The War Fortress where Lin Fei is, has always been hidden in Void. With the hidden form hiding function turned on, it is difficult for them to be found in a short time. ~,

Lin Fei was really surprised to find Warship of Eight Supreme Gates between carelessly. It seems that at this time, they do not need to brush to God Tomb.

Lin Fei determined that they went to God Tomb.

There is no other destination to go in this direction except God Tomb.

“They should have thought of going to God Tomb after the Dragon God ceremony was over. If so to speak, they would have left early, that is, Warship is no better than my War Fortress, so that I can catch up with it the first time! “

Lin Fei touch the chin and came to a closer conclusion.

“Well, that should be it!”

Lin Fei ordered War One to be hidden, but they could not be found at this time.

“Master, we need to speed up to God Tomb. No matter what their purpose is, it should be related to the above!” Lin Yi said, “Perhaps because the Master came out of the air and affected their next layout. ! “

Lin Fei thinks that it makes sense. Several Sects in Eight Supreme Gates appear together. It must be purposeful. The biggest possibility is to contact Upper Realm.

“Ignore them first, we’ll rush to God Tomb first. No matter what, we will definitely find them before them!” Lin Fei is confident in War Fortress.

At least, they are faster than them.


Without disturbing them.

The War Fortress where Lin Fei is, hides in the depths of Void, unless it is encountered. Most people can’t find it, even if you use Divine Sense to view it. The result is the same.

Two more days passed.

Lin Fei left their Warship behind.

“Seven Overlord people?”

Throwing those Warships away, Lin Fei found the trail of the Seven Overlords. They also drive the War Fortress. If it wasn’t for System Scanning, Lin Fei wouldn’t know the first time.

“Fuck, could it be go to God Tomb?”

The distance is very far, and after paying some price, Lin Fei found several War Fortresses, one of which was Sen Luo Overlord, flying side by side, and mighty.

“Simple drive System. Really want to move on, really want to run into them.”

Lin Fei frowned, and managed to find time to come to God Tomb. I met these people, and my heart was in a bad mood.

“If the performance of War Fortress can be modified again, don’t worry about being discovered by them!” Lin Fei sighed, and at this speed, I couldn’t really shake them off.

Seems to be heard by Lin Fei. Little Devil popped up again, this guy was intrigued, and Lin Fei was used to it.

“Master, do you want to transform War Fortress?”

Lin Fei is clear. Normally, Little Devil pops up very young Master, eyes shined. “Could it be you have a way?”

“Of course there is, transforming a War Fortress. In your words, that’s trivial!”

Little Devil pulls out a virtual page. After a few clicks, I have an extra Scroll on my hand, which is just a moment before and after.

“You see, this is the transformation map after System analysis!” Little Devil threw Scroll to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei was also secretly surprised. Can System analyze and transform?

Opening Scroll and looking at it, Lin Fei suddenly blinked. “Good thing, if I follow the Scroll transformation, my War Fortress will be a Divine Equipment that can evolve and improve!”

Although Lin Fei now has a Low Grade God King weapon, it is not easy to keep up with the speed of promotion. If War Fortress can really improve, Lin Fei is quite willing.

At least hurry, War Fortress is easy to use.

If the attack power can be strengthened, Lin Fei believes that War Fortress will be the most terrifying weapon of war, and no one can match it.

Lin Fei is very fascinated, but also knows that this transformation is not a trivial matter, and it may take a lot of expense.

Although mentally prepared, when Lin Fei saw the cost of renovation under the drawing, Lin Fei still couldn’t help but suck in a cold breath of air. The drawing said a few simple numbers, ‘Total transformation 1 billion Divine Spark’ .

The cost of this transformation is really not low.

Lin Fei smiled wryly, “Little Devil, you have given me a problem. After seeing the transformed War Fortress, who can refuse this temptation. But for these 1 billion Divine Sparks, you sold me and you do n’t It must be there! “

Little Devil chuckled, “I believe Master can, 1 billion Divine Sparks are not many. If you can’t get all together in this world, you can go to Upper Realm. If you don’t give it, you can grab it. I know now, a few There are Divine Sparks in places, such as Eight Supreme Gates, the spokesperson for Upper Realm below, and the Master is going to grab them to ensure that they have something to gain! “

Lin Fei was really fascinated by what Little Devil said.

The eight God Sovereign agents and Divine Spark in Sect should have a lot, even if there are a few 10 million Divine Sparks without Dragon Clan, it should not be a problem to get one or two 10 million.

Lin Fei finally suppressed her thoughts.

At this time, Little Devil began to say, “Otherwise, the Master can modify some aspects of the War Fortress at a low cost.”

Lin Fei thinks this is okay. “Then you say what to transform first!”

“Just change the speed first!” Little Devil said, “War Fortress’s speed is good, but unfortunately it has reached the limit and cannot go into the first step. If the speed of the War Fortress is changed, the Master can completely leave those Overlord behind. One can catch up! “

This can be there.

“How much Divine Spark is that!”

“Master still has more than XNUMX million Divine Sparks, which can barely increase the speed by two times based on the existing one. If the speed is fully transformed, XNUMX million Divine Sparks will be needed!”

Heard twice? Although Lin Fei is distressed by Divine Spark, this thing is used.

“Yes.” Lin Fei didn’t hesitate, “do not know when I can make it!”

Little Devil snapped his fingers, “one hour!”


2 million Divine Spark goes down.

Lin Fei is so desperate.

Fortunately, God Tomb has Divine Spark, as long as you get there, you can charge Divine Spark, and it is still acceptable.

“Master, that’s it!”

Little Devil popped up again, said with a smile.

“So fast!”

“That is of course. I do things. The Master doesn’t need to worry at all!” Little Devil proudly said, “I have improved the power of War Fortress, that is, the energy consumption is a bit large, and the speed can be doubled.”

The speed of the War Fortress is controlled by the Formation Restriction. Lin Fei is not very good at this Formation Restriction and does not want to know, as long as the effect comes out.

“War One, start War Fortress!”

Lin Fei summoned.

“As you bid!”

War One opens War Fortress, Lin Fei only feels physically trembled, huge War Fortress, such as Berserk’s speeding car, boom charge ahead.


Really fast!

In the original speed, increase twice, the speed of War Fortress is incredible.

Lin Fei’s own dumbstruck, a stick of incense, is running out of time. The previous War Fortresses are already in sight, sou sou a few clicks, it has passed, leaving only a shadow.

“Master, are you satisfied?”

“Satisfied, Quite’s!” Lin Fei was satisfied. “It’s just too expensive.”


Because of a small accident, War Fortress was remodeled. Although the speed was increased, Lin Fei no longer had any doubts about the entire transformation of War Fortress.

“Would you like to help overhaul the Seven Overlords at any time?” Lin Fei pondered. “They will definitely be happy to pay Divine Spark if they want to come!”

It is not so simple to double the speed of lifting.

Sen Luo Overlord in the back, sitting under a pavilion, tasting Immortal Wine, the maid next to him from time to time handed over the fairy fruits, from time to time thinking about what God Tomb and his party would have to gain.

“Well, has something passed?”

Suddenly, Sen Luo Overlord noticed something passing.

War Fortress has been refining by the Senlord Overlord, and any wind and grass can be sensed immediately.

For his own feelings, Sen Luo Overlord will never be wrong.

“Shouldn’t it, how could there be anything faster than War Fortress?” Sen Luo Overlord searched again with Divine Sense, but he did not gain anything.

“Could it be wrong. I just had nothing to pass by just now?” Sen Luo Overlord said to himself.

War Fortress itself is the territory with the fastest flight speed, and 9-Star Peak Heavenly God cannot match it.

“Senlow Fellow Daoist, did something pass by just now!”

“Senlow Fellow Daoist, do you feel, is there something going on?”

… ..

Sen Luo Overlord stared wide-eyed, “You feel it too?”

could it be really faster than War Fortress?


Lin Fei can do not know Moruo Overlord’s depressed look.

With twice the speed of the original, War Fortress is like flying a giant beast, all the way to Mercedes, leaving all Warship behind.

Consumption is also a huge number.

Lin Fei chose to ignore.

Speed ​​up without consuming energy.

At the very least, Lin Fei accepts the system for midable transformation capability. If there are 1 billion Divine Sparks, he really wants to see what kind of terror the transformation attack will be.

A few more days passed.

Lin Fei never encountered a Warship again, and he was sure he could throw them all away.

“Master, I think we’re here!”

On the top of War Fortress, Lin Yi pointed at a dark place in the distance.

Lin Fei looked in the direction and indeed saw the continuous fragment in a distant place.

“No, it’s not God Tomb, but it’s out there!” Lin Fei suddenly shook his head. “You see, there’s not only one gloomy place!”

Sure enough, as the location approached, fragments of the floating haunted land appeared.

These fragments of land, without exception, are a fragmented Stars Continent fragment, piece by piece, suspended in Starry Sky, giving a strong visual shock.

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