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“A lot of people have entered, you cherish it.”

Chen Qingyan didn’t stop him. He stood on the spot with a brazen attitude and said, “Heavenly Medicine Sect, not at all invites us. It is not suitable for us to turn up without being invited. Therefore, he swayed outside. “

She scolded Yu Yuan secretly in her heart, her attitude was so casual.

As she said, Hu Family, Liu Zaihe, life and death… She didn’t care.

“A lot of people?”

Hu Xuan was startled, raised his brows, and said, “How come there are so many people? And, in general, they are all who?”

Chen Qingyan shook his head gently, “Unknown.”

Yu Yuan was on the side, turned his body sideways, and bowed slightly to signal Hu Yue to go first.

When Hu Yue faced him again, the enthusiasm and smile of the lake had disappeared, and the corners of his mouth and eyes were all disdain.

Seeing him give way, Hu Yue Yangmei actually took the lead in crossing.

“I am bothered.”

Hu Hang didn’t feel that Yin Wind Valley really contained any danger. When borrowing from Yu Yuan, he nodded greeted him.

Yu Yuan just smiled and said, “Be careful.”

After the pair of siblings, Hu Xuan, as well as members of the Hu Family and guest official, passed in front of Yu Yuan.

Liu Zaihe pulled at the end and moved to Chen Qingyan, “Don’t walk together?”

Chen Qingyan smiled and said, “No.”

“If we are together, we will take care of each other.” Liu Zaihe persuaded again.

This time, the smile in Chen Qingyan’s eyes narrowed and he shook his head again.

Liu Zaihe felt helpless, sighed in his heart, bowed his hands, and said goodbye.

Together with the Hu Family members, he chose to go to the forbidden area of ​​Jade Peak Mountain Range, to the dangerous Yin Wind Valley.

After a long time, when the entire group disappeared, Yu Yuan said indifferently: “The road to cultivation, every step is dangerous, and one wrong step is consigned to eternal damnation.”

Chen Qingyan believes that, “Anyone you meet on the cultivation path may be full of malice, and look kind and kind. He wants you to die, but you don’t notice it.”

“How do I feel that you are swearing?” Yu Yuan gave her a sideways look.

“It’s just feeling.” Chen Qingyan said.

“No surprise, the descendants of King Wei Ling, as well as those of the Hu Family, I’m afraid I won’t see them again.” Yu Yuan didn’t delve into it, pondered, and suddenly sat down on the spot.

Taking out a few fragmentary Spirit Stones, he said nothing,

Absorb the spirit strength in the Spirit Stone and carry out its own cultivation.

Chen Qingyan was on the side, he did not go to the “Fiend Demon Body Refinement Art” and “Wisdom Forging Soul Art” cultivation, so as not to be seen out of the ordinary by this powerful woman.

After Soul Transformation Pond, those sword intents of the pool wall, he has reached the late Spirit Gathering Realm.

What he is currently doing is to hit the Lower Dantian Golden Hall. Once the Golden Hall acupuncture is opened, it can incorporate the endless spirit strength and store it in Lower Dantian.

Golden Hall Realm is an extremely important level among the next three realms.

Only after entering the Golden Hall Realm can spirit strength be stored and called up at any time to display many subtle Spirit Art skills.

The Spirit Gathering Realm at this moment is just a strong body, strong as an ox, and a strong fascia.

To put it plainly, the battle of this realm relies on the brute force of the fleshy body.

Most Human Race cultivators tend not to pay too much attention to this realm, and not to the repeated forging of the fleshy body. Only those who repair Demon Art and cultivation Monster Art will be immersed in this realm for a long time.

On the one hand, Yu Yuan cultivation “Fiend Demon Body Refinement Art”, and the forbidden Soul Transformation Pond cuts bones and washes the marrow. The degree of physical strength has reached an incredible level.

Only after crossing this level, Lower Dantian opens up, even on the cultivation path, truly reach a higher-level.

Golden Hall Realm, in the eyes of Tianyuan Continent and Nirvana Continent cultivator, is the most critical step of the cultivator and a sign of entry.

There is a saying that if you do not enter Golden Hall, you are not a real cultivator.

“Chi! chi chi!”

The shining light at 9 o’clock is like a blazing little sun, condensing into a splendid spirit strength streamer, impacting the Lower Dantian Golden Hall.

Such as hitting an iron plate, Yu Yuan returned without success in the streamer sputtering.

The pieces of Spirit Stone in his hand turned into grayish brown dust and scattered all over the ground.

“Knock on Golden Hall, knock on Golden Hall, Golden Hall is hard to open.”

Yu Yuan slandered in his heart. After waking up from the meditation cultivator, he took a few deep breaths and recovered his calmness without being discouraged.

Looking around all around, he didn’t see Chen Qingyan. He was surprised secretly, thinking that girl had changed her mind and would not be with him anymore, and went to Yin Wind Valley alone or elsewhere.

He didn’t feel sorry, he stood up slowly, and wanted to use the secret technique to see if he could use Heaven Soul to capture the movement of that thing in the poisonous cloud.

Just when he was planning to do so, a scream of tearing his eardrums suddenly sounded from the direction of Yin Wind Valley.

The howling is as sharp as a cold arrow, as if in an instant, stabbing


So far away, Yu Yuan felt a pain in his chest and his face changed slightly.

Then, after quietly using Heaven Soul, he keenly sensed that there is a powerhouse capable of shaking the soul, who wants to escape from Yin Wind Valley.

It’s a pity that those powerhouses seemed to hit the invisible tabernacle and were bounced back.

He can even sense the fear and despair of those powerhouses.

Vaguely, he seemed to hear Long Tianxiao’s call, “Yu Yuan, save me, run away…”

Long Tianxiao, the head of the dragon body, seemed to be talking nonsense in Yin Wind Valley in a desperate state of mind.

The sudden upheaval of Yin Wind Valley made Yu Yuan at first a little confused.


Chen Qingyan came suddenly, like a touch of light, the beautiful eyes exposed on the green veil, bloomed with panic, “Yu Yuan, is Quite Yin Wind! Quite Yin Wind is in Yin Wind Valley, I don’t know what kind of caves, and suddenly there is What’s even more strange is that the strange Formation that had been eliminated, sheltering Yin Wind Valley, spontaneously formed!”

As soon as this statement came out, Yu Yuan changed abruptly.

He finally understood why those powerhouses that flooded into Yin Wind Valley would desperately want to escape.

Quite Yin Wind is here!

“It was released. It is not afraid of Quite Yin Wind, and it is even possible to use Quite Yin Wind!” A bright light flashed in his mind, and Yu Yuan suddenly understood, “Yes, it should be like this. 300 Years, it is impossible to the point where it scares many powerhouses.”

“It, plus Quite Yin Wind, plus that Formation…”

Yu Yuan furrowed his brows deeply, staring at Yin Wind Valley, fighting between heaven and man in his heart.

“I suggest that you leave here quickly and report to Heavenly Medicine Sect.” Chen Qingyan retired, “I looked a few far away and saw many people died. Hu Family people, enter a person to the valley, should It’s all dead. Those who haven’t entered yet have moved towards us and flee desperately.”

Entering the valley, those who are restricted by Formation will die.

Those who have not stepped in, escape at the fastest speed, there is still a glimmer of survival.

“I’m going to Yin Wind Valley!”

Yu Yuan took a deep breath, suddenly speeding up, moved towards Yin Wind Valley and rushed, “Don’t tell Heavenly Medicine Sect, they are not capable of solving Yin Wind Valley’s troubles, you should go back to Tianyuan Continent and Sword Sect as soon as possible. You Master cultivation.”

Chen Qingyan dumbstruck, looking at him hesitating all the way, act recklessly deep.


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