The eight God Venerables never thought anyone would dare to chase them down. ∏∈,

Someone really did it!

They do n’t know if this brat is bold or stupid. In Mortal World, their strength is limited by Heavenly Dao and cannot be played 100%. But at Divine World, they are great God Venerable. The battle strength is strong, and they do n’t care. God King Peak This Expert.

Heaven’s God Venerable was the first to go up, and the other God Venerable scolded Heaven’s God Venerable shameless. This is to be the first to start. How do they patronize and talk without the first one.

If this really kills the brat and grabs the opponent’s things, they want to gain benefits, but it will not be so easy.

After Tian Zhi God Venerable was killed, they immediately killed him. They refused to be taken advantage of by God Venerable, and everyone had to take advantage of it.

… ..

God Venerable kills with confidence.

One punch is to blast to Warship!

With the last small loss, God’s Venerable did not dare to keep his hands, for fear that this brat would slip away.

Wow! !! !!

The gravitational magnetic field turns on.

God’s Venerable body sank, as if to fall, the speed of the original horror was suppressed, and he was recruited, but he didn’t take it seriously, but God Venerable Expert tried to shake the gravity away.

God Venerable Expert was shocked, even if it was a God King Expert.

Unfortunately, God Venerable of this time is disappointed. No matter how it vibrates, gravity always covers the body, and it is inseparable, which affects the speed virtually.

“It’s what the fuck!”

The speed limit of thirty percent is nothing for God Venerable, but it also makes Complete in a bad mood.

God Venerable coming up later. They are all trapped in the gravitational magnetic field, and they are unable to shake the gravitational magnetic field. This makes them helpless for Complete, but fortunately, there is no limit on speed.

Not just speed limit. What are you afraid of!

They were more concerned about the White Warship at this time.

If they have mastered Warship, the battle strength can be improved a lot, and the speed limit of XNUMX% is enough to suppress many God Venerable Experts.


Bang bang bang!! !

God Venerable Expert’s attack was Complete terrifying.

“Level 4 energy shield is open!”

“The Divine Strength pool is on, give me full power to devour Divine Strength!”

Lin Fei directs without hesitation.

When the God Venerable attack came, the Level 4 energy shield was opened, forming a huge light shield, which blocked the attack and the attack landed on it. Gently shake it to dissolve the power.


Although not all resist God Venerable attacks, the most important one is to resist it, which makes Lin Fei Complete satisfied.

“Hit me!”

The Divine Strength pool is absorbing insanely, and the sky is full of Divine Strength.

The war ship became a swirl around, and Divine Strength constantly poured in, looking at the God King in the distance and eight God Venerable dumbstrucks.

“This king finally understands that the last time Divine Strength was absorbed, this Warship is at work!”

“Damn. Stop Warship!”

“Let him absorb Divine Strength again, and we’re busy!”

… ..

They thought they would win, but they were hit hard at this time.

This horror devours Divine Strength, and even they cannot do it. After all, Divine Body cannot afford so many Divine Strength once it exceeds the amount. They will explode, even if they are God Venerable Expert.

Divine Strength is absorbed by the battleships. At the same time, it crashed into God Venerable Expert.

The speed limit of thirty percent was also shortened.

The war ship slammed into God Venerable.

“This king is God Venerable. Divine Body great accomplishment, you are a Warship, too ~~~” God’s God Venerable doesn’t care at all. By half of the time, his face is greatly changed and people are knocked out.

God Venerable was hit hard.

This impact caused a crack in the Divine Body. The most incredible thing is that the Divine Strength within the body is missing a part. If it is XNUMX% Divine Strength, it is almost XNUMX% less Divine Strength.

“God Venerable’s Divine Body is really formidable, do not know how many times you can survive!”

Lin Fei appeared on Warship and laughed at God Venerable.

Hua hua hua! !

At this time, the war ship was like a fierce tiger. Constantly attacked. The gravity magnetic field also exerted its advantages. It constantly hit eight God Venerables. The attack of God Venerable was blocked by the war ship. With the absorbed Divine Strength, the repair In the damaged place, hardly any damage was seen by outsiders.


Bang bang bang!! !

God Venerable Expert was constantly knocked out.

God King preparing to enter the Various God Pass, look at each other in shock, can’t believe this scene is true.

The eight God Venerable lords didn’t even want a Warship, and they were constantly knocked out. As for their attack, it seemed as though the Complete was weak. Until now, the Warship was still intact.

“Haha ha, God Venerable But that’s it!”

Once again, three God Venerables flew, Lin Fei reversed his direction, and one head hit the arranged Formula Restriction.

Oh la la !

Oh la la ! !

These were laid out previously, preventing Divine Strength from flowing down.

Lin Fei came up here, how can I break these Formation Restrictions, lest came in vain.

The warship has a super-alloy hull, which not only strengthens its defense, but also increases its attack power by a large margin. It slams into the Formation Restriction.

Hong long long ! !

Formation Restriction’s counterattacks all landed on warships.

Lin Fei just shook his body without any injuries, but the Formation Restriction was cracked.

“Keep hitting!”

Bang bang bang!! !

The eight God Venerables made several attempts to stop them, and none of them could prevent Warship from hitting the Formation Restriction.

Believe oneself infallible formidable Formula Restriction. Under the impact of Warship, such as a glass, it will be installed as a fragment three or two times. A good Formula Restriction, within a short time, is full of scars, unable to exert the seal effect.

Thick Divine Strength, pouring into Mortal World.

The people of Shenting Mountain have never seen anyone rely on Warship to easily break the seal. Even God Venerable Expert dare not act so recklessly. Some people have acted recklessly and succeeded.

The most helpless was the eight God Venerables, who could only watch them.

As soon as they rushed in, they were affected by the magnetic field of gravity, and then a thousand shells fired, forming a blockade and blocking them outside.

There are too many mosquitoes and it’s uncomfortable.

In the face of non-stop attacks, coupled with a speed limit of XNUMX%, it was impossible to approach Warship at all, and the attack was needlessly blocked.

The Seal’s Formation Restriction was broken, and the warship turned again and headed for God King.

“Hehe, you God Venerable can act recklessly in Mortal World, and I can also act recklessly, haha!”

The war ship crashed into a large group of God Kings.

Bang bang bang!!

The beautiful sound resounds like an art.

After the shot, Lin Fei showed no mercy, and the Eighth God Sovereign went after chaos. How could such a good opportunity be missed.

The one-sided slaughter begins!

God King’s counterattack also appeared Complete pale and weak, unable to stop the impact of the war giant.

Eight God Venerable eyes turned red if they passed the funeral exam!

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