outside world.

Holding the Soul Sacrifice Chart and moving towards Qi Hongyi, the Queen of Silver Moon attacked, her movements are flowing, full of wonderful rhythm and beauty.

Brilliant brilliance, waved from her other hand, condensed into each and everyone circle.

The ring is like a bright moon with icy edges, releasing a faint moonlight.

In the dim night sky, there seemed to be a new moon suddenly appearing around Qi Hongyi, creating an alternative Heaven and Earth of bizarre and motley. Qi Hongyi was stuck in it and couldn’t get rid of it.

Qi Hongyi holding the pipa, Soul Consciousness Sea was watered, too many mixed souls and remnants.

This directly caused Qi Hongyi’s thoughts to be confused, unable to preserve his soul, wisdom, and clarity, and thus unable to release many wonderful magic decisions.

If there is a great cultivator in the Free Spirit realm, and concentrating on Soul Sea, when you can see Qi Hongyi’s deep mind, there seem to be many bat-like souls flashing and flying in 4 places.

Qi Hongyi’s soul thoughts were chaotic and disorderly, and they were still being pulled by those soul shadows, and their soul power was quietly absorbed.

Under her bright red dress, the skeletal body that was as white as jade, deep red juice was gradually flowing in the joints.

The Pipa she was holding, spontaneously burst into a glow due to the attack of the Queen of Silver Moon.

The strings of the pipa constantly sputtered with lightning, to impact rounds of “bright moon”, breaking up the ring.

The skeletal body, the Pipa in her arms, sensed her dangerous predicament, solved it by herself, and protected her.

But Qi Hongyi still frowned, his expression pained.

The soul is the foundation. Once the soul is chaotic, the wisdom is dusted, and the thoughts cannot be condensed, they lose themselves.

Without her control and operation, the skeletal body and the pipa in her arms, the original magical magic and mighty power, could not be used.

On the other hand, the Queen of Silver Moon looked very relaxed, holding the Soul Sacrifice Chart in her hand, and no longer blasted Qi Hongyi.

Intentionally or unconsciously, she frequently looked towards the pothole below.


“Soul Sacrifice Chart, and the Soul Sacrifice Orb are connected.”

Above the falling star, Qin Yun of Seven Gods Sect suddenly said, “You may not feel it. In the Soul Sacrifice Chart, clusters of Remnant Soul resentful spirits absorbed by refining are quietly disappearing. Just now, Soul Sacrifice Orb escaped into the dark Asura’s brown eyeballs, deep inside.”

“Yes, the Queen of Silver Moon should transfer the Remnant Soul evil spirits gathered in the Soul Sacrifice Chart to Soul Sacrifice Orb.” Liu Ying nodded agreed, “When she fought Qi Hongyi, she used the Soul Sacrifice Chart. When I get up, I don’t want others to notice. Yan Qiling and Tong Laoqian were all attacked by Shen Feiqing, so naturally they didn’t care.”

“As for Aunt Xu…” Liu Ying faintly sighed, “Aunt Xu shouldn’t plan to continue mixing up in the pothole. She came to Falling Moon Forbidden Land this time, and she was originally with the Imperial Teacher to help Shen Feiqing. Yes. Shen Feiqing intends to awaken Asura in the dark realm, and Yin God has escaped far away under the attack of the Lord Imperial Teacher.”

“She seems to have no reason to stay.”

Earth Demon Bai Shang, the white-haired snake demon, and Li Baixiong and other Black Tiger Army soldiers are all glare like a tiger watching his prey below.

Xu Zixi has no other assistance available.

In this case, if Xu Zixi insists on protecting Yu Yuan, he will bring about one’s own destruction.

“After this battle, we, and Silvermoon Empire, where should we go?” Yuan Lianyao smiled bitterly, rubbing her temples in annoyance, and said, “Your Majesty’s friendship with Scarlet Demon Sect seems to be just a pretense that’s all .”

The Queen of Silver Moon and Shen Feiqing had a tacit understanding for a long time, and they were still standing behind Bai Shang and the white-haired snake demon, trying to waste a lot of time.

Then, what is the honeymoon period between Empire and Scarlet Demon Sect?

Master Imperial Teacher and Master Fang Yao also clearly told her that Queen Silvermoon will take care of her, because Silvermoon Empire needs Scarlet Demon Sect.

But now, Yuan Lianyao feels that the Queen Your Majesty does not need Scarlet Demon Sect at all.

As Scarlet Demon Sect, the white clothed Imperial Teacher who ranks the first demon species, that Yin God was also chased by the Queen Your Majesty. Doesn’t this mean that the Empire and Scarlet Demon Sect are actually torn apart?

She caught in the middle, Yuan Family, what should we do in the future?

What about Yu Family? What about Yu Yuan?

The Empress Your Majesty insisted on going her own way, and the evil Human Demon spirit, conspired to awaken the dark realm Asura, which is bound to make Silvermoon Empire a target of public criticism and targeted by all major forces.

If an empire is so big, it may collapse suddenly. It is rooted in all families of the empire. Don’t suffer along with it?

Thinking of this, this famous “flaming red lotus” felt depressed, and felt that the empire and its own future were both dim and unclear.

“Yu Yuan, can you resolve this tribulation?”

She thought secretly, a pair of beautiful eyes, frequently looked towards below.

In the bright mirror of the table, not at all again reflects Yu Yuan, but freezes on Xu Zixi.

She looked down at high altitude, but she could not see anything.


“Feiqing, I’m leaving.”

After the python, Xu Zixi raised his head and said apologetically, he looked at Yu Yuan, who was immersed in the dark Asura Eyes ball in the pit, and said, “You may not hear me, but I will come here. It’s just because I’m worried about Cang Min. As for Secret Realm and so on, I don’t care.”

She could sense that Yu Yuan’s Sky, Earth, and Human 3 souls are still alive.

But Yu Yuan’s consciousness and attention should have been integrated with the Sword Soul and sword intent long ago, and escaped into the dark space Asura’s eyeball Heaven and Earth.

After the Space Transmission Array was cut off, judging from the current situation, no one can stop the Silver Moon Queen and Shen Feiqing.

Perhaps, the dark Asura will wake up with Peak battle strength, Divine Might Empire, Silvermoon Empire, Scarlet Sun Empire will be turbulent for a while, Heaven Profound Continent will kill many people.

Even Ancient Desolate Sect and Hidden Dragon Lake, Thunder Sect, Cold Yin Sect, may also be affected.

However, there will be no fundamental changes in the overall situation of the vast world.

A Platinum Grade darkfield Asura is Peak strength. When the Free Spirit and Primordial Spirit great cultivators of Tianyuan Continent and Nirvana Continent learned that if their eyes are on this, he still has to flee into the sky.

Possibly, Shen Feiqing and the Queen of Silver Moon will also sneak into Outland.

It will not bring about the influence and change of destroying heaven extinguishing earth to the entire vast world. It is also impossible, the big pattern of 3 continents and Human Race.

The fact that Human Race is at its peak, dominates the vast world, and is like the sun at high noon in the outer starry sky, will not be changed by this!

Thinking like this, Xu Zixi only nodded the white-haired old woman, and flew away immediately.

She is in the heart, secretly taking the hatred of the old woman who also came from Monster Palace, thinking about waiting to return to Monster Palace to find out the origin of Old Chu woman, and when the realm is higher, she will definitely find the place today.

A big cultivator like her, with a long life span, does not care about short-term gains and losses.

The demon snake holding Bai Gu’s cane, seeing her determined to leave, sneered in a low voice and said, “Xu girl, after returning to Monster Palace, remember to bring a message for the old man to tell the guys in Monster Palace, the gift of Monster Palace, I It will return slowly.”

The white-haired old woman, the eyes under the dense white hair, contain endless hatred.

She hates Monster Palace in her bones!

Xu Zixi turned a deaf ear.


Asura in the dark, the Small World in the eye.

Soul Sacrifice Orb is floating and turbulent, dissipating 1000 1000 absolutely nether shadow, for the Remnant Soul of Asura in the dark realm to engulf the refining.

Originally, the fragmented cold crystals seemed to be condensed together in the deep darkness.

A cold, tyrannical, and powerful consciousness full of resentment towards Human Race and vast world, at a speed that Yu Yuan could hardly understand, it quickly expanded into strength!

Yu Yuan saw the crimson sword glow like streams and springs, full of scary sword intents

, Disappearing at the end of the darkness one after another.

If there is a strange cave, swallowing, refining everything!

sword intent, sword glow, including Sword Soul, all seem to be annihilated in it.

Sword intent and sword glow can gather again, but if Sword Soul dissipates, it will be a severe blow to Yu Yuan, and the thought of him being pulled into it may also burst.

Asura wakes up, his true body will be the first to be bombarded and killed.

A very bad feeling poured into Yu Yuan’s mind and consciousness, making him increasingly uneasy.

In this state, he tried to use “Wisdom Forging Soul Art” to communicate with the Soul Transformation Pond, the strange space at the bottom of the pool, which was far below the Falling Moon Forbidden Land.

The strange space at the bottom of the pool is specifically used by Divine Soul Sect to suppress the passage connecting the outer domain. It seems to be one with Soul Transformation Pond, but in fact it is independent.

Moon Demon is now present, the scabbard is inserted into the platinum skull, and the hidden sword intent is the Falling Moon Forbidden Land, the one who is outside the moonslash.

This made Yu Yuan realize that Asura and Moon Demon are still closely related to Falling Moon Forbidden Land, which is basically the same thing.

Since it is the same thing, the Soul Transformation Pond of Falling Moon Forbidden Land, the strange space at the bottom of the pool, floating “wisdom will certainly hurt” 4 quaint black letters, hidden mighty soul energy, can you use it for yourself?

It is no, is it possible to receive a response to the soul thoughts and messages sent by me?

He has long clarified the truth, the moonslasher, the one who engraved the sword marks on the wall of the Soul Transformation Pond, is a person.

That person, Shiyouba is from Sword Sect.

The person who can create Soul Transformation Pond and build “Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation” is naturally the great cultivator of Divine Soul Sect.

At the bottom of the Soul Transformation Pond, the wisdom will certainly hurt 4 words floating in the strange space. The creator of “Wisdom Forging Soul Art” is also the person of Divine Soul Sect.

According to Yan Qiling, that person, and the lurker in the bronze giant coffin, are both Divine Soul Sect great cultivator.

Can you ask the great cultivator of Divine Soul Sect for help when the sword intent sword art is blocked by killing Asura in the dark realm?

With this thought in mind, he called in the depths of his heart.

He thought of changing Heaven and Earth in the dark Asura. The soul of the real body, Sky, Earth, and Human 3, spontaneously responded and went to the cultivation “Wisdom Forging Soul Art” to convey his thoughts.

Then, after a long time, he was surprised to find that he and the strange space at the bottom of the Soul Transformation Pond had a deeper connection in an instant!


In the night sky, Your Majesty, Queen of the Silvermoon Empire, feels Mr. Li.

Her indistinct face seemed to be shrouded in moonlight, suddenly becoming brighter.

Your Majesty, a slender queen, is like a magnet that absorbs lunar energy in this brief moment, so that the crooked moon in the starry sky will be moved by it.

Liu Ying, who was in charge of Falling Star Eyes, shocked her lovable body, and her face was full of horror.

She suddenly felt that this artifact, given by Star Moon Sect and made by Star Moon Sect thousand hammers, hundred refinements, would sink to the earth like being tied by a huge rope!

The Silver Moon Queen is the one who grabbed the rope and dragged the Falling Star to the earth!


The Empress Your Majesty shouted, clutching the Soul Sacrifice Chart, to the commander who had broken into the “Jade Tower”, one against two, and fought against Tong Laoqian and Yan Qiling, and said solemnly “Yu Yuan, better than ours. It’s more troublesome to think. What he has won is not only Falling Moon Forbidden Land, a sword art of the Moonslash Great God!”

Communicating with the Soul Transformation Pond at the bottom of the pool, Yu Yuan in that strange space, the breath that she can never calm down!

The 3 words Divine Soul Sect are a big taboo in the vast world!

Because of her involvement with the Moon Demon clan, she knew it a long time ago that she didn’t say the name of Divine Soul Sect, but knew that the secret technique of the soul used by Yu Yuan at this moment was owned by Divine Soul Sect!

Divine Soul Sect, before being destroyed, it is Foreign Heavenly Demon, the most feared sect of all souls in the world!



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