In Soul Sacrifice Orb, Supreme Moon Demon Yue Fei, who once haunted Falling Moon Forbidden Land, appeared magically.

He also told Yu Yuan that the Moon Demon clan had long been tied to the Silvermoon Empire.

Then Yue Fei, who claims to be himself, is behind the Silver Moon Queen, the 3rd shadow!

Yu Yuan’s cluster of consciousness, as well as Old Demon Huang, were shocked.

Especially Yu Yuan.

He clearly remembered that in the depths of the forbidden area, Yue Fei, known as Supreme Moon Demon, escaped from the bronze monument controlled by heavenly demon Qing Yan and was swallowed and melted by Emperor Skyshaker, the creator of Heroic Soul Art.

That Yue Fei, in the hands of Emperor Skyshaker, not at all has too much resistance.

In the forbidden area, the Soul Sacrifice Orb held by Li Yu is refining to absorb other Moon Demons, as well as various spirits in the forbidden area, but logically speaking, it does not include Yue Fei.

Yue Fei, it should be refining by Emperor Skyshaker.

But why, in this Soul Sacrifice Orb, the shadow of Yue Fei will appear?

“You, shouldn’t it be Yue Fei?”

Yu Yuan’s thought consciousness, paying attention to the nether shadow in Soul Sacrifice Orb, actively asked, “If you are her, you should remember me.”

“I am her.”

Yue Fei in Soul Sacrifice Orb actually responded immediately, “It’s just that she is not me. Or, she is just a part of me, part of me who was suppressed in the forbidden area, and left me.”

“And I, a long, long time ago, for other reasons, left the forbidden area. Then in the Silvermoon Empire, with the help of Li Family, I slowly recovered.”

“Silvermoon Empire organized, those forbidden ground trials again and again have something to do with me. Originally, another part of my Remnant Soul was expected to be retrieved and fuse together with me. Because of you, because of Emperor Skyshaker, heavenly demon Qing Yan, I didn’t get what I wanted, there is still something missing.”

“However, it doesn’t matter.”

“That part, the memory of the Remnant Soul refining by Emperor Skyshaker, is connected to my body forever. When I return to the Foreign Domain sky, I will find Emperor Skyshaker and take back the part I lost!”

The Yue Fei of Soul Sacrifice Orb, lightly said the hidden secrets.

Listening to Yu Yuan, the expression has changed dramatically.

He thought about it for a moment, and then he knew what was going on.

It should be many years ago, I went to Falling Moon Forbidden Land to explore the sharpeners, and took something or something out.

Yue Fei in Soul Sacrifice Orb is in front of you.

This Yue Fei, the Silvermoon Empire outside was able to grow and recover, but because it was Moon Demon, he did not dare to reveal his identity and chose to enter into a contract with the Queen of Silver Moon or the ancestor of the Li Family.

She helped Li Family reach the top of the Silvermoon Empire and helped the Queen of Silvermoon become a female emperor.

The ancestors of Li Family, as well as the current queen Your Majesty, helped her conceal her identity and breath, secretly helped her recover, and even made her stronger.

She lost another part of Remnant Soul that she couldn’t break free because of the “Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation”, which she longed for.

Li Family, the current Queen Your Majesty, should have promised her to help her find the Remnant Soul and temporarily invalidate the “Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation” so that she can complement herself and be truly complete.

Even the loosening of “Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation” is also related to this.

But there were too many accidents later. Yu Yuan fit in with the sword intent and became the law enforcer of Falling Moon Forbidden Land, and heavenly demon Qing Yan, Emperor Skyshaker, Earth Demon Xi Quan, and Earth Demon White Ghost were also born.

In the end, even the terrifying existence of the deep hidden bronze giant coffin was awakened and broke free.

One ring clasped the other ring and moved the whole body. The result surpassed the Silver Moon Queen and Yue Fei’s expectations, leading to more serious and terrifying consequences.

The missing part of Yue Fei was swallowed up by Emperor Skyshaker because of its weakness.

Emperor Skyshaker, heavenly demon Qing Yan, was brought into the sky by the one in the giant bronze coffin.

“I understand.”

After Yu Yuan figured it out, once again looked towards Soul Sacrifice Orb, the nether shadow of Yue Fei, “You were brought in by Queen Your Majesty? Queen Your Majesty, what do you want to do when you come here?”

“Your Majesty and Military Commander Shen want to do something, but you, Zhou Cangmin, are the stumbling block.” Yue Fei said.

“Old Demon Huang!”

In the crimson sword glow, Yu Yuan’s thoughts were phantom in the mouth of the “well”, conveying his heart, “Can you help me? Let this demon of Outland disappear here forever?”

Soul Sacrifice Orb did not come. After he communicated with Old Demon Huang, this Old Demon also understood what this place is, and knew what Silver Moon Queen and Shen Feiqing wanted to do.

Yue Fei represents the Queen of Silver Moon, and Shen Feiqing’s desire to call out Asura in the dark is unreasonable to Old Demon Huang.

Yu Yuan who can impose those sword glows can have a devastating blow to him in the form of soul.

However, Yue Fei, who came together through Soul Sacrifice Orb, naturally has a protective shell due to the existence of Soul Sacrifice Orb.

“The demon of Outland, dare to harm our Heaven and Earth, damn it!”

Old Demon Huang’s small World’s shadow inside, suddenly changed, turned into a demon capable to support both heaven and earth, up to 1000 hundred zhang, and grabbed Soul Sacrifice Orb.

Inside the Soul Sacrifice Orb, the soul shadow of Yue Fei chuckled softly.


Soul Sacrifice Orb flew out suddenly, converging towards the dark space Asura Remnant Soul, the dark depths.

Inside the ball, strands of Nether Soul, the shadow wraith, floated out.

Like a goddess scattered flowers, right here Heaven and Earth, appearing in the gaps of the crimson sword glow.

Some of those ghosts and resentful spirits are collected by Li Yu in Falling Moon Forbidden Land, and a large part is unknown.

But Yu Yuan is here in Heaven and Earth, and he perceives a few Remnant Souls. He is very familiar with it. It is clearly the Silvermoon Empire, who used to ride the Cloudwing Boat with him.

There are a few more, Liu Wei from Cold Yin Sect and Lei Xiao from Thunder Sect.

To Yu Yuan’s surprise, even Old General Li Yuangui’s Soul Remnant Mind appeared from Soul Sacrifice Orb.

1000 1000 absolutely ghosts and resentful spirits, there are still many breaths that are ancient. It seems that they have been dead for 1000 100 years. Remnant Soul, the older generation of the empire, was detained and suppressed and released together.

Far more than that, Li Yu called Soul Sacrifice Orb, there were more ghosts and resentful spirits.

Deep in the gloom, the small crystal-like dark domain of Asura and spiritual wisdom suddenly became excited, like a shark that had been hungry for countless years and saw a group of fish swimming across.

One, a shark that was about to starve to death, would he not be excited when he saw the fish put his mouth on it?

Under the crimson sword glow, rushing like a stream, the Asura Remnant Soul, the dark realm lurking in his eyes, was completely downwind and unable to succeed.

If there is no accident, Asura’s remnant thoughts and spiritual wisdom are bound to be obliterated.

But now, because of the escape of Soul Sacrifice Orb, many ghosts and resentful spirits floated out, such as injecting new soul energy into Asura, which gave him the blessing of extra power.


Old Demon Huang wanted to attack, but he saw Soul Sacrifice Orb float away and released 1000 1000 absolutely ghosts and resentful spirits for Asura to swallow the refining.

“The Remnant Soul of this thing is confined by the scabbard and cannot escape. His eyeballs can naturally absorb the mighty psychic energy of the wasteland, but they cannot absorb the soul.”

“His Remnant Soul, if there is no soul, there is no way to recondense it, and it will be consumed when it is accumulated over a long period of time.”

“For so many years, no matter how much psionic energy the Small World absorbs in the eyeballs, his Remnant Soul will only get weaker and weaker. No matter how rich and abundant the Small World and Spiritual Qi are, he will not be able to make Remnant Soul grow. Psionic, and soul Yes, there are two different powers. Now they are different. He has extra soul energy to supplement him. He can withstand consumption and will grow stronger!”

Old Demon Huang also panicked.

Asura, the mortal dark realm, and the dying Remnant Soul, are now revived by Soul Sacrifice Orb.

In this battle, the scarlet sword glow is no longer destined to win, the variables have already appeared.

Platinum Grade’s dark field Asura, such as Human Race Free Spirit, great cultivator, once the power is restored and the souls reunite, who can be the opponent?

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