Why did Lin Fei come?

It is to make the eggs of Fire Phoenix absorb the fire power of Five Elements’ land, so as to accelerate the hatching.

If it weren’t for such a place, Lin Fei would not have come.

Fortunately, although this firepower is somewhat worse than expected, in any case can be regarded as a good supplement, which is most suitable for this egg.

The egg of Fire Phoenix was placed in the central area, and a little fire power was quickly absorbed by the egg. The whole Fire Phoenix egg became red, and a shadow was faintly discernible inside, and it was lifted around the egg of Fire Phoenix. A swirl.

“Little Brat, don’t be so insatiable, take it slowly, absorb it so crazy, and be careful to break you.”

Lin Fei didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, I can feel the little Brat in the mood very excited, after all, this egg has been for a long time without the power of fire, if it does not meet him, it will become one sooner or later Dead egg.

Now you can swallow up the power of fire again, which is more like a tonic to this bullet. Although not as good as Lin Fei’s blood essence, it is a delicious dish in any case.

It was said by Lin Fei that the guys in it seemed to understand the same and slowed down, but still a swirl formed.

Lin Fei collected 4 attribute rough stones, but this Fire Yuan Stone did not collect it, it was used to absorb the fire power of Fire Phoenix eggs.

Lin Fei also started to close eye meditation.

It takes time to absorb the power of fire.

At the same time.

The egg’s swirl, which absorbs the power of fire, is also getting bigger and bigger, you can see it from a distance.

The first thing I felt was Shen Tianquan and Shen Tianhong. After all, the power formed by swirl is no small matter.

Be aware of it the first time.

Without saying a word, the force came straight to the fire.

But when they came out of the land of fire, the blazing air waves made them all frown, but they rushed in with their strength.

Further afield, three Western power experts came along.

Only temporarily, nothing good has been picked up.

“You see it is swirl, this swirl breath is powerful, and I can still feel the breath of the power of fire. Treasure should have appeared. Sure enough, China is China, Treasure is like a cloud, it seems that we are really lucky.” John Charlie Looking forward, the very obvious swirl flashed in front of him.

Both Johnson & Johnson and the poisoned widow noticed the swirl and felt the power of fire more.

As Western miracles, they are the most sensitive to elemental sensations, but as soon as the vortex of fire power appears, they know that there is a treasure in that place, otherwise it would not be possible to form such a large swirl.

“What are you waiting for? Let’s hurry.”

The three power experts went to swirl.

Seeing not only them from this swirl, even Bing Qingya and Director Xue also noticed that they also recognized the presence of treasure, and one after another ran over.

“The power of gold, I feel the breath of power of gold, but why is it gone?”

After Johnson and Johnson rushed over, expression suddenly changed, after all, the familiar atmosphere of Jin was very sensitive.

“Someone must have taken the treasure inside, who is it, and who grabbed my treasure?” Johnson was annoyed.

It is rare to encounter a treasure that is suitable for his cultivation, but this is the case.

“I also felt the breath of the earth in front, and someone should have snatched it.” John Charlie sank as well, showing a very unwilling expression.

The poisoned widow was quite calm.

“Someone took the treasure, and it must be among them. The strength of the three of us will be swept over directly. By then, treasure will not fall on our hands.”

The poisoned widow was actually excited.

After all, there was a treasure in this place that allowed John Charlie and Johnson & Johnson to improve the strength. Then there may be a treasure suitable for her, so this trip is really right.

After a look at John Charlie and Johnson and Johnson, they also recognized it. The three moved towards the front and ran into the group. They soon met Director Xue and Bing Qingya entire group.

Because of the relationship between Bing Qingya and Lin Fei, Director Xue was very kind to Bing Qingya.

This made Bing Qingya somewhat flattered. If you really want to speak of which, Bing Qingya and their entire group are the ones who are ending up, but now Director Xue is very kind.

“Not good, here comes the strong side of the West.” Director Xue first felt the three strong breaths. “Warning, alert immediately.”

Bing Qingya also felt three strong breaths, just like the usual breath, not Tai Yi.

A moment later, three silhouettes appeared in their field of vision.

“This is terrible. I didn’t expect them to be here.” After Director Xue saw the three, the complexion sank, and related information came up.

Bing Qingya not quite clear, but also felt a strong breath from them.

“Ice niece, you go first, Young Lin should be in there, you go and inform him, and say Expert is coming.”

Director Xue is not confident to deal with these three, because any one of the three is stronger than him.

He can’t panic.

Bing Qingya didn’t expect that Director Xue’s response would be so big. It was obviously very frightening to let her go inside first.

“Do you have the courage in the West to dare to break into the yin market, aren’t you afraid of being wanted by our Yan Huang Team?” Director Xue Xue said, forcing himself to calm down.

“Xue Yiming, I know you are the sub-director of the Yan Huang Team in Hangzhou.” John Charlie said with a smile, “You know us, could it be, you still want to arrest us, I’m afraid you don’t have this strength. If you are interested, give it to me right away. Step aside.”

Johnson and Johnson also coldly snorted, “Yes, get out of the way immediately, I don’t want to play against you Yan Huang Team, we just want the treasure of this underworld.”

The poisoned widow smiled smiley, “Director Xue, our opinions are very unified, do not know how do you think about it?”

In Xue Yiming’s impression, there were at most one or two Experts on the World Sect list this time, but it was not expected that there were three, and the most terrifying one among them was the poisoned widow, who had mastered spiritual powers.

The hardest one of the three, he had to pay attention to it, fearing that he would win the game.

“Yinxu land belongs to our Yan Huang Team, but not to you. Before I leave, I can leave immediately. I can treat this as if it hadn’t happened. Otherwise, I’m afraid you won’t be able to leave Out of the shade. “

The three powers Grandmaster laughed.

“It’s up to you. You think too much.”

John Charlie stepped out, and the ground shook. As the area became a Drifting Sand, they directly surrounded the Yan Huang Team including Director Xue.

“The director is not good. The ground below us has become a Drifting Sand trap.”

Although the Yan Huang Team ’s discrete strength is very strong, where they have played against the power Grandmaster, just a Drifting Sand, they are uncomfortable.

Johnson also not to be outdone, waving a wind blade, directly moved towards Yan Huang Team attacked.

As soon as the two powers Grandmaster shot, Xue Yiming felt great pressure.

The World Sect division is not just in name only, but also in reality.

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