Outside Great Lake, Yu Yuan fell on the slope and heard Xu Zixi’s call.

He looked up and looked at the huge silhouettes of the people with a severe weather and 1000 hundred zhang suspended in the air. His heart was shocked.

In the next instant, he felt one after another soul thoughts coming in the sky. In his Spiritual Consciousness perception, those soul thoughts were like lights, like huge candles, floating above his head and beside him.

He was born immediately, stripped naked, naked, and surrounded by people.

With a bitter expression, he drooped his head, converging his head with divine sense.

He didn’t dare to think of many things.

He knows very well that his thoughts are very likely to be perceived and interpreted by the characters standing at the forefront of the vast world cultivator with their own souls.

The connection between his “Wisdom Forging Soul Art” and Divine Soul Sect cannot be known.

At this moment, he suddenly understood that Desolate God’s phrase “temporary storage” before leaving Great Lake, maybe it was really for his good.

Otherwise, with Fiend Demon Cauldron in the body and the Sword Soul scabbard in the body, many secrets are invisible.

Desolate God stripped those and left him free, which really saved him a lot of trouble.

Desolate God, of course, has long known that outside the Great Lake, there are three powerhouses of upper sect, Demon Palace and Monster Palace.

He took a deep breath, he tried to meditatively, so that his mind would not breed, chaotic thoughts, including a clear mind, and nothing.

A standing high in the void, towering like an ancient god, scattered around the Great Lake, in fact it has faintly surrounded Desolate Great Lake, but not at all inside.

The great cultivator that has been repaired to the Free Spirit realm, the level 9 big monster, on either side of the Great Lake, can communicate with each other at will.

The Free Spirit great cultivator in front of you, shrouded in the divine light, the breath released is definitely not comparable to Zhongli Dapan, Long Jie, Xi Quan and Lu Liu.

This is because Zhongli Dapan and the others are far from recovering to their previous power levels.

“Yu Yuan!”

Xu Zixi turned into a flash of lightning, and he was accompanied by Master Gray Crow whom Yu Yuan had met in Starash Sea Territory.

In the direction where the python empress and Master Gray Crow came, there was a golden mountain poured in gold and iron floating in the sky.

The golden mountains and rivers, 1000 zhang high, bloomed under the moonlight that you dare not look directly at.

There is a golden colossus standing in Jinshan, which is shocking and respectful from a distance.

The golden giant elephant, with the dense golden photoelectricity beside it, exudes the power of Dao Lineage, which makes the land of ten thousand li around ten thousand li, the ore veins containing gold and iron hidden in the depths of the earth, flying away from many. The essence of gold and iron seems to blend into him and help him wash his body.

Boom! Boom bang!

1000 li ten thousand li beyond, there is a dull roar in the center of the earth. In the invisible corners, all veins containing 5 gold are finely adjusted due to the arrival of the Ancient Golden Elephant God.

Ancient Golden Elephant God, born to comprehend the true meaning of the power of gold, the demon body can make the veins change, let all the gold and iron veins because of him, inject strength into him, and accompany him to fight.

People like Tong Laoqian and Loose Cultivator Liang Jingyin are not worth mentioning when compared with his golden power.

“Ancient Golden Elephant God!”

Just by looking at it, Yu Yuan knew that above the Golden Mountain, the Monster Palace powerhouse who was in favor of Zhan Tianxiang was seated.

During the most flourishing period, the Ancient Golden Elephant God who settled in the Divine Demon Temple, after falling down, became a Level 9 demon. It has not yet been able to recover Peak and re-enter the Divine Demon Temple.

But the legend of Ancient Golden Elephant God has spread from generation to generation in the vast world.

According to legend, the Ancient Golden Elephant God is the Monster Palace, and even the most divine force in the entire vast world Monster Race!

At level 8 of Ancient Golden Elephant God, all mountains and rivers in the vast world can be moved at will, changing directions, and changing the direction of the gold and iron veins below.

The Level 9 Ancient Golden Elephant God, in the Outland Star River, rampaged, exploding and shattering countless alien Star River battleships.

When he breaks through to level ten, he starts walking in the starry sky with the power of Monster God, and the stars of the domain that are one size smaller will be displaced by his impact.

2 Yu Yuan, a human being, saw the legendary golden giant elephant, and his mood was a little unstable.

Monster Palace, even this Ancient Golden Elephant God arranged it, I am afraid that the Sword Prison, who knew that Tianwai was lost, was pulled down to Desolate Great Lake, otherwise it would never be the case.

Except for the Ancient Golden Elephant God, there is a towering existence in the sky further away. The image is not fully revealed. Through the breath, he can distinguish that those people and the Ancient Golden Elephant God are of the same level.

They are all great cultivators of Free Spirit, from Sword Sect, Primal Yang Sect and Profound Heaven Sect, as well as Demon Palace!


Xu Zixi floated down and looked at Yu Yuan who was threw away from Desolate Great Lake suddenly. He was shocked and surprised. Because there were too many questions, he suddenly fell silent. I don’t know where to start.

Standing in the secret land of the Star River in the Outer Domain, the outer meteorite that is located in the Sword Prison was accurately located, and first surrounded by many heavenly demon and Foreign Domain aliens.

The three upper sects, Demon Palace and Monster Palace, which were both externally and internally troubled, failed to respond immediately. When something was wrong, Sword Prison disappeared with the meteorite.

Haodong’s 5 peak forces, 4 inquiries, guesses, thinks of the Desolate Great Lake anomaly, and through various clues, it is finally confirmed that the Sword Prison falls on the Great Lake.

Therefore, Five Great Influences were dispatched together and gathered near Great Lake.

Free Spirit is a great cultivator, a Level 9 big monster like Ancient Golden Elephant God. He is coming, but he dare not act blindly without thinking and dare not step into the Great Lake.

Because, as soon as you enter the Great Lake, you will endure the anger of Desolate God.

Scattered outside the Great Lake is to prevent the evil monster giants who escaped from the Sword Prison from making chaos in the vast world after leaving the Great Lake.

More importantly, to ensure that the weird things detained in Sword Prison can not enter Falling Moon Forbidden Land.

“Boy! Did you see a wooden Divine Idol? Divine Idol has 2 sides”

After transforming, Master Gray Crow, who looked very skinny, put a chicken-foot-like hand on Yu Yuan’s shoulder, exerting a little force, making Yu Yuan feel his eagerness.

“I saw it, through a space tunnel, it seems to have gone to Falling Moon Forbidden Land.” Yu Yuan did not wait for him to finish, pretending to be painful, and grinning.

As soon as this sentence came out, puff puff puff, one after another soul mind, exploded beside Yu Yuan.

The place where Yu Yuan is, like a splendid firework show bursting out, the stream of electricity and 5 colorful lights are flying together.

He realized in an instant that a ray of soul thought was here, watching his great cultivator in Free Spirit realm secretly. When the mind was trembling, the soul thoughts between each other, because they were too close to him, collided and intertwined, they could cause such splendor. The glory.

“It’s over, it’s over, worse, worse!”

Master Gray Crow yelled, but weakly, let go of Yu Yuan’s shoulders.

Under the horrified gaze of the python queen, the Monster Palace guarded by the Starash Sea Territory sat down on the ground and slumped his gray hair. Xun’s wolf ambition does not have that many messy things.”

In the sky, the “sou sou” of different electricity flies by, and the great cultivators in the Free Spirit environment of the Great Lake are distributed and communicate with each other.


At the other end of the Great Lake, outside several hundred li, there was the roar of Long Jie heaven-shaking, earth-shattering.

A small suspended sedan suddenly magnified 100 times, and wanted to leave by the wind.


There was a sword glow river, and the night sky, like a milky way, fell down on the suspended sedan chair that was magnified 100 times, causing Long Jie’s roar to immediately turn into a cry for mercy.

The gorgeous Milky Way, with frost and chill, the sky is frosty wherever it passes, Bai Shuang is floating, and there is a sword intent.

The suspended sedan chair that Long Jie was riding in was penetrated by Bai Shuang, Long Yang and Purple Jade Dragon inside, including Li Yuchan who was captured by Long Jie. When Bai Shuang entered the sedan chair, each and everyone suddenly became sluggish.

There was no change in his eyes.

Long Jie showed the real body of the Five Clawed Golden Dragon, cruising in the galaxy of a gleaming sword glow, and it was not long before he was covered with bruises.

No matter how Long Jie struggles, he can’t escape the sword glow galaxy. The scars on the dragon body keep increasing, and the golden dragon scales burst one by one.

Long Jie’s miserable screams sounded loudly in the sword glow light.

The first one stepped out of the Great Lake, thinking that the sky is high enough for a bird to fly through, the old dragon, who was leaping in the ocean, suddenly regretted it.

If I had known this, it would be better to stay in Desolate Great Lake.

He hated the Desolate God for not reminding him, and let him be humiliated by Sword Sect’s Great Sword Immortal.

After several hundred li, Yu Yuan saw the shock, causing Long Jie to be hit hard, with a galaxy-like sword glow, and a strange feeling in his eyes.

“Ji Ningshuang has a sword!”

Xu Zixi frowned and looked towards sword glow Guanghe’s direction from the air, and said, “The Old Patriarch of Dragon Race, I’m afraid I can’t escape.”

Ji Ningshuang, Sword Sect Ranked 4th’s Big Sword Immortal, Free Spirit late stage, Star Frost Sword!

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