Inferno World!

Lin Fei’s first destination at this time. ▲ ∴,

After centuries of cultivation, it is now possible to go out and look at it. Lin Fei also made Inferno World the first destination.

Inferno World is going, and the rest of the World are also going.

It’s just that Inferno World is the closest to Heavenly Profound World. Lin Fei chose Inferno World first according to the principle of being nearby.

Heavenly Profound World and Inferno World take ten years to separate.

For Lin Fei, who controls the power of Space, it doesn’t take that long to reach Inferno World in almost three years.


“Just set a coordinate here!”

A year later, Lin Fei fell on an unmanned star, opened a small Immortal’s Cave under the ground, and set up a portal.

This portal is the door to Space!

A century of time is enough for Lin Fei to condense the door of Space.

The door of Space is also arranged for convenience.

Then go to Inferno World. It is a convenient way to return to this unmanned star without so much trouble.

It is not difficult to arrange the doors of Space.

Lin Fei is easy to set up.


After the arrangement, Lin Fei arranged the formation ban. Seal the door of Space with Wanzhong Space.

If someone breaks in, they just think it’s an ordinary little Immortal’s Cave, and they won’t see that there is a space door.

“Coming back, I will be much more convenient!”

Write down the coordinates and Lin Fei starts again!


Every other year. Lin Fei lay out a space door, and then hide in space.

No one but Lin Fei can discover the secrets in Space. Even if Space Control came, no secret could be found. This is a unique secret belonging to Space Control.

Three years later!

Lin Fei is infinitely close to Inferno World.

The closer you get to Inferno World, the more Lin Fei feels the dreary cold breath. That’s the breath of death.

The former Heavenly Profound World also had hell territory. However, compared with the one in front of me, it seems that little witches see big witches.

“These people are sneaky!”

Lin Fei enters Inferno World and sees that the people coming and going are not flesh and blood, but ghosts. The breath of dreary cold can be felt from a long distance.

Since coming for the first time, Lin Fei will not come in with a big swing.

The power of Space shrouded. Hardly anyone knows, there is such a person entering Inferno World.

“Those who said that there was a big war in Inferno World and they fell off God Venerable Expert. Hope not to lie to me!”

… ..

Lin Fei came to God Venerable Divine Spark.

Now stuck on God King Peak, Lin Fei is also looking for God Venerable Divine Spark for breakthrough Realm.

Unfortunately, this Divine Spark is not easy to make.

About Inferno World, there is a lost God Venerable Divine Spark, which was also obtained from Divine World’s God Venerable little Giant. Hold this clue. Lin Fei came to Inferno World.

Inferno World is big.

Much bigger than Heavenly Profound World.

The whole Inferno World is filled with the breath of death, the flesh and blood come in, if there is no certain strength. Will be attacked by the breath of death, and finally become a White Bone.

“Find a place to find out!”

Inferno World is not well understood, Lin Fei can only find someone to understand. Go straight to the nearest city, not long after. Appears over city.

“Inferno World’s strength is really strong, a lot stronger than Heavenly Profound World!”

Just swiped with Divine Sense. Lin Fei saw this city, with a population of more than XNUMX million people. God King Expert does have tens of thousands of people, and Paragon Expert has more than XNUMX million people.

This is definitely a very scary number.

Heavenly Profound World A small city with a size of 10 million. The overall strength is not as good as a small city here, there is a certain gap.

“This city, the strongest is a God King Peak Expert, so let’s start at him!”


Lin Fei came to a palace in the center of the town.

My heart is speechless, why do all people like to cultivate palaces, and they are built in the center?

Inside the palace, there are many God King Experts, which seem to be the gloom of Complete.

Lin Fei is not like the atmosphere of Inferno World, and the gap of Heavenly Profound World is big.

When I came in, the people here seemed to be in a meeting. I didn’t find anyone coming in at all, watching them silently.

“A bunch of waste. It’s only useless to attract so many people these days.”

In the middle of the palace, there is a huge throne, on which sits a man with a gloomy face, reprimanding his men.

“I don’t care what method you use, in a month, you have to get enough people!”

“Well, now go out and work for me all!”

The gathered God King exited with his head down.

“King, don’t be angry, it hurts your body!”

When they left, a few wonderful young women came out, leaning charmingly on this man, and some women took the fruits and handed them over.

“This guy will enjoy it!”

Lin Fei didn’t figure out what was going on, but didn’t worry.

Wow! !! !!

strength of Time is here!

The man on the throne first felt bad and found himself unable to move even a little bit.

“If you don’t want to die, be honest!”

Next second. The man’s neck was pinched, and a breath of death enveloped him.

“Don’t kill me ~~~ Have something to say!”

…… ..

Lin Fei imprisoned this person and used a soul-searching method to search the other person’s memory.

“It turns out that Inferno World is not quite flat!”

Lin Fei touch the chin, if interesting.

Just this search, I know a lot of things, but they are also superficial things. It ’s not clear what the upper-level things are, who makes the status of the person in front is not high, there are not many things known, and Lin Fei is quite satisfied.

“Inferno World, there were three God Sovereigns. They were originally suppressed and later rescued. It seems that person should be chaotic. He wants to use these God Sovereigns to compete with the Eight God Sovereigns in the future, and give them the least benefit. Tim, stop! “

Lin Fei knows that Chaos won’t be idle.

Unlocking the seal of Sub-world is 1st step, and 2nd step is to release these repressed guys.

Now it seems that the 2nd step has been completed!

“Fortunately, these three God Sovereign, disappeared without a trace, should be to restore the strength. According to his memory, those God Sovereign have no information except when they first came out, so that now the Inferno World is chaotic, God Venerable Expert one after another to stand alone and grab the ground. “

Lin Fei analysis is not bad either.

The only thing I didn’t guess was that the Inferno World chaos was also formed under the control of a caring person.


What useful information does Lin Fei not at all get from this person’s memory.

Lin Fei left the town and decided to take a look at a Great City. Maybe he can know some information.

On the way, I passed by several small cities, Lin Fei went in again, searched the memory, and became familiar with the understanding of Inferno World. It didn’t wait for the Great City to know about Inferno World.

A few days later, a great city in Inferno World appeared in Lin Fei’s vision.

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