On the train aisle.

No one had expected that Lin Fei would kick the young man out at this time. After all, it was on a train, and looking at the young man’s tone of voice, he seemed to have an identity, and it seemed like a big deal.

“Dare you hit me!” Dong Tianye, kicked off and kicked off, reacted after a while, covering his chest, feeling only a hot pain in his chest. For a moment, he couldn’t even breathe out of breath. .

The few people accompanying the old man were obviously bodyguards. At this time, the complexion sank, Quite’s anger.

“What are you still doing? Hurry up and grab me this guy.” Dong Tianye was not ordinary anger at this moment.

No one dared to do this kind of thing to him in Hangcheng, but he was kicked by an ordinary guy in the train, which is shame.

Su Xiaowan saw a little nervous hiding behind Lin Fei behind this scene, and her heart warmed up.

“Brother Lin, you don’t really need to be like this, I think they are all identified people.”

Lin Fei said with a smile, “Anyway, it’s just a few Little Brat that’s all. He should be glad that it’s on the train. If it’s elsewhere, it’s not just like that. Who asked him? It ’s not easy to speak, this person, you do n’t always speak honestly.

When Dong Tianye heard this, he was even more angry. What was he talking about? I said that normally, who dare not give me face.

When the bodyguards were about to start, a clear voice sounded. I don’t know when a woman wearing a high heel came over.

“Stop, this is the train. What are you messing around with? Don’t be afraid to be joked!”

This coldly shouted stopped the bodyguards.

“And you Amano, I have told you how many times, go out and give me the honest, wherever you speak like you, you must clean up, you think you are the King of Heaven.

When Dong Tianye heard the voice, the whole body slammed like an eggplant, and explained, “Sister, I didn’t really do anything. It was the guy who encountered grandfather. Otherwise, how can grandfather get sick? Dare to Say my grandfather is not saved, isn’t this Curse my grandfather? “

Dong Tianye got up, rubbed his chest, and kept twitching his eyes, which was really painful.

In the presence of others, he may dare to speak hard, but in the presence of his elder sister, Dong Tianye really did not have this confidence, and was really afraid of his elder sister.

It is often said that the younger brother should be hit early, but for Dong Tianye, his younger brother’s identity has been bullied from childhood.

As soon as the tall woman came up, she yelled at Dong Tianye, and soon came to the old man. Expression also became nervous and looked up. “Little younger sister, this is not to blame you, you and your friends can go. . “

Dong Tingting’s own grandfather situation was just an accident just now, so it is not difficult for this young girl and his friends.

Listening to this, Su Xiaowan also sighed in relief, after all, she really wasn’t intentional, just accidentally that’s all.

“Thank you elder sister for understanding!” Su Xiaowan said quickly.

“Sister, how can you let her leave like this? Obviously she hit grandfather.” Dong Tianye was unconvinced and stared at the young man.

“Enough, you’ll be honest with me. If you don’t, don’t be honest. After I go back, I will tell you what you did in front of your dad and see who has a hard time.”

Dong Tianye was told by this, and his neck was narrowed subconsciously, but he knew his father’s temper, and he could absolutely kill him.

“Dong Young lady, you grandfather is not as good as let me come, I am quite researched in this regard, at least I can stabilize the situation.” At this time a young man with a magnificent spirit walked over Up and down, full of book life.

Dong Tingting glanced at the person, very strange, “You know me.”

I saw the young man took out a business card and handed it to Dong Tingting.

“I’m a doctor. I have just taken up the Hangzhou People’s Hospital. Lord’s situation is not very good. I heard Dong Young lady over there. You are a celebrity in Hangzhou. Lord is a celebrity on one side.”

Dong Tingting thought for a while and said, “Then trouble Dr. Wang.”

Being at the Hangzhou People’s Hospital and being a chief doctor by airborne is not something anyone can do. Dong Tingting believes that this person is not afraid to deceive himself. Once he lied, there was absolutely no good end.

Wang Pengfei moved towards Lin Fei, and said seriously, “You should be glad to have met me, otherwise you will be in trouble, now you can go.”

Wang Pengfei knows Dong Tingting’s ability, but in Hangzhou there is a head and a face. If such a good opportunity is not seized, it will be a regrettable life. If Dong Tingting sees it, he will definitely struggle for 30 years or even 50 Time of year.

Wang Pengfei knows such a rare opportunity, and at the same time has confidence in his own medical skills, at least it can be relieved, otherwise he would not take the initiative to stand up.

Lin Fei gave a slight glance at the old man and said, “I hope your medicine is ok, otherwise I don’t think you will be able to laugh at that time.”

Throwing down a sentence, Lin Fei and Su Xiaowan turned away.

Dong Tianye was still furious. “Sister, people like this should not let them go, because they have done something wrong.”

Dong Tingting coldly glanced at Dong Tianye, “You think about it, what you did wrong, or when you want to understand, you come and tell me, otherwise I will tell father about this, do n’t think we are The Dong Family ’s influence in Hangzhou is remarkable. “

Dong Tianye’s mind suddenly popped up a question mark for each and everyone.

He always felt the meaning of his elder sister’s words, but he didn’t think of it. The man and the woman were just an ordinary person. What’s so great, could it be that he would be afraid of them being insuffcient.

Wang Pengfei was uncomfortable with the man and the woman, especially the man. He didn’t say anything, but he said such a thing. Isn’t this cursing his medical treatment?

“Dong Young lady, you can rest assured. I am still very confident in my medical skills. Lord’s problem should not be too big. Now let me give Lord a treatment.” Wang Pengfei wants to let that guy know, but studying abroad is not The returnees did not call for nothing.

“Then trouble Dr. Wang.” Although Dong Tingting was worried, there was nothing he could do but rely on Dr. Wang Pengfei.

This trip back by train was also requested by Lord, otherwise it would happen.

“Brother Lin, is there really going to be something over there?” Su Xiaowan asked, worried, “I think the Lord is not in the right situation.”

“The old man’s condition is really bad, worse than imagined. The young doctor is also unreliable. If the Dong Young lady is smart, she will find it by herself, and help her to solve this little trouble. You do n’t need to feel guilty, but it depends on whether Dong Young lady is smart enough. ”Lin Fei said casually.

“Ah! So serious!” Su Xiaowan really believed what Lin Fei said.

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