrying Ji Ningshuang’s sword intent, flew out from Heaven and Earth where she was sitting, and came straight to Yu Yuan.

After a while, the plain white ribbon spanned 1000 li and arrived at Yu Yuan.

It was just a ribbon, but Ji Ningshuang’s voice came, “Please Yu Yuan come up to see me.”

Gray Crow and Xu Zixi looked at each other in blank dismay.

Above the Golden Mountain, the ancient Golden Elephant God turned into a human being, Zhao Yafu and Zhan Tianxiang have just been fished out from two streams in Hanoi. This ancient Golden Elephant God with a huge human form should have heard the “Star Frost Sword” sound transmission, to Gray Crow and Xu Zixi nodded, said: “No problem.”

He bowed his head again, and said to Zhan Tianxiang and Zhao Yafu of Jinshan Jue Dian, “Don’t worry.”

“It should be okay, you go.” Xu Zixi said.

Looking at the plain white ribbon, Yu Yuan felt like a world away. The whole person was a little lost. His steps and thoughts were out of sync, and he stepped on the plain white ribbon a little embarrassingly.

Familiar scene, familiar smell, familiar people

It’s just that I became another person.

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