This Great City, tall and majestic, is black and is named Hell City. +,

In Lin Fei’s impression, the number of such great cities is really small, and it is really rare to see such one in Inferno World.

Far away, Lin Fei saw the Great City as Complete and lively.

The city gate is where people come and go.

Lin Fei was keenly aware that something should happen inside.

Because it is Human Race, and there are few Human Races at the city gate, almost all of them are ghosts of Inferno World. Lin Fei is afraid to go down and see what it is. As for going in from heaven, I don’t want to do that for the time being.

Because the Formation Restriction is arranged on the sky, and it is still sharp.

If you want to crack, you will be aware of it, because in this Great City, there are eight God Venerable Experts, and the Complete Complete power is quite powerful, although he doesn’t care much, at this time there is no need to produce with the God Venerable of Inferno World conflict.

…… ..

While Lin Fei was thinking about how to get in.

There was a roar of heaven shaking in the distance, but only when I saw the distance, a huge guy appeared, moving towards Great City.

“Get away!”

“Nine-headed hell dragon is here!”

“Feng’s are here!”

… ..

After a while, the roar continued.

The giant nine-headed hell dragon appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Nine-faced dragon heads were shocked by everyone who saw them. One after another gave way, and there were several slow-moving ghost clan Experts, who were sprayed to death by the fire of the nine-headed hell dragon.

“Powerful horizontal God Beast, this strength is quite like nine God Venerable!”

Lin Fei also saw this powerful God Beast for the first time. The breath on my body is the God Beast breath of Righteous Sect, and at a glance, it is a terrifying God Beast.

nine heads. Can perform different attacks, each dragon power is God Venerable Realm. Not terrifying in general.

The nine-headed hell dragon came to Great City.

“Open the Formation Restriction, Young Master is going in!”

Immediately drank.


Formation Restriction opens.

Nine-headed hell dragon flew into Great City.

Lin Fei also took advantage of this opportunity. Quietly entering the Great City, but the nine-headed hell dragon stopped suddenly, and looked east and west to see what seemed to be found, and finally saw nothing to discover, and then moved on.

“God Beast is very responsive and can actually sense it!”

Lin Fei flashed out to himself.

“This is riding a nine-headed hell dragon, it should have a lot of identity. But you can follow it!”

Lin Fei followed along.

The city is very lively.

Lin Fei quickly discovered that these people were heading towards the central area of ​​the city, as if there was something busy in front of it.


Great City, right in the middle.

It is a huge plaza.

At this time, a huge platform was built on plaza.

“Hey, that man is going to lose!”

“Yan Luo Family, the strength is really formidable, winning nineteen games in a row!”

“Yan Luo Family, that’s our Inferno World. One of the Ten Great Clan.”


On the ring, there was a young man with scarlet pupils and a meaning of dreary cold.

“Does anyone else get up and die!”

Arrogant tone. Many people are dissatisfied, but no one dares to go up, Yan Master of Young Family of Luo Family. Strength arrogant, killing nineteen Experts.

And in the distance of Daxutai.

There were also some people sitting there. aloof and remote, everyone exudes arrogance.

“Yan Luo Feiying. Don’t be so big, big brother, let me play with you!”

On the sky, a behemoth appeared, it was the Feng Master Young Master, standing on the back of the nine-headed hell dragon, said very disdainfully.

“Feng’s Young Master is here!”

“It also brings a God Beast like the Nine-Headed Hell Dragon!”

“There’s a lot of fun here!”


The following people are talking.

Feng Family and Yan Luo Family are one of the Ten Great Clan.

The two didn’t quite match each other, and after a long battle, they never made a difference.

By the time Lin Fei arrived, the battle on the ring had already begun.

The Young Master of the Feng family drove the nine-headed hell dragon to fight, and the Yan Luo Feiying of the Yan Luo Family did not have a reputation, and with a long spear, he fought against the nine-headed hell dragon, and it was a draw.

“Amazing guy!”

Lin Fei converged on his breath, and let System simulate the breath of death, watching in the crowd.

“They should be Experts who can explode God Venerable battle strength!”

This young expert, Lin Fei, is the first time he has encountered a God Venerable battle strength at God King Realm. It is really rare. At least in Heavenly Profound World, there is almost no such genius.

This requires its own innate talent.


“What are you doing, brothers!”

Lin Fei asked a middle age person next to him.

Middle age person is watching the rise, seeing a God King-level ghost, and dare not offend, honestly explained, “Senior, elite selection is being conducted here, allowing people under God Venerable to shoot ~~~~”

“I just retreat, and the specifics are too clear, can you elaborate!”

Seeing this God King’s kindness, middle age person didn’t mind talking about it. Offending a God King Expert is not a good choice.

“no problem!”

The middle age person said very carefully. There was no concealment. Lin Fei was considered to be a matter of what happened. He also followed in front of him. He encountered such a good thing.

It turns out that there are many Secret Realm in Inferno World, and this time there is a big Secret Realm to be opened to allow people below God Venerable Realm to enter.

What makes Lin Fei interested is that this Secret Realm is rumored to have a God Venerable Divine Spark.

Whether it is true or not, no one can guarantee it, only the news spread.

God Venerable Divine Spark is better than God King Divine Spark. As long as the innate talent is not bad, almost all can enter God King Realm, and God Venerable is difficult, so many people plan to take shortcuts, condense God Venerable, and become pseudo God Venerable. . In any case, it is God Venerable. No, it can play God Venerable battle strength, but it is better than God King!

God Venerable Divine Spark has also become a hit!

Now that there is a Secret Realm in it, Lin Fei naturally has an idea.

With his strength, as long as you enter Secret Realm, are you afraid you won’t get Divine Spark?

Lin Fei secretly rejoices that he came to Inferno World by chance and encountered such a good thing. No matter whether it is true or not, he must try it himself. Not afraid of 10,000, just in case. If it does appear, it is not one or two God Venerable Divine Spark. simple.

In this Secret Realm, how can there be a dozen God Venerable Divine Sparks?

Although Lin Fei hasn’t entered yet, he has already regarded the God Venerable Divine Spark inside as his own thing, and it is not allowed to be taken away by outsiders.

After asking about the situation, Lin Fei was also clear about this.

Inferno World, not at all too many Sects, but the family’s most influential, ten Great Clan can get several places, in addition, Inferno World’s main Great City will also have three places.

Competition is also extremely fierce.

For example, some Clan Disciple have no qualifications in the family, so they come to the Great City outside, challenge Expert, get a place, and enter the Secret Realm opened this time.

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