Chang Feng Venerable Lord has a good influence in Shadow Palace. He is good at meeting all kinds of connections. Over time, he has accumulated a lot of connections in Shadow Palace.

As long as there is potential, Chang Feng Venerable Lord will make friends.

In his opinion, the more Venerable Lords you associate, the more benefits you will get in the future.

For example, the Saint Heaven son, Chang Feng Venerable Lord, was willing to make friends, and after paying a lot of price, he finally became a friend.

Today, although the Saint Heaven son is not one hand shrouding the heavens at Shadow Palace, he dares to despise Saint Heaven son. Hearing that Lin Fei is going to be in danger, he directly asked sect lower disciple to participate.

Over the years, relationships have been getting closer. It seems like henchman.

“The Throne of Shadows is about to start. The probability of Saint Heaven going in this time should be great!”


A loud noise.

Chang Feng Venerable Lord shakes violently throughout Immortal’s Cave.

“Who is doing it!”

Chang Feng Venerable Lord came out of Immortal’s Cave in anger.


“If you don’t see it, you need to catch someone in the future. There is no need to waste saliva. If you don’t accept it, hit a half-dead first, then catch it!”

Lin Fei educates the Law Enforcement team in front of Chang Feng Venerable Lord Immortal’s Cave.

“We get it!”

Lin Bai and Zhao Wu, including members of the Law Enforcement team, showed admiration in each and everyone.

This is the majesty of the penalty hall!

When they were here just now, they were blocked by the guards outside, boast shamelessly. As a result, Lin Fei rushed in all the way, everyone hit the horse, and came to Immortal’s Cave.

“Who is doing it!”

Chang Feng Venerable Lord rushed out aggressively.

I saw a strange and familiar person.

Isn’t this Lin Fei, why is he here? No, no, isn’t that Lin Bai and Zhao Wu? This is the Law Enforcement team.

“This king is making trouble, how can you again about it!” Lin Fei shouted.

Chang Feng Venerable Lord couldn’t stop his face.

For Lin Fei, he has always disliked it. When he heard that Saint Heaven was going to dismantle the stage, he immediately agreed to take a shot, a rising star, and climbed to his own head. What’s the matter.

“Here is my Immortal’s Cave. You brought someone to your door and injured my guard. You don’t give me a reason today, it’s not over!” Chang Feng Venerable Lord exasperated.

Lin Bai didn’t need to tell him to stand up. “Mr. Dao of Wind, we are here today, but we are just arresting a few Heavenly God disciple who violate the Shadow Palace regulations. I hope you can let them out and accept the punishment hall!”

Those Heavenly God disciple who followed all the way.

At this moment, he looks blind.

“This is here to arrest someone!”

“Crazy, it’s crazy, then someone came to catch someone, could it be forgot that this is Immortal’s Cave of a Venerable Lord!”

“Chang Feng Venerable Lord will definitely not agree!”


Lin Fei took the man out and headed straight for Immortal’s Cave in the Venerable Lord, and it spread quickly.

Shadow Palace has no major event, but if there is any major event, it will spread immediately.

For example, Heavenly God Elder, each and everyone knows the situation.

“How can he Lin Fei do this!”

“That’s a Heavenly God Elder, actually sealed the strength and pulled it behind!”

“Come to catch someone? Lin Fei really thinks he’s a big Hall Master!”

Everyone is paying attention.

Chang Feng Venerable Lord didn’t think that Lin Fei would come to catch people, and he seemed to be determined by himself, which made him very uncomfortable. You are the Venerable Lord Expert. You have to catch people and you have to ask me. what.

“Vice Deputy Hall Master, I’m curious, what is my violation of the discipline, it is worth your enthusiasm to be so active, can you tell me!” Chang Feng Venerable Lord said angrily.

“The evidence is here!” Zhao Wu took out a document, “You can see for yourself, if there is anything wrong with our penalty hall, I am willing to leave the penalty hall and no longer be the Deputy Master!

Chang Feng Venerable Lord felt Zhao Wu’s firmness.

One thing was identified in his heart, anyway, he would not surrender disciple, he would not believe it. Lin Fei dare to act recklessly, but this is Shadow Palace.

I pretended to take it, and glanced at random, Chang Feng Venerable Lord said solemnly, “talk nonsense, my disciple’s disciple cannot do this kind of thing!”

Zhao Wushen said, “Mr. Dao of Wind, if you feel that the evidence above is not enough, we also have a record stone, which records everything on the scene. Do you think this is enough?”

Chang Feng Venerable Lord’s heart sank. This was prepared. Trouble.

“Anyway, my disciple is impossible.” Chang Feng Venerable Lord said sharply, arguing, “I urge you to leave my Immortal’s Cave and try to catch people, and no one can catch them!”

“Lin Bai, Zhao Wu, win!”

Lin Fei has no time to waste.

Regardless of whether Chang Feng Venerable Lord surrendered or didn’t want to surrender, Lin Fei would let him obediently surrender.

Lin Bai and Zhao Wu took out the weapon and besieged it. The Law Enforcement team was waiting aside. They couldn’t get involved in this kind of thing, but their eyes were full of excitement.

Do it, really do it!

This is the hall of punishment they long for.

Chang Feng Venerable Lord strength is still good. One person blocked the siege of the two. Although it was a bit difficult, it was still blocked.

“Lin Deputy Hall Master, I will definitely report this incident, you wait and see!”

Chang Feng Venerable Lord hates Lin Fei.

At this time, people dare to besiege themselves, but they are Hall Masters.

Lin Bai and Zhao Wu attacked fiercely, and at the same time, they planned to perform well. Now they will not perform, but when will they wait?

At this point, the two of them knew clearly.

The battle between Venerable Lord and Venerable Lord was not that quick to separate the winner and the loser. I saw that, outside of Immortal’s Cave, huge energy fluctuations swept through.

Only Lin Fei stood still at the scene, with a wave of his hand, an invisible barrier formed, blocking the attack, and the Law Enforcement team behind him did nothing.

Lin Fei is very satisfied with their performance, not afraid of Venerable Lord, all eyes are excited and crazy worship.

“You retire!”

Lin Bai and Zhao Wu strength are similar.

But against Chang Feng Venerable Lord, if you want to win in a short time, it is still a little harder. If you want to separate the winner, it takes time.

“This king asks you again, man, pay or not!”

Lin Fei gaze was cold, and the chill in his eyes shot.

Chang Feng Venerable Lord is still afraid of Lin Fei. After all, the other party is practicing Body flow Venerable Lord and also masters the Secret Technique Killing Move such as ‘Sudden Warp Thunder’.

“My disciple didn’t make a mistake, you are deliberately planting it!” Chang Feng Venerable Lord’s head turned fast. Killing cannot be acknowledged.

“That line, this king will fulfill you, cover the sect lower disciple, and talk for a while in the dungeon!”

Lin Fei first step came, a Purple arc flashed.

Compared to the last time, the ‘Sudden Warp Thunder’ performed at this time is more powerful and faster. Everyone felt a flash of Purple passing by. Lin Fei appeared behind Chang Feng Venerable Lord and pinched with one hand. Tianfeng Venerable Lord’s neck, as if carrying a dead dog.

“Just your strength. Not qualified to talk to this king!”

The man flung and was thrown in front of the Law Enforcement team.

“Bundle, go in and catch someone!” R

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