Accepting ceremony is very simple. It can even be said how not at all is replicated.

Witnessed by all the Martial Artists present, more envy and jealousy, after all, this Su Mei will be an Eastern Sea like pearl in the palm from now on. Who would dare to enemies with such a person?

Also don’t look at any of these Grandmaster Experts present today. It was not Lin Fei who had suffered a lot.

As Lin Fei’s eldest apprentice, it is naturally above one person and below XNUMX people, at least in the Eastern Sea, everyone has to give a few thin noodles.

A lot of Martial Artists have gathered outside Longteng Shanzhuang. None of these Martial Artists have retreated. Instead, they stand in groups of three or five, more to discuss things inside Longteng Shanzhuang.

Everyone wants to know what it will look like in the end.

To know today, the lords of all parties have come to Longteng Villa, even if the Lin Fei strength is so good, they still have to bow their heads in front of everyone.

Such things are more exciting to think about.

Not long after, someone came out.

The first one to come out was Lie Tian.

It was just that the scorching sky was pale, expression was cold, and a stranger was not approaching, and expressionlessly got into his car.

This scene also made the atmosphere at the scene a bit cold, and everyone dumbstruck up, do not know what’s going on.

“Could it be First Sect Shire Tian lost?”

Not long after they finished speaking, Li Tianqiang of Wumen also came out, also with a stinking face, and at this time everyone had a question mark on each and everyone.

“What the hell is this, could it be something wrong.”

Someone muttered.

After Chen Dingshan of Yaowanggu.

One of the Three Great Families’s family came out one after another, but their faces were basically the same, and it was difficult to see what was on their faces.

But for everyone, they saw a slight difference.

Because until now the first beheading division guessed Hill did not come out, and included the eight Grandmasters.

“Can anyone tell me what is the situation?”

“This rhythm is totally wrong, could it be they all lost!”

After they left, more dark Martial Artist came out.

As soon as these dark Martial Artists came out, all kinds of news came to everyone’s minds.

At this moment, everyone was dumbstruck and couldn’t accept the scene for a while.

Then Lin Fei actually included eight Grandmasters!

Shocked, shocked!

Wouldn’t that include him, there are already ten Grandmasters in this Longteng Villa!

Hearing this news, do not know how many people are sucking in a cold breath of air, it is really impossible to imagine that this would be the case.

It can be said that there is almost no one force in the entire Eastern Sea that can find ten Grandmaster Experts, but Longteng Villa has done it. This is to become the first force in the Eastern Sea!

Definitely a really hot news!

Who would have thought that Lin Fei, who seemed to be crushed by them, was so fierce that it was really powerful and domineering.

If it weren’t for these dark Martial Artist vows, they couldn’t believe it was true.

Because the Grandmaster Expert, no matter which one is placed in any place, is a crappy existence, which is unattainable, but now it has just planted a huge heel here.

Half an hour later, the news about Longteng Villa spread directly in the Martial Dao circle of the Eastern Sea.

All Martial Artists were completely stunned again.

Make everyone realize that one after another thing, that is, the Eastern Sea has changed.

From then on, Longteng Villa will become the first force in the Eastern Sea, and Lin Fei will also become mysterious. Up and down will be full of mysterious. Even many people do not doubt that Lin Fei will become the true first in the Eastern Sea. Expert.

How long has it been since last time!

Those who also plan to take pleasure in other’s misfortune, pick the cheap Martial Artist, and sweat on their backs.

In the Long Teng Shan Zhuang, eight Grandmasters including Li San, not at all left the Long Teng Shan Zhuang, but stayed in the Long Teng Shan Zhuang.

This also allows those who are concerned to take another breath, everyone knows the news is true, it is not a rumor. From then on, there will be ten Grandmaster Experts in Longteng Mountain Villa. dragon’s pool and tiger’s den.

“Good disciple, in the next period of time, what you have to do is to inspire the Bloodline within the body, and the Master will configure the potion for you, you only need to soak for a while every day.”

Everyone retreated.

Lin Fei started talking to her eldest apprentice Su Mei.

Today, Su Mei has really gained insights, and her life has opened a new door. It turned out that this world is so beautiful. She was like a frog in well before.

Don’t say it, who can believe it is true!

Wulin Expert does exist!

“Master, I will definitely cultivation well.” Su Mei nodded hard, “will never let Master down.”

Su Mei is not a stupid person, and she knows one thing, that is, the Master has done too much for herself. Even though these people have let go, she also knows that if they don’t, they will hate them.

Lin Fei said with a smile, “You don’t have to think too much, this day is down with Master standing, you just need to cultivate well, don’t waste your innate talent.”

You Zishan left with Su Mei.

Lin Fei wondered if she should find a female Martial Artist for Su Mei. After all, there are some things that he can’t do well, but if there is a female Martial Artist next to it, it will be different.

“You guys did a good job today.” Lin Fei put away his thoughts and looked towards the Grandmasters not far away.

Although these Grandmaster strengths are also around the Grandmaster Intermediate Stage, in any case is also Grandmaster Expert.

In Eastern Sea, it was really impossible to find a force that could directly find the eight Grandmaster Experts. Longteng Mountain Villa was an accident here.

“Boss, this is what we should do,” eight Grandmaster Experts said with a bow.

“You did good, naturally rewarding, I’m not a puppet person for Boss.” Lin Fei flicked at them, and golden light fell into the minds of eight Grandmasters.

“This is the Cultivation Technique that suits you. Although only Heaven Level is available, but with your strength, this Cultivation Technique has been thoroughly trained. By then, every and everyone must be a God Level Expert.” Lin Fei said with a smile, “From now on you will arrange for someone to guard the villa, and the rest can go to the ground for cultivation.”

In Lin Fei’s eyes, Huajing Grandmaster Expert is still too weak.

You must reach Innate to have a certain deterrent.

Otherwise, Grandmaster Expert will not be able to deal with it once Innate makes a shot.

This eyesight Lin Fei still has.

But for these eight Grandmasters, they were extremely excited.

First Heaven Level Cultivation Technique!

In an instant, they saw a farther way, and they could even become God Level Expert in the future. All eight Grandmasters were on their knees.

“Thanks Boss, thank you Boss!”

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