Near the last day, the whole Martial Dao circle was basically spreading this story.

Everyone knows that tomorrow will be the most lively day, and for ordinary people, they did n’t realize that major event would happen in Longteng Shanzhuang Village immediately, and continued to live their chai rice and salt life. It was near this Longteng Mountain Villa. When did people start to grow? Fortunately, this place was originally the place where the lord lived, so no one would come here, and it did not cause make a fuss about nothing.

The newborn sun slowly rises, and a new day comes.

Today is an ordinary day for ordinary persons.

But for those in the Martial Dao circle, today is destined to be a very lively day.

Because the banquet at Dragon City will be full of surprises that everyone can’t imagine.

Early in the morning, the Martial Artist, who had been standing outside this Long Teng Shan Villa, was surprised to discover one thing.

The door that had been closed opened.

“Why did the door open? Could it be Longteng Mountain Villa let everyone participate this time?” A Ming Jin Martial Artist first discovered the open door.

Because these days, the door of Longteng Villa has been closed.

Given that so many people went in last time, and few came out at the end, no one was bold enough to sneak in from the outside.

“Maybe, really let us in.”

“It seems that there is a sign at the door. Come and see.”

As the door opened, a sign was placed there.

Soon there was a Martial Artist.

When you see the words on this brand, otherwise they are dumbfounded.

Because the words on the brand are simple, just one sentence.

“Today, Heavenly Dragon Teng Shan Zhuang holds a teacher worship banquet. Anyone who wants to visit can enter.”

Very ordinary sentence.

But how you look at it all seems to feel a little different.

After all, Martial Artist’s feeling is still very keen.

“Could it be Longteng Villa really let us all in?”

“I heard that the Longteng Mountain Villa is very large. It has no problem to accommodate tens of thousands, and even more can be done.”

“I guess Lin Fei would like everyone to come in and visit.”

These Martial Artists, you discuss me sentence by sentence, do not know who came.

“Since the doors are open, let’s go in and take a look. If such a lively thing is not going today, wouldn’t it be a lifetime to regret it.”

Who knows something like this, can you run into it next time, immediately there is a person Martial Artist, strode in meteor.

It was just that Martial Artist rushed in and disappeared in front of everyone without a long distance.

After a while, he rushed out of the gate again.

“Haha haha ​​ha, I came in.” After a long laugh, a louder laughter burst out at the scene.

This person came back to God, and found that he did not know when he was standing outside again.

“Formation, this must be Formation, damn it, I was actually confused by the Formation.”

Everyone was very curious, Longtengshanzhuang would open the door to let everyone in. Until then, they realized that there was actually a Formula in the door a few meters away from them.

But they didn’t see it, so they came.

Even if there is a Formula, it does not suppress everyone’s mind.

In a short time, many Martial Artists one after another started to break into Longteng Villa.

But after a lap, he reappeared at the gate again, seeing everyone dumbstruck.

Someone failed once and performed the second and even the third time, but they were taken out every time, and everyone saw one after another.

The news about the Longteng Shanzhuang Formula opened, and the news of everyone breaking through quickly spread.

Especially when there is no danger, many people have thoughts.

Once you break in, it proves to be better than everyone else.

“Boss, you are doing a good job. If nothing else, only the first layer of the ** array can block most people out.” You Zishan said with a smile.

Lin Fei is tasting fragrant tea. “My banquet for worshippers is not for everyone. Those who can come in through ** will be eligible to participate in this banquet. Qualification of Auction. “

You Zishan also admired his Boss abacus and used the ** array to Test Martial Artist to issue the first batch of Auction places, which is a good thing for one move, two gains.

You Zishan knows that the First Layer ** array does not look difficult, but if you want to break through, it ’s Quite’s Test.

Today Heavenly Dragon Tengshanzhuang also opened the outermost ** Formation, and the innermost two levels of Formulation are closed. Otherwise, no one can pass through the Third Level Formation of Longtengshanzhuang.

“Master, there are many people outside, I feel so nervous.” Although Su Mei didn’t go outside, she still saw a lot of Martial Artists outside through the **.

These Martial Artists seem to be ordinary, but now Su Mei is not a newbie anymore, and she is also clearly aware of them. It seems that ordinary Martial Artists are all members of strength Gao Qiang. It’s not a problem. Even more powerful people can kill people without any action.

After all, Su Mei is a girl, so she is more nervous than anyone.

“It’s normal for you to be nervous. It doesn’t really matter when you get used to this kind of scene in the future. After all, Martial Artist is also a person. It is nothing more than an ordinary person. In fact, it is still an ordinary person.”

“Ordinary person!” Su Mei blinked.

Outside the Long Teng Shan Zhuang, more Martial Artists are coming.

Because there is a person, the Martial Artist got an Auction quota after passing the **.

Attracted the shock and envy of countless people.

Although everyone has heard of Auction, I did not expect that Long Teng Shan Zhuang would actually associate the quota of Formation with Auction.

The power of a ** array let everyone see the out of the ordinary of Long Teng Shan Zhuang, especially the Auction quota, which instantly caught the attention of countless people.

Because everyone is aware of one thing, if nothing happens today at Heavenly Dragon Tengshanzhuang, then the Auction will definitely become very lively. The quota of an Auction venue is definitely has no market price, and the Auction venue There are only 100 qualifications, and most of them are on a first come, first served basis.

So in a while, do not know how many Martial Artists came to form.

Most of them are try one’s luck.

An Auction quota is not available on your own, but what if Longteng Shanzhuang really holds it? There is no doubt that it can bring huge benefits.

Anyway, it is not dangerous to enter the battlefield now.

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