While Lin Fei was raising the strength.

Inferno World, in mountain range.

Ten Great Clan, including Hell Alliance, are waiting for someone.

This person is Emperor Heaven!

After the communication of the six Sub-worlds, news also began to circulate, the major Chamber of Commerce began to move, and various Chamber of Commerce Divisions sprang up.

News trading has become the most normal thing!

The name Emperor Heaven is not difficult to inquire.

After learning the names of this person from the mouths of Wang Ming and Mu Cheng, the above people began to arrange for people to go out to hear the news, and the news soon came out.

As soon as the news came out, the Ten Great Clan and Hell Alliance were all shocked and wondered if the news was wrong.

Heavenly Profound World, Suspected First Expert?

The materials are all about Emperor Heaven a hundred years ago. There are many secrets, Eight Supreme Gates boss, all killed by Emperor Heaven.

Most importantly, what an horror Emperor Heaven is today is less than XNUMX years old.

The information is just records, the speed of the other party’s rise.

A hundred years ago, Heavenly Profound World, Emperor Heaven faintly became the first Expert. Even if it is not, strength is also Complete formidable. Regarding the i-line Bloodline controller, let them startled again.

There are two kinds of extremely rare Bloodline, Heavenly Profound World First Expert, or ≈ ★, .. It is really possible.

After all, although this guy has n’t been to God Venerable Realm, with Space Bloodline and Time Bloodline, his strength is at least comparable to Low Rank God Venerable. Even if he meets Middle Rank God Venerable, it is helpless, unless it is High Rank God Venerable. . There may be hope, but there is no guarantee.

You can see the formidable place of this Emperor Heaven.

Ten Great Clan. Hell Alliance’s people moved. Block the exit to lay out a Great Array with 1st Layer weight, and wait for that Emperor Heaven to come out.

The big guys want to grab Emperor Heaven.

Because everyone wants to know, what’s in Ten Eighth Level.

God Emperor from Hell got Abyss Hell. From beginning to end, he rushed to the ten Eighth Level. Only three people, and these three people are now the top grade of Inferno World.

Many people say. Ten Eighth Level has great opportunities.

However, no one knows what the chance is.

You said to ask the existence of three Top Grades, maybe someone will slap you to death

It’s not long for half a year!

Ten Great Clan, Hell Alliance, don’t worry.

With the people inside out almost.

Statistics of the abyss’s immortality have also come out.

Seeing this number, everyone is dumbfounded for a while, and this number is suspected to be true.

“A total of 150,000 immortals, what a joke!”

“The abyss is gone!”

Seeing this number, they hated Emperor Heaven inside again.

The last time Abyss Hell was turned on. A total of 500,000 abyss immortals have been collected, and now only 150,000, which is almost the previous one third.

Everyone is happy!

The death of the abyss determines the development of Inferno World.

Hard to get it once, if the abyss does not die, the results are not enough. In the following days, it may be greatly suppressed.

Six Sub-worlds were born, among other things. And Divine World on top.

Okay to say.

Heavenly Dao Power suppression is still there.

But this Heavenly Dao suppression gradually began to fade. As time goes by, this last barrier will disappear. The protection time that belongs to everyone will really disappear.

At that time, war is inevitable.

Before that, they must get more Abyss as soon as possible, so as to improve the overall strength of Inferno World.

They want Emperor Heaven to come out, and the last thing they want to see Emperor Heaven die in Abyss Hell, the consequences they dare not imagine

at this time.

Lin Fei is still in the Great Array of Time.

A blink of an eye is the eighteen years of eight-nine.

Within Great Array of time.

Eighteen Primordial Chaos Clone are all seated together, while Lin Fei is surrounded by this deity.

At this time, the eighteen Primordial Chaos Clones reached their peak, and when someone came to see them, they would not help but exclaim, eighteen King King Peak Experts.

A lot of Divine Spark went down, Lin Fei finally pushed the eighteenth Primordial Chaos Clone to the limit.

Any one of the Primordial Chaos Clone can defeat the ordinary God King Peak. Of course, it is just God King Peak.

Lin Fei is not satisfied.

Eighteen Clones have been cultivated, and they have been cultivated to God King Peak. It is not without, Lin Fei will not be the first. Lin Fei naturally hopes that Clone’s strength will be stronger.

and so!

After Lin Fei let System analyze, after a series of experiments, it took XNUMX years to finally complete his idea.

Let Eighteen Primordial Chaos Clone also cultivate the power of Bloodline.

That’s right, that’s what Lin Fei thinks.

This is also a way to quickly improve strength.

In this way, Clone strength will be greatly improved, surpassing the God King Peak Expert of Realm, and fighting against God Venerable Expert, making Lin Fei stand in an undefeated place.

This approach is also possible with Lin Fei.

“Hehe, Eighteen Clone, Eighteen Bloodline powers, even if Low Rank God Venerable is here, don’t want to take advantage!”

Looking at Clone in a circle, Lin Fei is very happy.

In order to match the attributes, Lin Fei worked hard to select the eighteen Bloodlines that are most suitable for matching, but he did not cultivation other Bloodline himself. He had time for Bloodline and Space Bloodline to handle everything.

The only headache for Lin Fei is that Clone needs more Divine Strength.

This is quite an eighteen children with quite mouths. Each one has to open their mouths to eat meat, which is not generally difficult to feed. On the other hand, as long as Lin Fei Divine Strength is sufficient, the eighteen Clones can fight for a long time.

Eighteen Clones once raised the power of Bloodline to God King Peak is Lin Fei’s greatest guarantee. At the same time, these are also eighteen masters.

“Refining !!!!”

Lin Fei took another copy of Bloodline and watched eighteen Clone smirks

Six hundred years passed in the blink of an eye.


The breath of the eighteen clones became thicker.

The power of Bloodline has reached its limit.

At this point, it’s almost the same.

In the past XNUMX years, Clone XNUMX has finally absorbed enough Bloodline power, and no longer needs to be absorbed. Lin Fei continues to transport the complete master cultivation method.

In the Great Array of time, the eighteen Clone kept on cultivation Secret Technique Divine Ability, progressing rapidly, without any hindrance, it should be dumbfounded to spread.

This is faster than sitting on a rocket!

When the last two hundred years have passed.

Lin Fei also spent a full year at Abyss Hell.

Eighteen Clones also have the power of Bloodline controllers. If you go to any place, everyone has a scalp. The most terrifying thing is that this is not simply eighteen Bloodline controllers, but attributes that match each other. Bloodline Masters who are also good at co-op.

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