Li Yuchan walked out of Medicine Pill Palace and glanced at his nephew who was sitting on the stone platform in the distance.

It is still the same stone platform, but beside Li Yu, now not at all Chou Jihai is “accompanied” by him.

Very far away, two beautiful silhouettes are moving away.

Just looking at the back, she knew that the two leaving silhouettes were sisters Zhang Miao and Zhang Man.

She couldn’t see through the origins of this pair of sisters, she just smelled something wrong based on instinct.

Therefore, earlier on another “sea cruise ship”, when the sisters approached them and showed a good impression of their nephew Li Yu, she became vigilant and made the sisters retreat.

The two sisters struggled to no avail. Seeing that Li Yu hadn’t taken the bait, they left angrily.

Now, how can I find it again?

With this in mind, she restrained her feelings of depression, tried to pretend to be calm, and walked towards her nephew.

5 “Soul Accumulation Pill”, she failed to get her as she wished, Yin God’s injuries, short-term view, not only difficult to recover, “Heroic Soul Art” backlash power, but also intensified posture.

When she was walking, the Yin God bound by the “baleful qi” in the Niwan acupoint, cracked like porcelain.

A ray of black light burst out from her condensed Yin God within the body.

Absorbed by her Yin God and gathered next to the soul, all kinds of weird mixed “baleful qi” that could have benefited Yin God are now no longer controlled by Yin God. Instead, they escape from time to time through the cracks opened by Yin God. Go in.

Yin God is not wounded, and the body of the soul and spirit is rigid and seamless. Those “baleful qi” cannot affect her.

But now, Yin God himself has a weak spot gap. The “baleful qi” that could be controlled by Yin God, and all kinds of scum and monster power caused by the absorption of ghosts, began to hurt Yin God himself.

When she walked towards Li Yu, the corners of her cold pupils actually had fine bloodstains cracking.

She didn’t know it.

“Hey, if this continues, you will suddenly die without waiting for Chou Jihai to take action.”

Gao Qin’s cold words suddenly sounded from a shady place outside the Medicine Pill Palace.

In the scorching sun, he shrank in the shade, standing with his legs crossed, eating the chilling fruit, moved towards Li Yuchan with a grin, “As a human being, sometimes you can’t be too hard.”

“How I behave is not your turn!” Li Yuchan looked disgusted.

Earlier, when Chou Jihai overbearing, irritated and disturbed himself without fear, the deacon of the Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce also watched with a smile.

It’s just being idle, watching jokes.

Why should such a person criticize himself?

“Be kind to donkey liver and lungs.”

Gao Qin gently shook the head, and threw the nut shell away, saying: “If it weren’t for Yu Yuan to be a VIP guest of Chamber of Commerce, I would be too lazy to say something.”

Slightly squinting, his eyes are indifferent and ruthless, “A person like you, I don’t know how many died in Rift Islands.”

“You don’t need your kindness!” Leaving such a sentence, Li Yuchan arrived in front of his nephew and said, “Let’s go!”

Gao Qin haha ​​smiled and said, “I hope you can keep being so hard-hearted!”


In the next few days, Tong Laoqian became Yu Yuan’s follower.

After Yu Yuan agreed to Tong Laoqian, when he returned to the land, he would intercede with Yu Zhu and allow him to return to the place. After his early cultivation, Tong Laoqian opened his heart.

In the future, Tong Laoqian will be cultivation in the relics and live in the land of Yu Zhu, the owner of the relics. He can be regarded as the people around Yu Zhu.

Yu Zhu is a character who can restrain him and influence him in all aspects.

As for the relationship between Yu Yuan and Yu Zhu, he was in the wasteland, in the battle that determined the future of the site, he saw clearly, perfectly clear.

speaking from a certain perspective, since Yu Yuan made a promise, and since he decided to go back to the ground, he and Yu Yuan are in the same boat.

Yuan Lianyao didn’t return from Scarlet Demon Island cultivation. Yu Yuan wanted to figure out the situation of the Rift Islands, but didn’t leave in a hurry, and just wandered around the 4th Heavenspan Island.

Tong Laoqian thought he didn’t understand the situation of Heavenspan Island, and often accompanied him to clarify.

Yu Yuan pretended not to know, and let him give some kind explanations. He wandered in various halls selling medicine pills, appliances, incomplete arrays, and many Spirit Art.

Like the previous life, what seems to be aimless, in fact, there is a spectrum of dangling in the heart.

There were a few medical herbs, several defective formation diagrams, and a container for medicine ingredients. He had already matched them, but after asking the price, he temporarily abandoned them.

——The number of Spirit Stones and Spirit Crystals in his possession is limited.

Inside the mustard bracelet, there is the scabbard, and there are pieces of “giant beast essence amber”, but the Spirit Crystal he got from Falling Moon Forbidden Land at the beginning is actually not that many.

With his current accumulation, it is not enough for him to collect everything in his pocket.

He needs to trade with the Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce to realize 2 pieces of “giant beast essence amber” and turn them into pieces of shiny and transparent Spirit Crystal, and then it is possible to take down the things that help refine medicine, one after another.

But before he entered the nameless island, he didn’t want to make a hasty decision before he entered the secret place.

He wants to step into it and see if he left behind for himself, 300 years later, is it still alive, is it lost, or is it eroded by time?

After reading it, the final decision can be made.

Du Jing, a drug slave in his previous life, was still there. Originally, he wanted to expel Du Jing and it would take some trouble.

With Tong Laoqian, it should no longer be a problem to drive Du Jing away.

He only needs to wait for an opportunity, quietly leave from Heavenspan Island, sneak into the unknown island, and Tong Laoqian will drive away Du Jing in advance, and he will be able to do it.

The hidden danger of “Fiend Demon Cauldron” is eliminated, and it can be transformed into a utensil to take him or dive into the seabed, or fly high in the sky.

That evening, after strolling around with Tong Laoqian, he returned to the Chamber of Commerce to prepare for him. The pavilion guarded by the mountains and rivers, so I saw Jiang Yurong again.

In addition to Jiang Yurong, Gao Qin stood in front of the door together.

As soon as he saw Gao Qin, he had some guesses, and said, “But Li Yu?”

Gao Qin smiled slightly, “He found me.”

“That stubborn female general, why did she bow her head?” Yu Yuan strangely said.

He knew that an accident with the Queen Silver Moon directly led to the decline of Li Family, and that female general had been hostile to him from then on.

Even if he was in the Huang Family in Dark Moon City and extended a helping hand to two people, it failed to change the perception of the female general.

Li Yuchan firmly believes that the change of the empire and the fall of the Li Family contributed the most.

In fact, it is true.

But in his heart, the Queen of Silver Moon is the Queen of Silver Moon, Li Yuchan is still the female general who treats him well, and Li Yu is also the Li Yu who is willing to speak out for him when Yu Family is making trouble.

In his heart, one yard goes to one yard, and they are measured separately.

“She is stubborn enough to refuse to lower her head.” Gao Qin smiled carefreely and said, “But now, she can’t help her anymore, and she can’t stop Li Yu.”

“What’s the matter?” Yu Yuan astonished.

“She was seriously injured and unconscious.” Gao Qin was puzzled.

Yu Yuan complexion slightly changed, shouted: “Where is the person?”

“Just outside, you only have to agree, I will let them in.” Gao Qin replied, and then slightly frowned, said: “That’s it, you are in the courtyard inside the Chamber of Commerce, we are not worried. But if , You let them in, and that one suddenly wakes up to attack you…”

Jiang Yurong also said: “She is in the Yin God realm. Before she fainted, she was obviously unconscious and we were a little worried.”

“It’s okay, even if it is Yin God, I have the power to protect myself.” Yu Yuan smiled, “Excuse me, two people, allow them to come in, I want to see the situation.”

“You wait a moment.” Gao Qin nodded.

Soon, the two people left together.

“According to the news, the female general’s cultivation is the Taboo Heroic Soul Art!” Jiang Yurong walked out a long way, feeling that Yu Yuan could not hear him, and said: “Because of the Heroic Soul Art backlash, it is quite troublesome. , It’s not easy to treat. Why does Li Yu think that Yu Yuan can save her?”

Gao Qin smiled and said, “It seems that Yu Yuan himself told Li Yu so.”

“It’s weird.” Jiang Yurong didn’t quite believe it. “He himself is nothing but the Dark Burst Realm cultivation base. Then Li Yuchan’s Yin God was injured. How could he heal?”

“Haha, don’t bother with this, send that Li Yuchan in, and understood after a few days.” Gao Qin said with a smile.

Jiang Yurong doubted, “Let’s take a look.”


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