After leaving the villa this time, Lin Fei not at all was well organized. After all, there were nine Grandmasters sitting in Longteng villa, plus Tianluo Disha Formation, which can be said to be as stable as Mount Tai.

Originally thought it was by plane, but Su Xiaowan proposed to take a train, which surprised Lin Fei.

Anchors like Su Xiaowan rarely go to crowded trains.

As a result, Su Xiaowan came up with a sentence, ‘I can feel the train and experience life,’ In the face of this, Lin Fei didn’t know whether to cry or laugh for a while, and could not find an excuse for refutation.

But think about it is only two or three hours away, then forget it!

Whoever makes a family a woman has the right will.

It doesn’t make much difference for Lin Fei to travel.

“Brother Lin, thank you for taking the train with me.”

The train from Eastern Sea to Hangzhou is not very crowded, which makes Lin Fei feel different.

Lin Fei almost forgot about this way of travelling by train.

“Actually, I haven’t been on the train for a long time. If you don’t mention it, I guess I won’t go there in my life.” Lin Fei said with a smile, picked up Su Xiaowan’s luggage and put it on the luggage rack.

“Brother Lin, do n’t you cracking a joke, I have n’t really taken a train for a long time, because now compared to trains, the speed of moving cars is faster now, and I think that in a few decades, the trains will be withdrawn. The stage for history. “

Su Xiaowan sat next to the window, while Lin Fei sat next to him.

Because the two tickets I bought this time are consecutive tickets.

Su Xiaowan from time to time took out her phone and shot it outside, while Lin Fei was closed eye meditation.

This slow feeling made him remember.

If it is normal, it is impossible to take such a train. Don’t look at the Eastern Sea, which is hundreds of kilometers away from Hangzhou. But in front of Lin Fei, an Immortal Expert, it doesn’t take half an hour to catch it. To Hangzhou.

So there is no big difference between riding a train and climbing a turtle, except that the enjoyment process is different that’s all.

Originally, it was just a regular trip. For Lin Fei, it was just a process, but after Su Xiaowan went to the bathroom, the situation was different.

When Lin Fei closed eye meditation, I heard noise in the distance, accompanied by Su Xiaowan’s voice.

“I really didn’t mean it.”

Lin Fei, who originally enjoyed the rhythm of the train’s Teleport, slowly opened his eyes and looked back at moved towards there, do not know when there were a lot of people standing there, a noisy look.

“Women, it’s when people aren’t quiet.” Lin Fei’s ears were so good, he heard Su Xiaowan’s grievances, stood up and moved toward the aisle over there.

This time it was incidentally and Su Xiaowan returned to Hangzhou. If anything really happened, Xiao Qinglan would have to say it again.

“Xiaowan, what happened.”

When Lin Fei came over, she saw Su Xiaowan look helpless. Behind her, a young man pulled Su Xiaowan’s clothes to keep her away.

Su Xiaowan saw Lin Fei coming, as if she had found the backbone.

“Brother Lin, I didn’t really do anything. I just accidentally bumped into him when I walked by, but he fell down. I didn’t mean it.” Su Xiaowan is now weak and her eyes are red. Yes, tears will fall.

Lin Fei noticed that one of them was lying with an old man at an unknown time.

This old man is eventy-eighty years old, with pale face, eyes closed, if he is springing, as if he will breathe out in the next second, others may not see it, but Lin Fei is who it is, but Immortal Expert, It takes only a glance to see clearly.

“Young man, you think you’re bad luck. I think it’s not a big deal. Look at people now looking pale, without a trace of blood. Now you’re on the train. Call your parents. Come on. “Someone said on his own initiative.

“It will take a lot of time to get to the next stop here.”

The young man clutching Su Xiaowan’s clothes said coldly, “You are the best friend of him. If there is something wrong with my grandfather, you have nothing to end in heaven and earth. You better bless my grandfather. If something happens, no one can save you. “

“Brother Lin, I didn’t mean to hit him on purpose, I just accidentally wiped his shoulders when he came back to the toilet, and he fell down.” Su Xiaowan has seen this kind of thing, which made her somewhat acceptable.

Especially this old man, the situation is very bad. For a time, the six gods are out of control. Only when he sees Lin Fei, he feels slightly better.

“You this person is really right. When something happens, you pull the girl and let it scare. Is there any gentleman etiquette?” Lin Fei smiled and came over and grabbed his hand, looking at it as a random action, Pulled Su Xiaowan over.

The young man was startled subconsciously, and found that his left hand was empty. The girl from Su Xiaowan returned to the young man’s side, staring angrily at Lin Fei.

“You dare to help her, you are not brave.”

After Su Xiaowan was pulled back, her whole body was scared, and her face was a little pale. After all, she was just a host, and she had never encountered such a thing, and the old man was too scary. If it was elsewhere OK, but on this train, Su Xiaowan really do not know what to do.

“Your old Codger isn’t dead yet, as for bullying someone?” Lin Fei said lightly, “Of course, if you want your old man to die on the train, then I will follow you, and now I will give you a chance. Either I shot it, or you watched your old man die with your own eyes, do n’t say I lie to you, this old man in your family has a bad heart, now the heart is closed, and there is no great doctor on this train, even if it ’s There is nothing to help, and I’m not the same. I guarantee that you can get off the train alive, even to the hospital. Of course, it depends on how you choose. “

Lin Fei is not a doctor, but her eyes are very very ruthless, and she can see clearly that this old man’s heart Innate is not good, and to live to this day is to rely on money to maintain it.

But today’s situation is not very good. Even if there is a doctor on the train, it is difficult to show his skill.

If Lin Fei didn’t take the shot, this old man would surely die on the train.

As soon as Lin Fei said this, the young man there was suddenly unhappy. Fiercely stared. “Talk nonsense, are you cursing my grandfather and died in the car? Believe it or not, I will give you a slap, What the hell? Immediately kneel down and admit it. “

“I, this person, least likes to hear curse words, especially young people, you should be glad that I have a good temper, otherwise I will pack you up with a slap.”

Without waiting for the young man to come back, a silhouette came quickly, kicked over, and knocked him down the aisle in an instant.

“In general, I like to use fetters, which is more enjoyable.”

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