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Looking at the direction of Yin Wind Valley, Yu Yuan was also in a heavy mood.

That thing has grown to this point?

In the words of that boy, it is in the cloud of poisonous miasma, killing it in Yin Wind Valley?

Long Xiaotian with the dragon body in the head, and the boy in front of him, are all stronger than Yin God like Jin Fan.

With its ability, after 300 years of evolution, it is not surprising that Yu Yuan can suppress one of them.

However, Ling Long Xiaotian, the boy in front of him, and the many powerhouses in Yin Wind Valley were terrified, and made Yu Yuan restless.

Special lifeforms such as foreign objects and poison insects often take a long time to grow and become strong.

It is an extraordinary natural talent. According to Yu Yuan, it should not be within 300 years, so strong.

Unless, it has another chance!

“If it really has reached such a high level, the evolution of the life level will inevitably exceed my expectations.” Yu Yuan thought secretly, “In that case, can the methods I prepared and the hole cards still work?”

“Does it come to Yin Wind Valley deliberately to induce me to go deeper?”

“So, just kill me in Yin Wind Valley, in order to avoid future troubles, get rid of me completely, and gain real freedom and new life?”

A series of thoughts flashed through Yu Yuan’s mind.

He stopped in place, no longer to act blindly without thinking.

He naturally ignored Chen Qingyan’s inquiry, but carefully weighed what he should do.

“Yu Yuan? Yu Yuan?”

The black and white boy, whispered 2 times, awakening him from the state of groaning.

“This place is not Falling Moon Forbidden Land. It is inconvenient for you to stay too much.” He expressed sincerely and said: “I have seen that it is not good, and I quietly evacuated from the Yin Wind Valley. Long Xiaotian not long ago, act recklessly entered. , I think it won’t take long for him to suffer a big loss. The people of Ghost Talisman Sect think that Yin Wind Valley has hidden treasures.”

“Who would have thought that Heavenly Medicine Sect, who has never participated in mainland disputes, would secretly keep such evil things in captivity!”

“This thing is extremely fierce and terrifying. If you don’t kill it as soon as possible, it will grow up again in the future, I am afraid it will become a nightmare for the entire Heaven Profound Continent!”

It could be seen that he was quite afraid of that thing.

Yu Yuan thought for a while and said, “I’m here, watching the changes. Let me…think about it again and think about it.”

The boy looked deeply with an expression of surprise

To him, he said for a while: “Forget it, I don’t advise you, I hope you can do it yourself.”

Without saying more, this boy from Falling Moon Forbidden Land, originally a Soul Separation Rod, suddenly turned into a streak of light and went away.

“Who is he?”

After he left, Chen Qingyan asked again.

“Like Long Xiaotian, it comes from Falling Moon Forbidden Land. I crossed that forbidden area. When I came to Jade Peak Mountain Range, I met 2 of them and had a little incense and friendship.” Yu Yuan said calmly.

Chen Qingyan’s eyes were strange, “You are really good at making friends.”

“Thank you,” Yu Yuan said.

“We, don’t you go over immediately?” Chen Qingyan asked.

“No hurry, wait and see first.” Yu Yuan touched the chin and said, “Look at who still enters, and then see, there will be who will come out. Poisonous miasma stuff needs time to judge its power. At what Life Level.”

“Listening to your tone, you seem to be familiar with it?” Chen Qingyan stared at him, and said: “I thought it was different to you before. You know its habits well, otherwise you, and Elder Sister Bai They will all die there. Jin Fan, it was also because of your blame, that he almost died.”

Yu Yuan is indifferent: “You think too much.”

“I hope I think too much.” Chen Qingyan sighed, faintly said: “It’s impossible to think about it. If that thing is related to you, it doesn’t make sense, and it’s too horrible.”

Yu Yuan stopped answering.

There were two people at a distance from Yin Wind Valley, listening to the weird whistling of the valley within the distance, and secretly vigilant.

“Someone enters, the realm is weak, it’s just the middle and late stages of Nuance.”

“There is a guest official of Heavenly Medicine Sect, with Yin God cultivation base, also stepping into Yin Wind Valley!”

“There is another person, from another direction, driving the artifact and breaking into Yin Wind Valley!”


I don’t know what to use, Chen Qingyan will give reminders every once in a while.

As long as there is a powerhouse, she can get a keen sense of the Yin Wind Valley from the outside world, and learn about the opponent’s realm and battle strength.

Some people, Yu Yuan can vaguely capture, more deliberately concealers, he knows nothing.

On three occasions, people who entered Yin Wind Valley used Spiritual Consciousness or Soul Mind to spy on this side.

His Heaven Soul felt immediately.

At this time, Chen Qingyan would quietly release a sword intent.

As soon as the sword intent comes out, the spy will know instantly

After losing her identity, she didn’t look at it sneakily anymore, Spiritual Consciousness and Soul Mind disappeared in a flash.

This made Yu Yuan realize that Chen Qingyan is not only in Heaven Profound Continent, but also in Tianyuan Continent and Nirvana Continent 2. I am afraid that Chen Qingyan is also well-known.

As soon as he knew it was her, the prying eyes died down.

“You can scare people.”

Once again, after Chen Qingyan released the sword intent and the peepers escaped, Yu Yuan finally said “unable to bear”.

“It’s not me.” Chen Qingyan smiled brightly, “The one who can scare people is my Master.”

Yu Yuan murmured, “That woman’s stinky temper, when she is strong enough, can really shock people.”

“What did you say?” Chen Qingyan raised his voice.

“Nothing, say you Master very difficult to deal with.” Yu Yuan said.


It was a while later.

Amidst the rustling sound, Liu Zaihe, Hu Hang, Hu Xuan, Hu Yue and other Hu Family guest official, finally appeared at a moderate pace.

“Young Lady Chen!”

Hu Xuan was in awe, smiling all over his face, and said, “I’m very lucky to see you again.”

Chen Qingyan nodded salute, not at all.

Liu Zaihe eyes shined, and he walked quickly, “I thought I might have to be in Yin Wind Valley before I could meet you. You are here, why… are you waiting for us?”

Chen Qingyan smiled, but shook the head and said, “No.”

Liu Zaihe was a little embarrassed. He was not good at words and didn’t know how to answer the conversation.

“Your name is Yu Yuan, right? I thought you belonged to Azure Phoenix Empire or Tianyuan Continent. I didn’t expect you to come from Dark Moon City and from Yu Family?” Hu Yue Yang eyebrows, mouth full of disdain.

“Sorry, I came from a small place, laugh.” Yu Yuan didn’t care at all, turned his side to make way out, “You are going to Yin Wind Valley, right? It seems to be very lively inside, and I can’t stop it. Here, I wish Everything goes well for you.”

“It’s really a bastard who seeks revenge for the slightest grievance.” Chen Qingyan gave him a white look and secretly said with a smile.

In Yin Wind Valley, she knew how dangerous and terrifying the moment was.

People like Hu Family, with Liu Zaihe’s realm and cultivation base, go rashly, and simply die.

Hu Yue just made a ridicule, and Yu Yuan gave way.

Or, to send them all the way…

Extremely sinister!


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