These Cultivation Techniques are all rubbish for Lin Fei.

But for these eight Grandmasters, all are Cultivation Techniques tailored to their cultivation attribute.

As long as they follow this Cultivation Technique cultivation, they can break through to Innate’s Realm more smoothly than anyone else, that is, they become God Level Expert.

This temptation is huge.

No one can resist.

This time they knelt on the ground willingly, no matter who they are, they are sincere, they have no hate, even more joy.

Because they finally have a chance to break through to God Level Realm!

God Level Realm!

That ’s Realm that I ca n’t even imagine in my life. Even if they give freedom, they are willing. At the same time, they also worship Boss Lin Fei with 10,000 worships. They even make them more aware that Boss is definitely a God ’s God Level Expert. Otherwise, whoever wants to get the Heaven Level Cultivation Technique alone!

This is all priceless!

If they had the Heaven Level Cultivation Technique first, they would have broken through the strength long ago, instead of being stuck in the Grandmaster Realm as they are now.

“Guess the mountain, this is a Demon Art, you can bring back Southeast Asia to cultivate yourself, remember the things I told, and act in the shortest time, don’t let me down.”

Gua Shan, the first descendant of Southeast Asia who has been looking forward to, has also obtained a Cultivation Technique, as well as the Heaven Level Cultivation Technique, and will be able to cultivate to God Level Expert Realm in the future.

Gua Shan also knelt on the ground for the first time.

“Boss, as soon as I went back, I immediately collected the strength of the Downfall Division in Southeast Asia and put away all those materials.” Gua Shan promised with a pat on his chest.

Compared to other Grandmasters, Guessing Mountain is the first descending division in Southeast Asia. The strength of this now is very different from before. After all, the poison is ruined thoroughly, but with this Demon Art, strength soon Will come back again, will be more powerful than before, enough to collect the power of Southeast Asia, becoming not just in name only, but also in reality, the first expert in Southeast Asia!

Lin Fei also believes that Guessing Mountain can do this, otherwise the first heads-up division in Southeast Asia would be too good for nothing.


On the airport of Eastern Sea.

Inside a private jet.

Shen Tianquan and Long Tianxing got on the plane as soon as possible.

No one wants to stay in the Eastern Sea.

Because this time really planted a super big heel, if you can, no one wants to come to the Eastern Sea again, who can think that guy is so plot against.

Menacing, they also planned to plot against it quietly, but ended up spreading such things.

“Father, could it be we really like that?” God invincible is the most annoyed person, and until now my heart was filled with Berserk’s anger.

The tribe of the Three Great Families in the south actually suffered in Lin Fei’s hands.

This made God invincible really swallow the breath.

A loud noise!

Immediately after speaking, God was invincible and was slapped out by God’s right to slap and flew out the seats. The whole body was curled up on the ground like shrimp.

The strength of this palm is strong. If it is not on a plane, God’s invincibility will suffer more.

“Waste, it’s not all because of your trouble.” God Tianquan cold said, although I was annoyed by the shameless plot against that brat, but what I want more is the background behind Lin Fei, how exactly is it about it? of.

Although Shen Tianquan has not played against Lin Fei, judging from some clues, one thing can definitely be confirmed is that Lin Fei’s strength is far more horrible than expected, and it is difficult to reach the Realm of Grandmaster Peak.

And such an Expert must have a huge power behind it, but God ’s power has never heard of it, which is the most terrifying.

And all this was provoked by his own son, so when he heard this, the anger that could still be suppressed by God ’s right to heaven was just a slap in the face of God’s invincible shot on the ground.

“If you weren’t my son, I would kill you with a slap.”

God is invincible, but I dare not say a word.

“Brother, this thing isn’t to blame the invincible Young Master. I can only blame that Lin Fei is too cunning. He actually dug such a large pit for us to jump down. It is definitely a shameless.” Long Tianxing advised, After all, he also suffered a big loss in Lin Fei’s hands this time, and the Formation of Long Teng Shan Zhuang is more powerful than imagination. He could suppress the inability to move in one fell swoop. There was no anger in his heart, that is Impossible, except that Long Tianxing will converge.

“That brat is indeed a bastard, but such a bastard, we know very little, and do not know where this guy comes from.” God with the right said with a bitter smile, “How would it be Get into this kind of thing. “

“Father, my know Lin Fei has this background. If I knew it, then I would have the patience to swallow it. I dare to say that he was intentional.” God’s invincible words trembled and trembled, it is the strength of this palm It’s too big. If he weren’t the Grandmaster Expert, I guess this slap would kill him.

“Now it’s no use to say this. Let’s go back to the south and talk about it again. As for this brat thing, we should discuss it in the long run, and you can remember it for me. In the recent period of time, do you think of less revenge, if If you fall into his hands again, I won’t come to save you, just when our divine family doesn’t have your son. “God said Godly coldly, the coldness of Gaze also Complete, people dare not face it.

God was invincible, trembling with icy eyes, and immediately lowered his head, and never dared to say one more word.

And in another car.

There was a scorching sky in the car.

The whole car was filled with a sense of depression.

Even the driver of the car was shaking slightly, clutching the steering wheel with both hands.

“After you go back, pack your luggage and go abroad. At least one year, don’t go back to the Eastern Sea.”

Coldly’s words echoed in Lie Xuan’s mind.

Lie Xuan was shocked by the whole body. Is this to distribute himself abroad?

“Father, we Lie Family just don’t oppose him. Is it necessary to make me leave Huaxia?”

If you can, who wants to run into the white-skinned World.

Anyway, Lie Xuan is very disliked.

Lie Tianhu stared, “If you don’t go, I’ll break your legs, and don’t look at what you are. Then Lin Fei is so mysterious, you are so embarrassed to offend, I did n’t see you father Opportunity came out of Longteng Shanzhuang, not yet abroad, could it be you ready to see our Lie Family perish? “

Where did Lie Xuan ever see Father have such a big temper, and he narrowed his neck subconsciously, “Father, it is so serious as you said.”

“Pack up your luggage in three days and give me to go abroad. I can’t return without the permission of will have me, otherwise I won’t have your son.” Lie Tian’s voice was even colder.

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