“Really lost!”

“Chang Feng Venerable Lord has been famous for a long time!”

“It seems that Lin Fei Venerable Lord’s ‘Sudden Warp Thunder’ is getting more and more powerful!”

“I only saw a flash of Purple, and Chang Feng Venerable Lord was defeated!”

Everyone is paying attention to this matter.

Lin Fei shot too fast, once again defeated Chang Feng Venerable Lord, serene, beyond everyone’s imagination, in just twenty years, strength seems to have improved a lot.

The rest is simple!

Without the obstruction of Chang Feng Venerable Lord, the Law Enforcement team descended into the mountain like a fierce tiger, rushed in, and started to arrest people according to the list.

“There is one here, catch it!”

“This too, catch it!”

“And he, too!”


The members of the Law Enforcement team rushed in and caught the people on the list. Those who were slightly rebellious all lay on the ground. After a while of effort, all the Heavenly God disciple on the list were caught.

“Go to the next place!”

Lin Fei turned and left.

“You can’t do this, I’m Venerable Lord, let go of me!”

Chang Feng Venerable Lord imprisoned strength and barely kept it a bit, but it was impossible to break free of the ropes on his body.

Lin Fei slaps across Chang Feng Venerable Lord, oh la la, Chang Feng Venerable Lord has cracks on his body, shocking.

“Don’t dare noisome, this king will break you directly with the next palm!”

Lin Fei swept at the sharp gaze.

Chang Feng Venerable Lord endured severe pain, gaze resentful, staring at it deadly.

Oh la la !

Another palm fell on Chang Feng Venerable Lord, fleshly body oh la la exploded.

“This king doesn’t like this look!”

The restored Chang Feng Venerable Lord wanted to cry without tears. Just now, he consumed the life force, and he was still in Shadow Palace. It was so sad.

This time, he was honest.

That huge force struck. Without Emperor Intent, it is really unbearable. It consumes life force and requires a lot of life treasure to recover.

Lin Bai and Zhao Wu were particularly excited.

A Venerable Lord is so honest.

The two palms went down and burst the fleshly body of the Venerable Lord. What a power, even if they were replaced, not necessarily.

Those members of the Law Enforcement team also worship Lin Fei, the Deputy Hall Master even more.

Formidable Venerable Lord explodes fleshly body in front of themselves, which is something they would never dare to think.

“In the future, we will punish the church, only will have me hit people, no one dares to hit you, even Venerable Lord is the same. If you do n’t accept, just hit them until they are convinced. On behalf of the penalty hall! “

Lin Fei is indoctrinated with violence.

“Hall Master said!”

“If you don’t agree, hit!”

“Yes, until they are convinced!”

The Law Enforcement team howled, full of fanaticism.

Chang Feng Venerable Lord suddenly felt that the gaze of the Law Enforcement team members became unfriendly.

“Damn, they won’t hit me!”

Chang Feng Venerable Lord resisted the gaze that showed no resentment. He couldn’t stand the power of Lin Fei’s palm. It was too terrifying. If he could, he really didn’t want to experience it.

Lin Fei took the Law Enforcement team to Immortal’s Cave, the second Venerable Lord.


Hit it!

“You can’t go up!”

“What are you doing!”

Waiting to be guarded is an attack from the Law Enforcement team.

Lin Fei stood behind and became more and more satisfied.

“Yes, just like that, if you dare to stop the Law Enforcement team from doing things, you should fight, you can’t remember it once, then come twice!” Lin Fei shouted from behind.


There are no accidents.

The second Venerable Lord is also relying on his identity and does not want to give people.

Lin Fei does it!

One move defeated the other!

Rushing in is catching people.

The bad luck Venerable Lord also accompany Chang Feng Venerable Lord, drew down in the court, and ran to the next Immortal’s Cave.

Lin Fei stormed into two Immortal’s Caves in a row to grab people.

Shadow Palace was uproar.

This move is crazy!

“Not good, San Mu Venerable Lord has been arrested!”

“The tenth Elder’s disciple has also been taken away!”

“Eighth Elder, lost a move, spit blood, Direct Disciple was caught on the spot!”

“Fifth Elder, sect lower disciple was caught too!”


The news of each and everyone went wild.

Lin Fei led the Law Enforcement team like a wolf, grabbing people on the list.

He scored six consecutive Immortal’s Caves of the Venerable Lord, forcibly arresting people, the most terrifying one. The Venerable Lord was also arrested. Walking around the Shadow Palace, this is the thing that makes them most resentful.

It’s worthless to depreciate the face of Venerable Lord.

In the future, whoever sees them will surely remember that this person was once taken away by Lin Fei’s Deputy Hall Master on the street, lost in a row, and majesticly passed away.

This is the most unacceptable thing.


“Let’s make it, get it right now!”

When Lin Fei again led someone to board an Immortal’s Cave.

The Venerable Lord of the Immortal’s Cave came out to greet him in person, and immediately sect the lower disciple without any obstruction, respectful.

“Shadow Palace should have more polite people like you!”

Lin Fei left a word and took the Law Enforcement team away.

The Venerable Lord was terrified.

“With the order, no one can go to the penalty hall in the future. Who dares to cause trouble?

Venerable Lord was scared.

The six Venerable Lords were pale, and when they came to see them, the gaze who asked for help, he was afraid to look at them, for fear he might be involved.

Lin Fei this person, too jerk!

Lin Fei let the Law Enforcement team pull up the Heavenly God disciple that they caught up, and they went up one by one.

“Don’t fight, let’s pass it on!”

“We are ready, Lin Hall Master, just take it!”

“These disciple, I hope Lin Deputy Master Master can take good care of it. It doesn’t matter how you fight. If you don’t cultivate well all day, just do something wrong!”

With the lessons learned, everyone found out. Just hand it over.

Then everything is gone.

Although very reluctant.

Weighing in, everyone still recognizes that when Lin Fei came up, he killed six Venerable Lords, completely disregarding the identity of the other Venerable Lord. They did not have the courage to accompany those people, even if they gave a hundred courage. .

Lin Fei came down all the way and caught three-four hundred. Among them, Heavenly God Six Rank 7 has hundreds of disciples, all of them have their own identity and background, but they all caught them.

They were sent back in batches and held in dungeons.

The six Venerable Lords were not so lucky.

I have been following, and my face is no longer ugly, but I dare not show any resentment, but the fleshly body is broken, but it is not so uncomfortable.

“Lin Vice Hall Master Powerful!”

“Those people should catch them!”

“It’s all the Shadow Palace they made. It’s finally fine now!”


The Heavenly God disciple, each and everyone who is being bullied from time to time, smiles.

This is a great thing.

The guys who usually show off one’s military strength are now taken away like dead dogs, but this is something they dare not think about.

“Do not know the punishment hall is not accepted, I want to join the punishment hall!”

“It’s so majestic, this is the penalty hall!”

“Real Law Enforcement!”

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