Ding Yun is interested in Ao Tian Venerable Lord quite who has recently appeared!

Space and Time Temple, as the three top grade forces in Saint Spirit, have internal Experts gathered, but they also need various Venerable Lord Experts. The better the potential, the more likes.

Tens of thousands of years ago, when Ao Tian took the lead, Space and Time Temple paid attention to it. Some people commented afterwards that this Ao Tian will become a Venerable Lord for more than 2 years. The battle strength should have the degree of Venerable Lord Rank 1. And even approaching Rank XNUMX ladder.

This is also a small division within the Venerable Lord.

The ordinary Venerable Lord is Rank 3, and the more powerful one is Rank 2, and Rank 2 can fight three or four Venerable Lords while Undefeated and Rank 1 are even more powerful.

However, they underestimated the Ao Tian, ​​less than 100,000 years ago, when they reappeared, they made a magnificent major event, one person pressed the Will of Heavens gate and Shenwu Tower, and slaughtered five Venerable Lord Experts. The AD is gone.

This is amazing!

Promoted to the Venerable Lord Realm in less than 100,000 years, and researched the Space and Time Temple internally, and reached an amazing conclusion. The Ao Tian Venerable Lord must cultivate a Cultivation Technique of Top Grade Heavenly Divine Body.

Don’t look at Venerable Lord Realm, but it is already comparable to those Top Grade Venerable Lord Peak Expert!

Space and Time Temple concludes that, in general, there are not too many errors.

Such a Venerable Lord must win.

Once the opponent is promoted to the Grand Venerable Lord Realm after a few 100,000 years, one person can be worth at least three or four Grand Venerable Lords, or even five or six Grand Venerable Lords.

Ding Yun did not hesitate to come in person.

Hearing this, naturally thought Lin Fei was afraid of Space and Time Temple, Ding Yun secretly rejoiced, “Ao Tian, ​​you are a talent, Top Grade talent, Space and Time Temple welcomes people like you to join, afterwards, regardless of the Will of Heavens Gate, or Shenwu Tower, or even Longzong, dare not say anything, and even dare not have any thoughts of revenge! “

For Ding Yun, the death of five Venerable Lords is nothing, not as good as people.

If Ao Tian Venerable Lord joins the Space and Time Temple, it is equivalent to having a first-class melee expert, and at least one person can suppress seven or eight ordinary Venerable Lords.

“The mind of Space and Time Temple, I ’ve got it. I ’m not very like this person to be restrained. I ’ve always been a person who is free to get used to it. Do n’t mention the solicitation. If I want to join the forces in the future, I will definitely be the first to You guys contacted! “Lin Fei indifferently said, politely declined!

The three top grade forces still have some oppression for Lin Fei now, unless that day the Overbearing Heavenly Body steps into the 9th Layer.

He turned down the offer of Space and Time Temple!

Ding Yun wondered if he heard it wrong!

I personally come to solicit it!

The two people behind, Gaze also became weird. Someone can really refuse the solicitation of Space and Time Temple. In the entire Saint Spirit world, how many Experts want to join the Space and Time Temple, now a junior, refuse it without thinking?

This is a big blow to Ding Yun from Space and Time Temple who has always thought that when he came forward, Ao Tian Venerable Lord would join in happily.


Too ridiculous!

How can he refuse!

“His Excellency Ao Tian, ​​I hope you can think about it. After all, Space and Time Temple is not an ordinary force, and how many people can’t get started!” Ding Yun said with dissatisfaction in his heart.

Lin Fei’s eyes narrowed suddenly, his hostility soared into the sky, like an Ominous Beast, “I can understand it, is this a threat to you?”

The three of Ding Yun suddenly stood on their feet, as if being stared at by a terrifying Ominous Beast. It seems that as long as one of them does not answer well, this one will act.

“A terrible killing intent!”

Ding Yun bears the brunt of this. This is really a guy who fights without a word.

“Misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding!” Ding Yun squeezed a smile, “We at the Space and Time Temple, as Top Grade forces, naturally will not do these things!”

If it were ordinary people, Ding Yun had already started.

But a body flow Venerable Lord that can become a big Venerable Lord, Ding Yun dare not care, if the insuffcient is solicited, the other party hates it, which is a great threat to the Space and Time Temple.

Lin Fei laughed, “I thought you Space and Time Temple would threaten me with great power? If that’s the case, I don’t mind killing you on the spot, anyway, I’m a bachelor, Tianya Cape, and I’m not afraid of you Hunt! “

Ding Yun didn’t doubt the other’s words, he really did it.

“Since His Excellency Ao Tian is unwilling, we will have a period later!”

Lin Fei looked at the silhouette of them disappearing.

“This man, I can bear it. I thought I would do it, and I would like to see the power of Space and Time Temple!” Lin Fei squinted. “Space and Time Temple is insuffcient. It is estimated that he has to do it behind the scenes, hehe. do not know how much Expert you can lose! “

Lin Fei got into Void.


“Ding Deacon, why let him go!”

Far away, said one middle-aged Venerable Lord.

Ding Yunleng said, “Did you not see clearly, we are going to die as soon as we start, do you think you are Ao Tian’s opponent? Or do you think he dare not kill you!”

All three are Deacon.

At Space and Time Temple, status is not low.

The other two Deacon were very dissatisfied with Ding Yun’s method.

No one has ever dared to refuse the solicitation of Space and Time Temple, even without having to come forward, a message passed, eagerly came.

This is the first time they have eaten ravioli.

A body flow Venerable Lord dared to reject their invitation. This is because they didn’t put Space and Time Temple in their eyes, and they didn’t give them Deacon face. They felt that their faces were dull.

“Does he dare to do it!”

When they said this, they recalled the scene just now, and they were out of breath.

“Why didn’t he dare!” Ding Yun’s idiot looked over. “The strength of others, it’s more than enough to kill you easily. You can guarantee that what we see is the counterpart’s true strength!”

“What do you do now!”

Ding Yun’s face sank. “This person comes from mysterious. We at Space and Time Temple are the forces that are best at collecting news. Until now, we haven’t found the origin of Ao Tian. It can be seen that this person is more difficult than we think. Such a person, unless you know the identity, otherwise no one would dare to mess with it. Let ’s wait and see. I believe that this person on the Slaughter Divine Court knows that there should be action, it is best, two parties Hit it, maybe we will have another chance! “

An unknown mysterious Expert, Ding Yun was also worried, the most feared was that Ao Tian Venerable Lord came from that mysterious black domain.

Ding Yun had a good idea, but underestimated Lin Fei’s ability to hide. As soon as this person disappeared, he lost his trace, as if he had evaporated out of thin air. No matter how he searched, there was no trace.

This will completely drain the idea of ​​finding out the origin of Ao Tian Venerable Lord!

This is too hiding!

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