Outside Heavenly Venerable Mountain, the mountains are undulating, and Immortal Qi lingers. + ◆,

Lin Fei fell far away from Heavenly Venerable Mountain, and within a few years, it turned into a small town.

There are immortals coming and going everywhere, people who are so busy, do not know, they thought it was a small town.

Lin Fei walked the town with Hairball.

The heroes gathered, and the former God Venerable, which was extremely difficult to see, also emerged constantly.

“Master, can I eat them!”

The Hairball born by Antique Evil Dragon has an increasing appetite. In his eyes, these are delicious qi and blood.

Since following Lin Fei, Hairball has eaten countless flesh and eyes, and the King King God Venerable walking around is still delicious.

Lin Fei patted Hairball, “No rush, there is a chance!”

In order to cultivate God Beast, Lin Fei doesn’t care how many people are killed, as long as it provokes himself, they can only say that they are unlucky.


“Selling the bones of God Sovereign cheaply, there is not much chance, just this one, with him, you will have something no less than the God Sovereign treasure!” Someone sipped.

“Death with heaven shaking, a peerless good thing that can recover from injury at a critical moment, a good thing necessary to enter Heavenly Venerable Mountain!”

“God Sovereign Secret Technique, invincible, now only treasure!”


The town is small.

Everywhere was a shout.

Various treasure layers are endless, attracting gaze of countless people.

Lin Fei took a casual look at it and found that there are some things, the quality is still good, and can reach a certain level. No wonder it will be sold here.

No matter how good things are, Lin Fei has no interest.

It helps him now. This is God Veins, and there is more to it.

Lin Fei also heard. In Heavenly Venerable Mountain, there is a rare Saint Rank God Veins. The quality of a strip is higher than Heaven Rank God Veins. Any Sect that gets one of them can inherit Sect for 10 million years.

Because he was not in a hurry, Lin Fei watched casually as he walked.

“Come and see. Someone is on the platform!”

“No way, someone’s on the platform again!”

“Who is know!”

“Ask what that many do. Know when you go!”


I do not know who screamed, and the crowd who had originally strolled away went to the bucket.


Lin Fei is interested, follow the hurry.

By the time Lin Fei followed, people were already at the foot of a mountain, gathering a large number of people.

In the distance, a mountain peak was blocked and cut off.

Look at the world, there is a long history, the platform is full of ancient atmosphere.

Lin Fei squinted slightly. Looking at the huge platform, “Is this Doudou, really out of the ordinary!”

Around the bucket too, densely packed mysterious blessing. Lin Fei didn’t look too real. Whoever underestimated Doutai would definitely suffer a lot. Real big loss.

Someone is on the bucket!

Lin Fei took a subconscious look and smiled. Actually met acquaintances in this place.

… ..

“too fast!”

“Passed another level!”

“This is the XNUMXth level!”

“It is indeed a person who masters speed, and infinite speed is really great!”


Someone exclaimed.

On the bucket. A young man in Tsing Yi, stayed calm on his body over the years, and saw him holding a sword. The sword passed away like a streamer, hitting a respectable bronze man.

No one bronze man can approach.

Almost all of the people present couldn’t see how the people on the platform shot.

Speed ​​exceeds the limits they bear!

Everyone is convinced to take it orally.

“Level 70!”

Another exclaimed, Gaze kept staring at the bucket.

On the platform, there are hundreds of densely packed bronze men, and they are formed into a heaven shaking Killing Formation. The Murderous Aura is soaring. If it is not separated by countless heavy restrictions, no one can withstand this powerful coercion.

“It really is a genius. For sixty years, it has also hit Peak God Venerable. I am afraid that infinite speed is even more horrible. In this Realm, I am afraid that few can capture the trace!

Lin Fei didn’t expect to meet East Sword here.

In the whole world, the speed can reach this level, so you can master the “Infinite Speed” sword.

The Eastern Sword is amazingly fast, and Lin Fei can also see the traces of Teleport.

“Break through level 70!”

Under the siege of Killing Formation, Yi Dongyi Sword was blown out. Several large characters were displayed over the platform, and then a golden light flashes fell on the Dong Yi Yi Shou, exuding terror power.

“It’s 70, it’s amazing. It’s indeed Number One Genius of Inferno World!”

“Who can stop this speed!”

“That’s not necessarily. One who masters speed is not a sword in the East. I heard that there is a God Child Innate Divine Body on the list of gods, which also masters speed!”

“So scary!”


Lin Fei stood for a while, and knew what was going on.

This Doutai is usually hidden in Void, and God Sovereign cannot find out. Only in the ten years when the Heavenly Venerable Mountain portal will be opened, it will return to the sky.

Doutai is not used for fighting.

It’s a challenge.

After passing the ten levels, you will get a treasure. Of course, the treasure is immediately available. To get a good treasure, you can only rely on luck.

Legend has it that a certain Invincible God Sovereign had a great chance and got a shocking treasure on the platform, making him advanced by leaps and bounds, and finally achieving the prestige of the Invincible God Sovereign.

Therefore, every single time Heavenly Venerable Mountain will be turned on, and the platform will become a place for countless genius gathering.

Doutai also has rules. Only people under God Sovereign are allowed to enter. There was a God Sovereign who suppressed strength and tried to obtain treasure. It was suppressed and killed by the bronzers on the spot.


Lin Fei observes the bucket platform, barely seeing some doorway.

“Emperor Heaven Fellow Daoist, long time no see!”

While Lin Fei was watching silently, someone came over.

Listening to the familiar voice, Lin Fei turned back, “Oriental Fellow Daoist, Congratulations Your ‘Infinite Speed’ broke through another Level!”

It was the East Sword.

Dongfang Yijian is very sensitive to the breath. When Lin Fei stood outside, he knew who came, and came over in person after the end.

For sixty years, Dongfang Yijian has been much more stable than that year, but it is still arrogant Ling Yun, mastering ‘Infinite Speed’ does have arrogant capital.

Dongfang Yijian didn’t come alone, there were two young people around, Jinyihuafu, out of the ordinary, it should be from the powerful Sect.

Dongfang Yijian was engaged in cultivation after participating in the war that year. He did not go out to practice until 40 years ago, and by chance he was promoted to Peak God Venerable.

“You are not too bad!” Dongfang Yijian said with a smile, “Meet each other not as good as a chance encounter, not as good as a drink?”


Lin Fei is fine.

But the two next to me are very curious. What is the origin of this black robed man, and it is worth the invitation of the big brother in the east to drink, this is a rare thing.

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