Lin Fei know I got the chance!

For these complete Cultivation Techniques, as long as the Bloodline is raised, many methods can be cultivated.

Lin Fei also saw some of these big moves, which motivated them to be very powerful, but they were temporarily unable to cultivate.

Even the ordinary Secret Technique Divine Ability has made Lin Fei an eye-opener. The original strength of time can still be used in this way.

“This long lock is a very good way to trap people, more useful than any treasure!”

Lin Fei one after another looked.

The more I look, the more I am shocked!

In fact, Time Technique is too complete and looks self-contained without any flaws.

“Could it be left by Time Control?” Lin Fei questioned.

Whether or not.

Lin Fei secretly recorded with System

Space Control Complete Method!

Lin Fei records all the Time Techniques, and then heads straight for Space’s complete method.

Compared to what Lin Fei learned, the Space Technique here is more complete, including air-cutting and air-blasting, and even Space Storm.

Space Storm here is much better than Lin Fei’s own.

“I want this too!”

Lin Fei didn’t want to enter Baoshan and left empty-handed.

Space’s complete approach must be recorded. ◎, ..

What Lin Fei lacks now is the complete method. Any powerful method can actually be stimulated. The strong Divine Strength is not bragging.

Record the time and the complete method of Space.

Lin Fei originally planned to stop and study the complete method, but after seeing the complete methods of the remaining masters. Could not help itching.

“I have encountered such a good opportunity, but I cannot afford to waste it!”

Lin Fei decided to take the full approach of all those in charge. Everything is recorded, otherwise it is really a waste.

There were originally two Bloodlines. Lin Fei quite satisfied.

But now think about it, two types of Bloodline are really powerful, why can’t you make yourself stronger, but you have better Bloodline to refining.

Then refining several Bloodline, it should be insuffcient trouble!

Lin Fei isn’t very mindful, just to be more secure.

The power of Bloodline, the better!

Lin Fei records all the methods left here.

The average God Venerable is of little interest.

Just record the master’s method.

Lin Fei also wrote down dozens of complete Bloodline methods.

If these complete masters of law are taken out, it will definitely lead to a carnage, which is invaluable to others.

The full master is in the hands of Lin Fei. With enough time, he can become one of the Bloodline masters.

Since it does n’t go up, Lin Fei does n’t plan to go up either

“Young Master!”

After coming out, the middle-aged prison spirit is still there.

“I’m fine!” Lin Fei said.

The middle-aged prisoner didn’t ask why he came out so soon.

“Young Master, do you need a place for cultivation? Here is a Great Array arranged by the Master. The Young Master from the previous few times has gone to cultivation after coming out!”

“There is such a good thing!” Lin Fei’s eyes lightened.

“If the Young Master needs to pass, the old slave will take you there!” Said the middle-aged prisoner.

“No rush. I’ll pick the abyss immortal first!” Lin Fei was not in a hurry, this time into Abyss Hell, for a full year, now half has not passed

Picking the abyss undead. It’s not as troublesome as Lin Fei imagined, but rather easy.

The middle-aged prison spirit gave an order, and the abyss immortal seemed to have the order. All fall off automatically, and then follow the length of time. Divided into piles, appeared in front of Lin Fei.

“Young Master. Alright!” Middle-aged prison spirit said, “A total of 30,000, divided by time, there are fifty XNUMX ten chaos, fifty chaos, there are ~~~~~”

Lin Fei is now completely relaxed and knows that he has picked up the bargain.

The abyss has not died, the longer the year, the greater the effect.

For example, collected outside the Tenth Level, the year is basically a few chaos, and the effect is just average. Only the abyss in the Tenth Level is the top grade.

“I really want to take this year to cultivate a few powerful Secret Technique Divine Ability!”

Lin Fei knows very well that these abyss are the dead end, that is, his next capital, and to be promoted to God Venerable by himself, depends on this.

“By the way, I would like to ask, is there a God Venerable Divine Spark in these ten Eighth Levels!”

This question, Lin Fei lingered for a long time.


Must ask clearly!

“Young Master, there is no God Venerable Divine Spark on this floor!” Said the middle-aged prisoner. “It used to be there, but it was taken away later!”

“Okay ~~”

“Take me to Time Great Array!”

When I see the time Great Array.

Lin Fei startled, hell God Emperor is really awesome.

As a Time Control, although not very powerful, I also feel the difference between this time Great Array.

“Young Master, this time the Great Array was arranged by the lord himself. One day here is ten years. Young Master, there will be more than a thousand years of cultivation time. Senior Brother, it’s all here for retreat cultivation. “

Lin Fei finally understands why the three God Sovereign strength breakthroughs are so fast.

The Great Array is a great time here.

For more than a thousand years, coupled with the awesome existence of the abyss immortal fruit, it is difficult to stop taking medicine, and it is difficult to improve the strength without breaking through to the God Venerable Realm. Rank God Venerable, Peak God Venerable Realm is not difficult!

Lin Fei went straight into the time Great Array cultivation.

The first cultivation is Secret Technique Divine Ability, such as time and space.

Millions of abyss immortals are on the body. Quite is a gold ingot of Teleport. Anyone who knows it will want to take a bite. While taking this thousand years, how can I raise the strength to a very strong level? .

With the help of System, Lin Fei cultivation these methods Secret Technique Divine Ability, there are almost no problems.

In addition to God Venerable Realm’s time and Space Technique cannot be cultivation, all of God King Realm’s cultivation, Lin Fei also secretly tried to urge the Secret Technique Divine Ability of a higher level, but unfortunately tried several times, and still could not urge, Be tightly bound.

Just re-cultivation of Space and Time Technique, Lin Fei ’s strength has been improved a lot, but this is far from enough in his opinion, and strength still needs to be improved.

Go from Bloodline up and down!

This seems to be the best way to boost strength.

Lin Fei also has his own ideas in his mind. If there is hope for success, then he will really be relaxed.

“Little Devil, come out soon!”

Lin Fei summon Little Devil up.

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