Immediately after the giant bubbles appeared, Lin Fei was trapped between Instant.

This bubble, without any trace, appeared Complete in vain!

“Another Saint Spirit Ninth Level Secret Technique Killing Move!”

“A one dreams field is terrifying. It is rumored that this move Saint Spirit Ninth Level Secret Technique involves Space Sect. It is most difficult to prepare for!”

“Do not know Lin Fei can break it!”

“Yeah, this move is absolutely impossible!”


Saint Heaven smiled.

“Lin Fei, this move Saint Spirit Ninth Level Secret Technique Killing Move is my original creation. Welcome to Evaluation!”

The Seven Color streamer kept flowing, and the huge bubbles began to shrink.

“I forgot to tell you, I will seal you with this move, but it is only a matter of sealing your fleshly body!”

Saint Heaven’s child smiled.

Lost to Lin Fei that year, this time must be doubled back.

A one dreams field is just one of Saint Heaven’s masters of the Saint Spirit Ninth Level Secret Technique, but the power is terrifying.

“is it!”

Lin Fei started punching, each punch blasting out, pulling out the black punch, sweeping on the huge Seven Color bubbles, the horrible force fell on the Seven Color bubbles, but they just shook slightly, not too much The change.

“Some doorways!”

After several punches in a row.

The Seven Color giant bubble completely motionless, and began to shrink back, and the active space became smaller and smaller.

“Useless, this move, you can’t break it!”


“St. Heaven Heaven is getting more and more annoying!”

In Void, the overlord said in a bad mood, “In the past, Lin Fei pressed him, and he didn’t expect to lose out this time. The trick of” one dreams field “, once stuck, it was not so easy to crack. ! “

Overlord is very familiar with this trick, it is not easy to crack, unless you have prepared in advance.

“If Lin Fei can’t break this trick, it’s really disappointing. It can only stop the Strength of Rank 2 of the Venerable Lord!”

Dugu Yijian’s face was calm and he could not see any expression.

“If you let the Saint Heaven son defeat, I will be so disappointed in you!”

For Lin Fei, Dugu Yijian was very impressed.

The opponent was promoted to Venerable Lord, and was still happy in his heart.

At first, Dugu Yijian could treat the opponent as an opponent. Later, Lin Fei’s performance was disappointing. Gradually, he had to forget such a number.


“Big Senior Brother, Junior Brother seems to be in trouble. The Saint Heaven son is really shameless. Clearly, Junior Brother masters the Saint Spirit Ninth Level practice Secret Technique. There are relatively few. I just use this, too Bullying people!” Second Senior Brother Yuju is here too, of course Clone.

“Look again!” Senior Brother Chongyang, also slightly frowns, “Our Junior Brother, should not be so vulnerable!”

“I think so too, Saint Heaven is very difficult to deal with, Junior Brother was repaired to Venerable Lord less than 100,000 years ago, much faster than we were then!” Three Senior Brother Tianying also said.

Han Tianda’s Junior Brother is here.

Naturally, they will not appear above Holy Ghost Palace. Watch them directly in Void.

Han Tianda Zunzheng sat with the scholar middle age person by the lake.

The scene of the battle between the son of Holy Ghost Palace Saint Heaven and Lin Fei appeared before the eyes of the two.

“Shake the sky, it seems that your Junior Brother can’t hold up!” The scholar middle age person said with a smile while drinking tea, “You haven’t passed on his powerful training, Saint Spirit Ninth Level Killing Move, you want to know, Saint Heaven’s this move, which combines several Sects, can be regarded as a Killing Move of Saint Spirit Ninth Level Top Grade! “

Han Tianda’s face did not show anxiety, and the expression was relaxed, “What is it, he dares to kill the manager, and he must have his thoughts. I am the master, just look at it!”

“Haha, you look so good!”


Lin Fei made hundreds of shots.

The Seven Color giant bubble never showed signs of breaking.

‘Banning Soul Slayer’ also performed seven or eight times, failed to shake the Seven Color giant bubble, Space became smaller and smaller, and the power of the show was suppressed.

“No need to struggle, you can’t come out, even if you use the” banned soul-breaker “is useless!” Saint Heaven said, “this move, I have merged many factions into it, far less than you think. It’s so broken, you are destined to be empty! “

Lin Fei has to admit that Saint Heaven son this move very difficult to deal with.

The Seven Color giant bubble follows the tenacious route, and it does integrate some Sects into it. It is mixed with others, but it perfectly blends together, and its power is infinitely magnified.

Compared to the last trick, ‘Big Prison Cage’, this move is much stronger!

Saint Heaven’s reputation in the world of Saint Spirit is truly remarkable. If he meets a body flow Venerable Lord with no great tricks, today’s loss is really a deal.

“It’s also time to show my body flow killing move!”


Since Overbearing Heavenly Body breakthrough to 8th Layer.

Lin Fei rarely performs matching body flow killing moves.

The simple strength, I have pressed a lot of Venerable Lord Expert, those who practice Body flow Killing Move, have not used it very much.

“St. Heaven, your moves are really good, but it’s far from trying to trap me!” Lin Fei laughed. “You have a powerful Saint Spirit Killing Move. Really when I don’t!”

“Sudden Warp Thunder!”

This move comes with Overbearing Heavenly Body 4th Layer.

The power can be great or it can be used for escape.

Lin Fei directly incarnation became a flash of lightning. With the dazzling rays of light, the Seven Color macro bubbles that Fist Technique couldn’t break were directly torn apart, burst out, and appeared not far away.

When ‘Sudden Warp Thunder’ came out, everyone was shocked.

“What was that move just now!”

“I don’t even know!”

“What a secret Secret Technique, it’s easy to break the Killing Move of Saint Heaven Son!”

“It seems to contain Space Sect!”

Venerable Lord Clone’s expressions are beginning to change.

This move, profound mystery is big!

Everyone remembers that Yueyueyue feels this move out of the ordinary, and the most important thing is to practice Body flow Killing Move.

“Amazing brat, this trick contains the truth of Space in it, crowned with overbearing power, tear a crack, it will not be self-made!”

The old man of the Book Collection Pavilion, eyes shined, suddenly came to spirit.

“No, no, he is not very old, and he wouldn’t reason. The trick just now can be used not only as a run-off, but also as an offensive trick. It has the same effect as Seven Color’s bubble!

Old man gets happier as he looks.

“I thought it was one-sided. Now it seems that the brat can draw a tie with this move alone!”

“Shake the sky, you have a great disaster. When did you do such a trick!”

The scholar middle age person is interested.

Han Tianda said with a look of shock, “This brat is so deep, such tricks can be mastered.”

“No way, didn’t you teach him?” The scholar middle age person said in surprise, his eyes looked like hell.

“Do n’t you believe it, the trick just now was not really given by me, you also know, do n’t look at me as a big Venerable Lord, the powerful Saint Spirit Exercise Killing Move in my hand is just a few, You can’t compare! “Han Tianda shook his head.

“Could it be. He was self-made!”

Lin Fei came out with a ‘Sudden Warp Thunder’.

“Child, Saint Heaven, your words are too full. You see, I am out now. I forgot to tell you that the trick I did was also my own. Hey, who made me too smart!”

Lin Fei said seriously.

The Venerable Lord Clone in the distance couldn’t help laughing.

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