“I’m coming!”

When all Martial Artists try to break into Long Teng Shanzhuang constantly, trying to get Auction places.

A silhouette appeared below the mountain road.

This person is not moving fast, but everyone can feel a fierce atmosphere.

No one has yet arrived, but everyone is already feeling a fear.

“The Southeast Asia’s No. XNUMX beheader is here.”

Everyone complex greatly changed, and stopped the movement in his hand.

This one has been fierce in recent times. All the martial arts halls in Eastern Sea have been kicked by him by himself.

No one expected that the descendants of Southeast Asia would guess that the mountain would be the first to appear.

Guess the mountain came early!

When everyone was shocked, they immediately got excited, and their faces were full of gossip.

Everyone knows that guessing that the mountain is here today is purely a dismantling of Taiwan.

The confrontation between the two first Experts is definitely a shocking thing.

Although it was not a long distance, everyone was subconsciously leaning to the side and secretly started sending messages.

“Look at everyone, guess that the mountain is here.”

Guess the mountain this time not at all Take anyone, just like this, the first step came up.

Everywhere Guaishan walked, everyone chose to stand aside and didn’t even dare to face the fierce eyes of Guaishan.

And not far away, Yan Huang Team’s iron war also saw Guaishan.

“This guy came early and really underestimated this guy’s determination.”

Today, Heavenly Dragon Lin Fei Tengshanzhuang is going to hold a ceremony, and the Chief of the Iron War is not easy. He brought people in the first time.

The ugly point is more like controlling the order. After all, there are so many Martial Artists here. If something happens, the face of Tiezhan is uncomfortable, so the members of the entire Yan Huang Team are basically taken. Over here, what they did was very simple, that is, maintaining law and order at the scene.

Yan Huang Team’s reputation is still very fierce, no one dares to despise Yan Huang Team.

“Secretary, you guess that Gushan came here so early, will you fight with them when you go in?” Lin Rou next to him also gossiped and excited.

This is a bit difficult to fight.

“It’s hard to say. What we are doing now is to stare at every move of Longteng Mountain Villa.” Tiezhan adjusted the clothes on his body. “Since the mountain is here, we can pass by and see Longteng by the way The formulation of the villa is how about it, and then get one or two tickets for Auction, maybe we can make a small fortune at that time. “

Guessing the mountain came up quickly, less than 10 minutes before and after, came to the gate of Longteng Villa.

The original bustling doorway became quiet for a while, and even breathing increased a lot. The shadow of the famous tree and the prestige of the mountain are in the Eastern Sea. In a short time, they have penetrated into these hearts without Profession, not to mention Face it in person.

“Zhu Zou Formation also wanted to stop the old man.” Guessing the foot of the mountain, the ground suddenly made a sound of ~ snap ~~ snap ~, cracking the cracks of the countless road, striding into the meteor.

After Guess Shan went in, the people present were often sighed in relief.

“Oh, the first beheader in Southeast Asia guesses that the coercion on Shan is really heavy, as if facing a Great Desolate beast.”

“Who says no, I feel my breathing is quicker.”

“Unfortunately we can’t get in, otherwise we can watch it.”

Before everyone took enough to take a breather, the iron battle of Yan Huang Team came over.

Let everyone dare not breathe again.

“You guys, it’s best to be honest with me, don’t make trouble, otherwise I will catch you back for each and everyone.” Iron War glanced at the Martial Artist present, scaring these Martial Artist each and everyone Head down, afraid to say a word.

Iron war not at all what to say, after throwing a sentence, took Lin Rou in.

“It seems that the brat and top secret of Lin Fei are still underestimated, and such a ** array is actually arranged, and the effect seems to be quite good.” Tiezhan narrowed his eyes and said to Lin Rou behind him. “Follow me, what happens must not give up, otherwise you won’t be able to enter Longteng Villa.”

Although it is only a battlefield, it is quite an idea for the Iron War.

To know formation together, wide-ranging and profound, is beyond the control of ordinary people.

The Iron War seems to see some famous people in this battlefield. Perhaps the Grandmasters were planted in Long Teng Shan Zhuang, it is estimated that it has something to do with these Formations.

After walking around for about 10 minutes, the iron war came out of the battlefield, and I was shocked in my heart that I could hardly get out.

“No wonder this guy wants to open up the battlefield. Not only can he block people out, but he can also screen out a group of Martial Artists with strength and develop into members of Auction, so he can plot against good ideas.”

Aiming at this battle, Iron War has a new understanding of Lin Fei’s method.

“Secretary Iron, you came early.”

Immediately after coming out, the railway station saw You Zishan and took the initiative to meet with a smile.

Tiezhan haha ​​said with a big smile, “If I didn’t come earlier, wouldn’t I have missed a big show. Your Dragon Teng Shan Zhuang’s possession is really deep enough. Just a ** array, it is estimated that many Martial Artist slumped. “

“Secretary of Iron, it’s just a ** array. It’s nothing. Boss is in the woods in front. You can have a cup of tea in the past. Anyway, the acceptance of ceremony has not started yet.” You Zishan said with a smile on his face. .

“Good tea from Heavenly Paradise, I definitely want to try it.”

After the Iron War Chief entered Longteng Mountain Villa.

More Martial Artists rushed over from various parts of the Eastern Sea.

Come and challenge this team.

Everyone who enters the ** formation and can break through has got an invitation card.

“The scorching sky of Lie Family is here. It’s scary.”

“Our first expert in Eastern Sea!”

“What is Lie Family? Look at who is over there, but that is the formidable martial artist Li Tianqiang Vice President.”

Waves of people came over and really shocked everyone.

In addition to them, the eight Grandmasters who had suffered at the Long Teng Shan Villa at the same time also came one after another, which caused a big wave. Everyone knows that there is definitely a big show to be performed today.

“Here from Yaowanggu.”

“When did Long Teng Shan Zhuang get offended by the Valley of Medicine again?”

“What’s wrong offending Yaowanggu? Did you know who I saw just below? The family of the god family of the Three Great Families in the south, the god Tianquan, came, and there is also the Long Tianxing Master.

“This is the real Top Grade character.”

When the last wave of people came, do not know how many people were stunned.

This is definitely the real lord!

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