Li Yu does not know the identity of the Yin Charm Sect of Zhang Miao and Zhang Man.

He is just annoying.

Li Family suffered a disaster, the family was ruined, and the family members either died, were expelled, or fled the Silvermoon Empire early.

His father died because of this.

In this situation, he wanted to go to Mysterious Heaven Island, find the person he was in the past, and enter Profound Heaven Sect to concentrate on cultivation.

On the way to the Rift Islands, he ran into Zhang Miao and Zhang Man, the sisters. Faced with the embrace of the two sisters, he was very ambitions of revenge, so he was not interested.

He has clearly and indifferently refused once.

Unexpectedly, on Heavenspan Island, at Medicine Pill Palace, I “ran into” the sisters again, and was entangled by two women again.

He was rejected by Profound Heaven Sect. In order to bring him into Heavenspan Island, Aunt was hit hard by Chou Jihai. Yin God was damaged and unstable, and he needed to sell his small objects to collect the money for the purchase of “Soul Accumulation Pill.”

In such a situation, how could he care about sister Zhang Man?

What’s more, when he was at the peak and most dazzling empire, he was indifferent by nature and wanted to go to Profound Heaven Sect cultivation as soon as possible, and he always resisted the love of men and women.

——It is naturally even more so now.

“Young Master Li, wait a minute.” Zhang Man whispered in a soft, tingling voice behind him, “Jun Yan like Young Master Li, a moment of silence can’t be considered and so on Our sisters firmly believe that it won’t take long for Young Master Li to win a lot of favor and rise to the sky!”

Li Yu coldly said, “Please don’t follow me anymore!” After that, he went all the way to Yu Yuan.

Taking a look at Tong Laoqian, he hesitated a little, and said sorry, “I aunt, she…”

Tong Laoqian is in front of him, he just shook the head, sighed.

Looking at his regret, there are still some blushed with shame expressions. Yu Yuan guessed that Li Yuchan not only refused strongly, but he might also blame Li Yu for the olive branch he threw.

“I know a little about his heart knot.” Yu Yuan didn’t reluctantly said, “I have been on the island in the past few days. If you want to find me, you can…”

Without saying the rest, Gao Qin suddenly smiled and interjected, “Young Master Li, if you want to find him, just tell me. As long as you are on Heavenspan Island, as long as you allow him, I can get it. You see him.”

“Are you?” Yu Yuan was surprised.

The deacon of Chamber of Commerce wears the same clothes as Jiang Yurong, and the identity of the two should be equal.

He just came to Medicine Pill Palace, he saw this person there, and then he entered the temple himself, this person was also following, and now he took the initiative to answer, which made him think.

“When you came out of the inner courtyard of Chamber of Commerce, Deacon Jiang informed me.” Gao Qin cup one fist in the other hand said with a smile, “You are the most distinguished guest of Chamber of Commerce, you should pay more attention to it. of.”

When he said this, Yu Yuan understood, so he smiled and said to Li Yu, “If you have anything to find me, you can go through him.”

Li Yu nodded.

Chou Jihai, when harassing him and aunt time and time again on Heavenspan Island, this Chamber of Commerce man just watched the show and didn’t interrupt to dissuade him from beginning to end.

But now, because of what Yu Yuan said, his attitude has changed drastically.

Who would have thought that a young boy in the Dark Moon City Yu Family would have such a great energy in a place where the stars gather in Rift Islands two years later?

Looking back at myself…

The thoughts got to this point, Li Yu felt sad and sighed.

“I go first.”

Yu Yuan pats his shoulder, with a cold and murderous look, suddenly glanced at Zhang Miao, his lips squirmed, and he spit out 3 silent words Don’t courting death!

Zhang Miao lowered his head gently.


“Instructing the sisters to go to your room is indeed a bad taste for me, a malicious joke.”

On Heavenspan Island, a place where the Spirit Stone was paid for outsiders to settle in, Tong Laoqian sat down, wringed out a jug of wine, filled himself and Yu Yuan, drank it all, and said, “This matter, I’m wrong, I Please accompany the wine!”

Yu Yuan took a sip, coughed, and said, “This wine is spicy!”

“A kind of spirit in my hometown, there is no Spiritual Qi, no special medicine efficacy.” Tong Laoqian filled himself up again, put the flask on the table, holding the cup and said, “I am a person, in fact, still nostalgic. Yes. When I was on a sea cruise, I suddenly saw you. I just found it interesting, and the sisters were annoying, so I tried them with them.”

Yu Yuan sipped, sipped the wine in the glass, and listened to him.

“When there is nothing left, I just think you are lucky. The scabbard I don’t know where I got is favored by Zhou Cangmin, and that Yu Zhu is following.” Tong Laoqian said each minding their own business. “Later, I learned more and found that your luck… is not so good.”

“Every time, luck is so good, can turn peril into safety, can harvest full, that is the manifestation of ability.”

“You may not know it yourself. The Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce has investigated you and it is very thorough. The investigator over there casually commented, saying that you are a plague god, wherever you go, the world will be in chaos, without exception .”

Having said that, Tong Laoqian laughed heartily by himself.

Yu Yuan dumbly, drink a mouthful of wine, and said “No wonder”.

Not long ago, when Zhu Peining was talking to him, he mentioned a phrase “Plague God”, but he still didn’t know what it meant.

Tong Laoqian explained that, he knew where the “Plague God” came from, and knew that the “Plague God” referred to by Zhu Peining meant himself.

He then thought about it, and recalled the experience of Falling Moon Forbidden Land, Jade Peak Mountain Range, and all the land, Starash Sea Territory.

And now the Rift Islands…

His face was embarrassed.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems…that’s true.

Wherever he went, foul wind and bloody rain would be set off every time, and many great cultivators died as a result.

Chamber of Commerce called him “Plague God”, it is really not unreasonable.

“I don’t deny it, knowing that you got’Fiend Demon Cauldron’ and’giant beast essence amber’ in Starash Sea Territory, I had other thoughts about you.” Tong Laoqian grinned, laughed, “especially On Flying Dawn Island, I made a decision more than once, thinking of murdering to seize the treasures.”

“If not, you succeeded in the low mountain controlled by the old ancestor, and you saw the old ancestor with too many secrets. I can’t figure it out. I will start.”

“Later, you went to Scarlet Demon Island, I still have ideas.”

“Until your fiancee finds, kills Pei Zhen, and slaughters all the Scarlet Demon Sect disciple on the island. And you, after you get away safely again, I will dispel the evil thoughts.”

“The evil thoughts faded. After I became sober, another single thought emerged.”

“After weighing it, I made a new decision, so I took the initiative to show up, and at the cost of the fragmentation of’Jade Tower’, it was considered a gift for you.”

“You have to admit this favor?” Tong Laoqian said expectantly.

Yu Yuan nodded, “I promised you that I will repay your favor.” “I want to return to the wasteland.” Tong Laoqian suddenly said, “Originally, I belonged there, and cultivation in it. It is Spirit Void Sect, built After building a Space Transmission Array, the 7 major lower sect Elder clergymen, after a large influx, chased and killed all kinds of demons, accumulated experience and feats, and forced me to leave.”

Yu Yuan was stunned for a moment, “Are you going back to the empty place?”

Tong Laoqian heavily nodded, “I want to go back!”

Yu Yuan was silent for a while, thinking about the meaning of his words, clearing the context, and said, “But because the spiritual Qi of today’s heritage is reviving, it is more beneficial to your cultivation? In the wasteland, in some places, there are Did you leave something in your early years?”

“How do you know?” Tong Laoqian was startled.

“The Space Transmission Array was successfully repaired again, but the owner has changed.” Yu Yuan continued, “Today’s wasteland is Yu Zhu from Monster Palace, who fits with Great Dao there, and is the new owner of the legacy. . Even Space Transmission Array is re-operating. The 7 lower sects will also be due to her existence, because there is an owner in the legacy, so I don’t dare to go crazy.”

“If she is willing to be nodded, she will be able to return to the cultivation site naturally. The new site, Spiritual Qi is becoming more and more abundant, and gradually turned into a treasure cultivation. The place that once belonged to you has changed with each passing day, and Spiritual Qi will permeate your realm. Promotion, accumulation in all aspects, has many benefits.”

“But so?”

Yu Yuan Drink lightly.

Tong Laoqian was convinced, put down the wine glass, twisted the flask, filled it with a “grunt”, then threw the flask away, and said, “I was obsessed before. I think the great cauldron and the essence amber of the giant beast are better than anything else. If you can get it successfully, everything is worth it, so evil thoughts are always in your mind.”

“From today, from now on, Tong Laoqian swears that I will never have evil thoughts on you again!”

“Just ask you to speak to the new owner of the deserted land, to ease, and allow me to return to it.”

“You also know that for a character like me, cultivation in the heritage site, maybe a bit of Spiritual Qi, but for her who fits in the heritage site Great Dao, she can also benefit from my return.”

Tong Laoqian is sincere, with requests on his face.

Yu Yuan has a spectrum in her heart, knowing that with the eye pupil of Asura in the dark domain, she was also refining by Yu Zhu, she originally came from the legacy, and under the promotion of Monster Palace, she naturally became the new owner of the legacy.

Without that Asura Eyes pupil, he secretly grabbed the Spiritual Qi and began to resuscitate 10000 things.

In the Asura Eyes pupil, the spirit strength contained in it is still under the power of Yu Zhu, pouring down to the site, making the weather of the site undergoing tremendous changes day by day.

This kind of wasteland, from Desolate Land, turned into a treasure cultivator.

Tong Laoqian-like Soul Wonder great cultivator, wanting to return to the heritage cultivation, but also value the changes and future prospects of the heritage, looking for Yu Zhu as the backer.

Because, Yu Zhu is not nodded and disagrees, he dared to return to the cultivation and will face Yu Zhu’s killing.

Yu Zhu, who has got the eyes of Asura in the dark field and naturally fits in the ruins, now has soaring strength, coupled with the strong support of Monster Palace, the seven lower sects like Spirit Void Sect, all have to bow their heads, according to Yu Zhu’s rules. Acting in a deserted place, let alone a Loose Cultivator?

“I have agreed to this request, and when I return to the unrepentant land, I will convince her.” Yu Yuan nodded nodded.

He knows that if there is a great cultivator like Tong Laoqian in the deserted land today, it will become more and more vigorous and can be transformed into a treasure like Desolate Great Lake faster, so he agreed.

Hearing this, Tong Laoqian was overjoyed.



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