Not only are people selling treasure in the town, they also opened Inn restaurants. △,

This has to be said, they are smarter!

Dongfang Yijian looked for a nice restaurant, and when he came up, he ordered a good table. Whatever the drink was, anyone who went out would not bring some Immortal Wine.

The dishes were fast, and Dongfang Yijian also took out Immortal Wine and poured a glass of wine for Lin Fei.

“Don’t bother you, don’t you always say that you want to know Emperor Heaven, this is the Emperor Heaven of Geneva!” Said with a smile.

Both young people were shocked, they came from another Sub-world.

Emperor Heaven’s name, they’ve all heard it.

Before, they didn’t listen carefully, now Dongfang Yijian said, suddenly realized, dare to love this murderous murderer!

During the Mo En World battle, Lin Fei’s notoriety spread to six Sub-worlds.

Divine World is here!

However, during these decades, Lin Fei has been retreating, and the fierce name has gradually faded.

“Emperor Heaven Fellow Daoist, you are my idol!”

“Brothers, have a drink!”

Lin Fei had a good impression on the two of them. They gave face in this way and followed suit.

… ..

A few glasses of Immortal Wine went down.

Everyone’s relationship is getting closer!

Lin Fei also knows a lot from Dongfang Yijian, especially about Heavenly Venerable Mountain, because Dongfang Yijian came a few years ago.

Heavenly Venerable Mountain also became more mysterious in Lin Fei’s eyes.

“Unsurprisingly, Heavenly Venerable Mountain is on, no more than a year away. There is a great power to figure out the day of opening!” Dong Fang Yi Jian said, “Fellow Daoist. You must be ready!”

“I heard that almost all of the Experts on the God List are here. Especially the number one God Child Heavenly Dragon!” Zhuge Feng whispered, “I heard that God Child Heavenly Dragon broke into one of the top ten Restricted Areas. Great opportunity, strength advanced greatly! “

“God Child each and everyone has Great Destiny, really comparing oneself to others will only make one angry!” Another Huang Qiu said with a bitter smile, “We want to meet opportunities, not ordinary difficulties. Look at them again, you can run anywhere! “

The first expert on the God List, Lin Fei also learned that the true Great Destiny successor, strength is also extremely horrible. Don’t look at it as Peak God Venerable, and its battle strength can suppress God Sovereign Realm.

This is already Complete Horror!

In Peak God Venerable Realm, you can sweep the same generation of Experts, known as the invincible God Venerable!

The word ‘invincible’. Not just anyone can do it casually, Heavenly Dragon dares to call it invincible God Venerable, which shows how confident you are in your strength.


“Emperor Heaven, Heavenly Venerable Mountain is about to open. Would you like to go in with us, or have a companion in Secret Realm!” Dongfang Yijian put down his glass. Invited.

No one knows better than Emperor Heaven, the importance of Emperor Heaven.

Sixty years. Dongfang Yijian believes that Emperor Heaven’s grasp of time Bloodline and Space Bloodline will be more frightening.

In a place like Heavenly Venerable Mountain, you really need such a powerful helper!

Lin Fei’s understanding of Heavenly Venerable Mountain is just general. The origin of Heavenly Venerable Mountain is mysterious, and no one has said it clearly. The most important thing is that this time Heavenly Venerable Mountain is opened, Experts are gathered, and God Child is coming, and it seems to be a good way to form a team.

After a little thought by Lin Fei, nod agreed, “If you don’t hate it, I would be happy to join!”

How could Dongfang Yijian be disgusted, and it was too late to pay attention, “It’s great, Fellow Daoist has joined, and this trip to Heavenly Venerable Mountain will definitely have great gains!”

“Hmph, it’s not bad, what is Heavenly Venerable Mountain, how can you guys at God Abandoned Land do it!”

Suddenly, a cynically sound came from behind.

At this moment, a young man in a golden armor at the entrance of the stairs turned his eyes like stars, and the starlight behind him was bright, surrounded by a group of people.

“Who is talking nonsense!”

In the restaurant, several people stood up and glared.

Since the Heavenly Pillar was broken, World resumed communication. In the eyes of Divine World, the six Sub-worlds also became people of God Abandoned Land, and were humiliated.

Therefore, the six Sub-world people, least likely to hear the words God Abandoned Land.

They stood up and were quickly pulled down by people at the same table.

“Shut up, don’t say it, it ’s human, that’s Star Young Master!” Some said, “Star Young Master, killing without blinking, known as a murderer, whoever offends him will be violent!”

In front of a strong strength, everyone in the restaurant chose to bow his head.

Star Young Master, from the ancient mysterious forces, it is rumored that the relationship with the Eight God Sovereign is good, and the strength is also extremely horrible. You can push God Venerable Expert across.

“Xingchen Young Master, does anyone say your mouth is smelly!” Dongfang Yijian ‘嗖’ stood up, severe light flickered, staring at Xingchen Young Master.

The Star Young Master, who looks like a star, looks handsome, is also a beautiful man in Divine World. He opened the fan, “God Abandoned Land, there is really no rating, everyone said it is not!”

“Xingchen Young Master is right!”

“This kind of outdated people should reseal back. Whenever God Abandoned Land people can swagger around!”

The people behind them all echoed and laughed.

They won’t miss this kind of flattering effort.

“Oriental, we can’t fight with a dog if we drink!” Suddenly, a faint voice came from his ear.

Dongfang Yijian doesn’t like the word ‘God Abandoned Land’ very much, so he will be stimulated to stand up by the Young Master of Stars. According to the usual calmness, he will not be stimulated at all.

“It’s still good for you to say, there’s nothing to say to the dog!” Dongfang Yijian sat down again, calmly said with a smile.

“Brat, you have a big breath, kneel down quickly, and apologize with a hoe.” A subordinate next to Star Young Master, eyes like severe light, realized that the opportunity was coming, and drank in anger.

“Knelt down and admit it to the Star Young Master, or you will kill your Nine Clan!”

The star Young Master’s face did not change, and there was a flash of killing intent in his eyes, as a proud son of heaven, pushing the existence of God Venerable, who was once said to be a dog.

Lin Fei drank Immortal Wine slowly, without even glancing at it, “Butchering my nine races, a big tone, I am sitting here, and have the ability to kill me!”

As one of the six Sub-worlds, Lin Fei feels the same.

God Abandoned Land is not the name of nice to hear.

This is a shame!

As a part, Lin Fei deserves to do something.

“Brat, you’re tired of life, uncle killed you!” A henchman of the Young Master of the Star, loudly shouted, the hand of Skyrim, shaking Heaven and Earth, grabbing Lin Fei, and trying to kill the other person alive.

This shot shocked many people.

A henchman is High Rank God Venerable battle strength!


Lin Fei lightly shouted, a blade glow in Void was cut off, and the hand of Qin Qingtian and the person were cut into two sections with one blood, and the blood was flowing.

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