Shen Tianhong didn’t dare to say a word. He still believed Wu Long’s words, so this man must be Lin Fei.

The guy who made the gods suffer, but never dared to retaliate.

What strength is his son? Shen Tianhong was still very clear. He was pinched in the other’s hands and his thoughts broke down.

Revenge is still fine, at least he has no confidence now.

Shen Sky Monarch The proud Son of Heaven, who heard dumbstruck, naturally knew Lin Fei, but did not expect that Lin Fei in front of him was the Lin Fei of the Eastern Sea mysterious, which was completely beyond his imagination and difficult to accept.

“Young Lin, our Shen Family didn’t do it right. We are willing to apologize and ask you to let go of my son’s horse.” Shen Tianhong hesitated again and again and had to bow his head, really unconfident.

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree, still plays a great role!

At least Lin Fei in front of her eyes is really impenetrable.

“Dare you guys, I was going to have fun with you, now that you have bowed your head, let’s forget it.” Lin Fei shook his head and shook his hand, then Shen Sky Monarch flew upside down and fell on Landed on the ground and raised the dust on the ground.

They never looked at them from beginning to end.

“Remember, if you want this matter to be completely resolved, you must collect enough Spirit Stones, otherwise I do n’t mind being a guest of your Shen Family, and your martial arts dragons, you have to do the same and do the wrong Things always come at a price. “

Lin Fei walked into Five Elements with a smile and disappeared in front of them.

The colors of Shen Tianhong and Wu Dragon God kept changing, especially Wulong felt that he had been shot while lying down.

What they want most is for the Moon Spirit Stone, and now you let them collect the Moon Spirit Stone and give it to Lin Fei, how willing they are.

“Brother Shen, I was really killed by you this time.” Wulong said helplessly.

Shen Tianhong laughed and looked at his son Shen Sky Monarch, who fell to the ground. He immediately became angry, and kicked him on the son’s body. To deal with people, we must investigate the origins clearly. Do n’t use the Shen Family name to suppress people at all. Now it ’s fine. Our family is in trouble. ”

Shen Sky Monarch, who was just about to get up, was kicked out, and the whole body was persecuted again, and his heart was extremely wronged. This matter can’t blame him.

“What knows me like this, really know he is Lin Fei’s words, and I dare not say such words to me.” Shen Sky Monarch know God’s invincible strength, and he is not up and down, since God is invincible Having suffered in front of Lin Fei, he has no chance of winning.

At this time, I really shot myself in the foot.

The three of them do not know what to do.

They dare not despise Lin Fei’s words. If they find the Shen Family, they may be in trouble.

“Now let’s take the first step as the first step. As for handing over the Spirit Stone, it must be impossible.” Shen Tianhong’s face gloomy and uncertain, “I heard that this time there will be an Expert from the World Sect list. He Even if you want Spirit Stone, it’s not that easy. “

Xiu xiu xiu!

Lin Fei walks into the golden land of Five Elements.

The countless golden blades of the countless broke in an instant, and one after the other, the power was very strong, and almost reached the level of Grandmaster.

Lin Fei not at all to care, but strode forward, wherever he went, those golden blades were bounced off by one after another, and he couldn’t get near him.

Lin Fei’s speed was not fast, and he came to one of the places in a blink of an eye, kicking his feet on the ground, hong long long loud noise, cracked the mouth of countless road.

“Give me out.”

A five-finger one grabbed directly toward the ground.

The ground cracked, and a rough golden stone flew out of the ground and landed directly on Lin Fei’s hand.

Gold and stone, average quality!

This is a fist-sized stone with a metallic color on the surface. It is gold stone, which is a special kind of rough stone that can be used to arrange the land of Five Elements.

The gold stone is extremely heavy. Lin Fei grabbed it like a mountain, and at the same time, it had a sharper breath. Constantly cut on the palm of the hand, but no matter how it was cut, it could not hurt.

Lin Fei put away the gold stones, and moved directly towards the second Five Elements.

After the gold and stone were taken away, the first area of ​​the Five Elements land returned to normal immediately, leaving only a wasteland.

Shen Tianhong, who has been wandering outside the land of Five Elements, felt the change, because a barren land appeared in front of them, shocking them.

Because before they sensed a dangerous breath in this area, but now it has disappeared.

“Could it be all done by Lin Fei?” Shen Tianhong stunned again.

Such a means is simply not what he can do.

Wu Long also took a deep breath, “It seems that we should re-examine Lin Fei. Maybe he is more terrifying than he thought. Maybe it is even those who come out of the Small world.”

When it comes to Small world, all three’s faces have become very complicated.

Compared to the Great Clan of Huaxia, the talents coming from that place are the most terrifying.

If it weren’t for those places, there would simply be no explanation as to why these dangers could be easily cracked.

“Then we should continue to follow?” Wulong wanted to leave, but did not want to miss the opportunity so.

“Go, why not go! Anyway, we all bow our heads and concede, he can never kill us?” Shen Tianhong said boldly.

In fact, he was not at ease in his heart. He also saw that this area belonged to a special zone, and it was also full of the power of Five Elements. Maybe there are good things in it.

So the three of them ventured forward.

After they left, God’s heavenly power and God’s invincibility also came to this area.

After all, this area has a dangerous atmosphere, but when they arrived, they also felt the changes in the area, and the sharp breath disappeared.

“Good odd, I felt that this place was different before, how did it change all of a sudden?” God Tianquan looked ahead.

God invincibly quietly said, “Will it be Lin Fei’s? Of these people, we can have such a means, it is estimated that he is alone.”

This statement really feels like this possibility.

“No matter what, let’s follow in.”

Lin Fei do not know that taking away Jin Yuanshi by himself will bring a lot of reaction.

From the land of gold to the land of wood, to the land of earth, Lin Fei broke into it easily, and more easily took away Yuan Shi.

The land of Five Elements also became empty for a moment, and finally came to a place full of flames, Lin Fei’s eyes narrowed.

“It’s such a powerful fire that I didn’t make a special trip.”

In the land of Five Elements, Lin Fei cares most about the land of fire.

Take out the egg of Fire Phoenix and place it in the center of the fire place of Five Elements. The closed eye meditation is up.

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