Tianxin Venerable Lord felt so cool for the first time.

Although he is Venerable Lord strength, but in such a large world of Saint Spirit, his strength, when encountering some powerful Venerable Lord, do not know how to die.

Long Wuhen is also the Venerable Lord Realm, far from being able to compete with the Tianxin Venerable Lord, a distance of one or two steps.

It is the first time that Venusable Lord can understand how to speak.

All this is brought by Ao Tian Venerable Lord.

“There is something wrong with the savage Venerable Lord. If it is handed over like this, where do we put the face of Longzong!” Long Wuhen frowned.

“My Master said, as long as I see people, everything is easy to say!” Tianxin Venerable Lord said, “As for the dead, it is still alive. This is a big deal, do you mean it?”

Although I do n’t like Venusable Lord now, I have to say that it makes sense!

“We need to discuss this matter!”

“no problem!”


Long Wuhen finally agreed.

For a savage Venerable Lord, Long Wuhen dare not take insurance.

He provokes this, not to mention a consecration, which is not as important as Elder’s, and abandoning one is actually irrelevant.

Long Wuhen dares not take risks!

The Ao Tian Venerable Lord is young and young. Once it feels that Dragon’s don’t give face, it’s normal to kill him. The Will of Heavens gate and the formation of Shenwu Tower can’t be blocked. Their Dragon’s Formation is not necessarily unstoppable.

You can never underestimate the terrifying practice of a Body flow Venerable Lord.

Turning out the brutal Venerable Lord in person is definitely not going to work, and some small means must be used.

For example, let the savage Venerable Lord leave!

At that time. What happened again, everything is easy to say, even. Long Zong can also perform a show for everyone to watch. Hello i am good everyone


In the evening of a month Hei Feng high.

The savage Venerable Lord left the Dragon Sect. During this period, two Dragon Sects were escorted by the Venerable Lord, who nominally sent each other to the Slaughter Divine Court. Ao Tian Venerable Lord was even a hundred guts. Not necessarily dare to do it.

In a forbidden area.

The two Longzong Venerable Lords started to hurt the brutal Venerable Lord. The other party did not expect that the Longzong’s Venerable Lord would start.

The savage Venerable Lord was very angry and kept running away, but met Lin Fei, who had been waiting for a long time, and was killed alive. The remaining Clone, naturally, had no good end. As soon as I die here, there is an immediate operation.

“This matter. That’s all, go back and tell you Sect Master Long Wuhen. It’s best to rename that Long Aotian. If I know it next time, I will come to the door myself!”

Lin Fei indifferently said in black clothed.

The two dragon names of Long Zong, Elder, felt great pressure.

This person is strong!

Even if they join forces, they are not rivals.

The two left with a calm face, even if they were uncomfortable in their hearts, they could only press, the savage Venerable Lord, but they were blown up a few times, and they couldn’t die anymore.

“Well, you can go too!”

Tianxin Venerable Lord can be regarded as the other person’s person, this is really going to go, who knows Shenwu Tower, after Longzong knows the truth. Will come to avenge myself.

at this point. He can’t promise.

“Master, please. Let me go!” Tianxin Venerable Lord could not care about that many, shouted cheekily.

“You have such a good tongue!” Lin Fei indifferently said, “When will I be your Master?”

The Celestial Venerable Lord hit a chill, “Master, I really want to be your servant. People like Master, there must be someone who works around me, I think I can do it!”

Lin Fei’s eyes narrowed and he was imposing, “You don’t worry that I will kill you, you have to know, and kill a Venerable Lord like you, it’s easy!”

“If the Master killed me, I would have died long ago, and I am willing to serve the Master!” Tianxin Venerable Lord knelt down.

Lin Fei never thought that Venusable Lord was so thick-skinned.

A Venerable Lord servant is not bad.

“I still have something lately, you go back and stay at the Will of Heavens door, I will contact you if there is something!” Lin Fei asked for a contact signal, “If someone is troublesome for you, you can report my name!”

“Thank you Master, I must be honest and waiting at the Will of Heavens door!” When the most wanted, Tianxin Venerable Lord completely let loosen come, holding himself with a big thick leg.


After killing the Venerable Lord.

Lin Fei’s task of revenge for the master has been completed two-thirds, and there is only one Long Aotian left.

Although killing Long Zong now is successful, it is necessary to face Long Zong’s comprehensive counterattack. It may be difficult for them to be ready. The opportunity is there, but the trouble is not small.

Lin Fei decided to wait again.

This matter cannot be rushed.

The name Ao Tian Venerable Lord has spread in the world of Saint Spirit. It can also be regarded as walking with an identity, and it will not be too conspicuous.

hua hua hua hua hua!!

Walking through Void, without warning, Void began to distortion, and a powerful force came in.

Lin Fei immediately took out the Heaven Splitting Stick, moved forward, and the surrounding Void began to change. After a while, he found himself on a Desert, and there was a quiet piece around him.

“People at Space and Time Temple, come out!”

Lin Fei said lightly to Desert.

p tired p tired p tired 锛 侊 紒 锛

“Well, we actually made the know!”

Ding Yun came out of Void, and there were two people next to him. Gaze fell on this black clothed man, and Ao Tian Venerable Lord was buzzing in the Saint Spirit world.

Lin Fei said with a smile, “It allows me to go uncontrollably to another place, which involves the space aspect, and the entire Saint Spirit world, time, space, only you and Space and Time Temple can master, except you. Also Who can it be, and what’s the matter?

Ding Yun admires the calmness of Ao Tian Venerable Lord. After all, most people can come to one’s door when they come to know Space and Time Temple. It is not panic.

“You are calmer than I thought. No wonder you dare to take action on the Will of Heavens Gate and Shenwu Tower!” Ding Yun said, “I am here today on behalf of Space and Time Temple. Let me be a middleman, you shake hands with the wind ten thousand li and how about it, after all, if you such a body flow Venerable Lord fall, it is really a shame! “

“Shenwu Tower has trusted in you, are you here in your early days!” Lin Fei heard the key.

“Yes. The wind ten thousand li took refuge in our Space and Time Temple!” Ding Yun admitted, “You hit the face of Shenwu Tower, then we Space and Time Temple have an obligation to take the lead for Shenwu Tower, I think it ’s not easy for you to cultivate , Should know how to round, so I give you a chance to join our Space and Time Temple, it is a good thing for you! “

Ye Xuan suddenly said with a smile, “I can’t think I can still be recruited by Space and Time Temple.”

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