
Saint Heaven is proud of his innate talent. .

In less than 100,000 years, he created several powerful Saint Spirit Secret Technique Killing Moves, and improved several Saint Spirit Secret Technique Killing Moves in the meantime.

That trick of “one dream one field” is not an ordinary captivity of Saint Spirit Secret Technique, Lin Fei actually came out so easily, but also boost shamelessly to create his own, but the Saint Heaven child is not exciting.

Two consecutive shots failed to win Lin Fei. Saint Heaven’s son was in a bad mood, and his heart felt bad.

This guy could it be really self-made.

“Do not know how many times you can do it!”:

Saint Heaven’s son reached out and point in the direction of Lin Fei.

Hua hua hua! !

each and everyone Huge Seven Color bubbles appear, and each time they appear, Lin Fei is sealed. In a split second, a dozen of these Seven Color giant bubbles appear.

The most terrifying is not this.

But the Seven Color giant bubble has another power.

Self collapse!

Once formed, burst immediately.

Holy Ghost Palace has huge formation protection, no matter how powerful it is, it can’t shake Void, but for others, this scene is absolutely shocking.

Bang bang bang!! !

Every Seven Color giant bubble Self-destruction has great power.

Yu Wei is so big, not to mention the central location.

“Look, Lin Fei avoids one!”

“Avoid another one!”

“Too fast, three!”


each and everyone Seven Color giant bubble one after another Self-destruction, that area has also become a dangerous danger zone, it is really scary, those Heavenly God disciple are all sucking air-conditioner.

“Not enough. Still more!”

Lin Fei, like lightning, kept on teleport, capturing traces at all.

Seven Color giant bubbles are fast.

But Lin Fei’s speed is faster. Constantly moves to the Saint Heaven child, the distance is getting closer and closer. Saint Heaven child can’t always trap Lin Fei. The powerful Killing Move is like a chicken rib.

“Lin Fei Venerable Lord, is this a shot!”

The Saint Spirit Secret Technique Killing Move, which has never been seen before, is still practiced by the Body Flow, which is amazing.

With this move alone, the Expert of Rank 2 of the Venerable Lord, not necessarily a few people can defeat Lin Fei Venerable Lord, or they can be severely damaged if they fail.

“Sudden Warp Thunder!”

Oh la la !

A dazzling lightning flashed in front of Saint Heaven.

Hua hua hua! !

The blockbuster Seven Color Aura of Buddha in front of it collapsed.

Saint Heaven’s body trembled slightly, his eyes revealing unbelievable, he just didn’t block the other’s Killing Move just now.

“Son Heaven, I move this about how about it!” Not far away, Lin Fei grabbed a strip of cloth in his hand and gently swung it. “The name is ‘Sudden Warp Thunder’, you can kill everything enemy!”

Everyone heard this name for the first time.

The speed of this trick was amazing before, but when I saw that Saint Heaven did not prevent this move, his face was not very good.

“This is the power of Top Grade Secret Technique at Saint Spirit Ninth Level!”

“too terrifying!”

“I didn’t see it clearly!”

“Looks like Saint Heaven was hurt!”


Lin Fei could hurt the Saint Heaven son, even if it was a minor injury, they were unexpected.

“Do not know Saint Heaven, do you want to catch me back!” Lin Fei smiled.

Saint Heaven is already known. Today it is difficult to catch Lin Fei. Unless he plays his hole cards, it is not appropriate to continue to take shots. He originally intended to capture Lin Fei in one move.

But the situation now!

Saint Heaven was wondering. This is invisibly improving Lin Fei’s influence. People didn’t catch it, but instead planted a follower.

One move, ‘Sudden Warp Thunder’, put pressure on Saint Heaven son. In a short time, it seemed that he couldn’t find a good way to deal with it, and let it go.

Winning an Instant of ‘Sudden Warp Thunder’, Saint Heaven Son can feel the loss of a lot of life force within the body, and his heart is even more shocked. This lethality is too scary!

This is the child of Saint Heaven ever. I have seen Saint Spirit Secret Technique Killing Move, the most powerful method of damage. This loss method, once the time is long, the loss can be large, or it will be killed alive.

“Have I caught you back?” Saint Heaven said, earnestly, “I guess who cracked a joke with you, haha ​​ha!”

cracking a joke?

Everyone is startled.

Saint Heaven, is this about to give up!


Dugu Yijian Venerable Lord smiled.

“It’s interesting, it’s really interesting. It can create a killing move like ‘Sudden Warp Thunder’. The power is really out of the ordinary. The speed and power are all there, it’s really incredible!”

The overlord not far away is also a dignified expression.

“Sometimes Saint Heaven suffers. If I meet Lin Fei’s ‘Sudden Warp Thunder’, do not know how to be prepared!”

Any Saint Spirit Secret Technique Killing Move, once it comes out. Everyone has to think about how to deal with it.

For example now!

Ten Venerable Lords, at least has eight became interested in ‘Sudden Warp Thunder’.

This Secret Technique Killing Move is good!


Saint Heaven’s costume faded away.

Fighting several times in a row, neither of the two Saint Spirit Ninth Level Secret Technique Killing Moves can win Lin Fei, and there is nowhere else to go.

Lin Fei won!

This low-profile Direct Disciple has 100,000 years of history, and finally has its own strength to tell everyone that Han Tianda and Disciple are all experts.

“Junior Brother, good!”

Wenren Zhengong flew out first with a smile on his face. Feeling good.

“It’s wonderful!”

Tianying Venerable Lord is also here, patting Lin Fei’s shoulder, “You are awesome. You can create this kind of Killing Move. It is really a gospel for us to practice Body flow!”

Practice Body flow, strong Killing Move, yes, there are few. not as good as cultivation Emperor Intent.

Therefore, Lin Fei’s ‘Sudden Warp Thunder’ came out and practiced Body Flow Venerable Lord. It was a treasure.

Lin Fei hasn’t performed ‘Sudden Warp Thunder’ for a long time, and now it is displayed again. It is very powerful, plundering life force, open and aboveboard, but unfortunately, Saint Heaven is retreating too fast. I ca n’t wait a few more times, that guy ’s luck. it is good.

Han Tianda Disciple’s four Direct Disciple are all here. Immediately someone came up to congratulate again, and some Venerable Lord Clone greeted and left.

Today’s news needs to be digested.

Lin Fei’s performance is too shocking!

Shadow Palace has such a new Venerable Lord, who knows if the pattern will change immediately, and that trick ‘Sudden Warp Thunder’ makes them unforgettable.

Soon, Venerable Lord Clone, including those Heavenly God Elder, also left each and everyone.

“Junior Brother. You can make a sigh of relief for us this time!” Wenren Zhengong rejoiced.

“We Han Tianda respect disciple, I’m afraid who is coming!”

“Junior Brother is exhibiting Divine Power, Saint Heaven is expected to be depressed for a long time!”

Chongyang University Senior Brother slightly frowned.

“Junior Brother, your Secret Technique Killing Move is going to be closed. I am afraid that some people will have thoughts. Of course, not afraid at Shadow Palace, but afraid of being outside, the terrifying of your ‘Sudden Warp Thunder’ power!”

Lin Fei points nod, “I will!”

“Brat, let’s talk!”

There was a laugh, and an Old Codger came out, reached out, grabbed Lin Fei and left.

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