The eight God Venerable Clone didn’t expect the other party to say such a thing. ,

“Don’t be fooled, this brat must be Divine Strength is not enough, is delaying time!” God Venerable laughed, “This time he must be killed on the spot!”

Everyone is excited!

One day one night Many battles, they do not know how many times they died, and the offense scheduled by every single time was easily broken by the opponent.

Now it’s hard to find an opportunity, they have no doubt about God Venerable’s words.

“Brat, you killed us that many times, now it’s your turn, do not know if you can come back again and again!” Xiutian God Venerable sneered, “I’m afraid you don’t have this ability with Ben, little One of God King Peak, dare Impudent! “


Eight God Venerable Clone swarmed.

Give each other time to refining God Stone, save it.

Kill it first!

They were full of anger at this brat.

Without killing this brat, they will be uncomfortable all their lives, and only by killing each other will they feel good. Once this brat is promoted to God Venerable in the future, they are afraid that it will be difficult for them to get ahead and even be killed in the future. Probably.

This point, they can see clearly.

Although know the opponent is very formidable, the eight God Venerable Clone are not attentive, if it is long-term, they will be the winner.

…… ..

“A few courting death guys!”

Lin Fei sneered, with a wave of his hand, a silver-white war battleship appeared in front of him in a terrifying atmosphere. Head towards the eight God Venerable Clone.

“It’s that weird Warship!”

“It seems not!”

“Everyone be careful, this brat is weird!”


The eight-bit God Venerable Clone responds quickly.

Lin Fei jumped up. Standing on top of the silver-white war giant, smooth lines. Completely satisfactory.

“Break me up!”

Lin Fei ordered War One to attack.

“Roger that!”

The silver white war battleship, compared with the previous black, is more domineering and more savage.


The warships directly demonstrated terrifying speed.

The eight God Venerable Clones only saw a flash of white in front of them, and the eight of them flew out, within half of the body’s Divine Strength, and all of them showed shocking expressions.

“Super alloy, that’s great!”

This collision, Lin Fei saw the beauty. The power cannot be underestimated.

The second attack began.

Another white shadow flashed. Eight God Venerable Clone found in horror that they were too late to avoid this speed and were directly bombarded on their bodies.

“It’s easy this time!”

Hit twice in a row.

Eight God Venerable Clones were smashed into fragments. This level of collision also made Lin Fei suck in a breath of cold air. “My obediently, the modified hull. It’s so great!”

In the past, although war warships also had good impact capabilities, they were far from as horrible now.

Lin Fei also saw it, just this impact. Clear most of the opponent’s Divine Strength, so that the opponent can’t replenish Divine Strength, and will be killed in the second attempt.

“Master. This super-alloy hull, not just simple impact and defense!” Little Devil jumped out. A smug look.

Lin Fei was startled. “Ah. Anything else?”

“That is of course!”

Little Devil entered the battleship, Lin Fei followed, and finally stopped at the Divine Strength pool.

“Seeing that the light group is not there, that is the Divine Strength just plundered from them. This is the super alloy hull, a powerful effect of Complete!”

Lin Fei’s eyes widened. “You said, can superalloys absorb Divine Strength?”

“Haha ha, now know superalloy is great!”

Lin Fei was startled, and then clapped her hands. “This is good, so Quite is so blue!”

Previously, Lin Fei played a Legendary game. Among them, there were clear blue Skills. As long as the other player’s blue was cleared, he would also be beaten. Lin Fei had never thought that the war giant would have such a powerful function. .


With a superalloy hull, Lin Fei was very satisfied.

Moreover, the gravity magnetic field below and another function are very useful to think about.

“Going to Divine World now should be easy!” Lin Fei asked Little Devil.

“Sure!” Little Devil replied, Lin Fei was very satisfied, “Let ’s go to Divine World and consume the many Divine Strength of Lao Tzu, we should get some back!”

“set off!”

The silver white hull turned into a streamer and stormed into the Various God Pass.

… ..


“What a hell!”

“How could that weird Warship have such a horrible attack ability!”

“It seems that the Divine Strength on my body is more than half empty without warning. How can there be such an odd thing!”

… ..

When the eight God Venerables opened their eyes, they were all incredulous.

It was a very short battle just now, it was too short for people to react, they were killed for a while and somehow.

“Then we are down?” Asked God Venerable.

“It was too evil!”

At this time, they couldn’t help hesitating.

The last time they suffered a small loss in front of the weird Warship, but it was not as big as this time, they were killed in the face, and the silver-white Warship became evil.

In just two collisions, they were killed. Can this thing be evil?

They really haven’t seen such evil things.

It is a hesitant thing for them to go down. If they go down, they are still killed by the Silver White Warship. They all do not know where to put this face.

“Must go!” God’s Venerable gritted his teeth. “It’s not a Warship. How powerful can it be!”

It’s just that God Venerable of this time speaks, and there is no confidence in my heart.

Originally, Emperor Heaven would not be easy to kill. Now there is a silver white Warship, like a tiger that has grown wings. It is even more difficult to deal with, and they are not the masters. It is not easy to suppress Warship.

“Haha ha, Divine World, I’m here!”


Don’t wait for them to discuss it.

Various God Pass said a shock, a silver-white Warship appeared outside the Various God Pass, above the Warship, and the guy who made them gnashing teeth.

“Damn, that brat is up!”

They haven’t seen anyone who can easily get up from Mortal World.

God Venerable sneered, “brat, why don’t you want this king in Mortal World, but in this Divine World, this king has the last word!”


Heaven’s God Venerable should be killed first.

God Venerable battle strength completely broke.

A terrifying killing intent is locked on Lin Fei, like a million heavy Gao Shan pressed down, far better than God King Peak Expert terrifying.

“Haha ha, what’s so great about God Venerable!”

Lin Fei laughed and ordered War One to turn on the gravitational field.

“The gravitational field is on!”

Wow! !! !!

The God Venerable of the day came over, and after approaching a certain range of the war giant, a terifying gravitational force was pressed down on the spot, which could limit God Venerable Expert’s speed of XNUMX%.

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