In a distant place. ~,

A towering Gao Shan stands on the vast earth, like an Undefeated Divine Armament, a thunderbolt that roars out, covering the entire Gao Shan.

Gao Shan, like Divine Armament, sticks into the sky, and the sky seems to be penetrated.

This Gao Shan is very big.

At a glance, there was nothing but Gao Shan in sight.

No one knows this Gao Shan how big is it.

Everyone just knows that this Gao Shan is the first Gao Shan of Divine World, named Shenting Mountain.

The constantly falling Divine Thunder, densely packed, one after another, with a breath of horror, has made the 1 billion miles into a Danger Land, and then the strong strength cannot stand the first Divine Thunder attack from this Heaven and Earth.


at the same time.

The highest peak of Shenting Mountain.

Where there are few silhouettes, eight Void Shadows appear at this time, ignoring the falling Divine Thunder, each standing in one position, and where they stand, Divine Thunder does not invade.

Looks like Void Shadow, but it is actually a powerful Divine Sense.

If there are Top Grade Experts here, they will definitely recognize that these eight are Divine World, the eight Giants, in other words, there are only eight God Sovereign Experts.

“Dear everyone, our layout in Mortal World is about to change. So, I’m convening everyone. Actually, I want to discuss with you and jointly create a channel to give Mortal World people more help, so as not to break our major event, you think how about it! “

“You’re talking about the inexplicable Emperor Heaven? And the senior God Brother Wang? If it’s the case, is it too trivial to make a God King. How about it, it won’t be your Demon Profound Sect is afraid to come to one’s door! “Zheng Yi God Sovereign said with a sneer.

The first to speak was God Sovereign. At this point was sneered by Zheng Yi God Sovereign, just coldly snorted. “Hmph, it’s not the emperor who is afraid, but the worry of unnecessary trouble. You dare think that Emperor Heaven is not controlled by anyone? Really, you will not get a good end for your Zheng Yi gate!”

“My emperor also agrees with the words of Brother Brother Xuan. One hundred and eighty God Child is about to be born. It was originally a chaotic God Sovereign. It was enough for everyone to have a headache. Now there is an Emperor Heaven, who knows if he is aiming at God. Child went. “Bliss God Sovereign stood on the side of God Sovereign,” this kind of thing must be prepared early, what do you say? “

“Emperor Heaven is a trivial matter, and the God King is nothing, but the backing of that Emperor Heaven is a problem. It’s not controlled by one of our Divine World God Venerables!” Saint God Sovereign Shen Said All kinds of food inside and outside are intervened in Mortal World. It is difficult to guarantee that other God Venerables have no idea and feel this. The Sect below us really needs support. “

“It’s not the way to open Mortal World. The Emperor thinks it’s feasible. The words of Brother Brother Xuan are quite right. Mortal World’s power must be fostered. God Child is born, we must take action. We can do it with eight shots. One channel. Regardless of what God Venerable has in mind, God Child must be in our hands! “Said Wan Soul God murderous aura.

The imperial God Sovereign, the good fortune God Sovereign, and the god Heavenly God Sovereign have different expressions, and they all choose to be silent. The importance of Complete is important.

“Opening the channel is a must!” Said God Sovereign, “The importance of God Child must be known to everyone, this channel is a must.”

The word God Child makes everyone look dignified.

“Open it!”

“God Child must be in our hands, not others!”

“That’s it!”


Eight God Sovereign quickly made a decision.

Join forces to open the Mortal World channel.

Zheng Yi God Sovereign and God Sovereign left.

At the peak, blinks of God Sovereign, God Sovereign, Heavenly God Sovereign, and Bliss God Sovereign.

“Magic Brother Xuan, where do you plan to open the passage?” God Sovereign asked Wan Yao.

“It was in our Battlefield back then, and now God Tomb in their mouths, there is very little people there. As long as Sect is well guarded, outsiders can’t get in!” Said Mo Xuan God Sovereign.

“This place is OK!”

“God Tomb ’s battle is fierce, and the territorial barriers are the weakest. From there, you can open it and it ’s a lot easier!” Wan Soul Godover thinks it can be, “The power below us is too weak, and that Emperor Heaven is really abominable, do not know the guy secretly arranged to go down! “

“Speaking of this Emperor Heaven is indeed a bastard, I heard that a major event was conducted in the territory of Dragon God, and this generation of Dragon God was kicked off!” Bliss God Sovereign gossip, “It seems that the old Dragon God is angry and seems to want to be angry Make that Emperor Heaven sad! “

“The old dragon is really angry, and it ’s strange to listen to it!” God Sovereign said, “You have to be prepared to open the channel. If the guys below are not angry, we do n’t have to worry, who will let God Child is coming! “

God Sovereign is disappointed with the agent below.

At the same time, I was very dissatisfied with God Venerable Expert who dropped God King secretly, but there are a lot of God Venerables in Divine World. It is not easy to find out.

This matter must be investigated.

As long as the channel is open, whoever is behind the scenes will be able to know the first time, and then justify them.

… ..

On the way to God Tomb.

Lin Fei can do not know the Eight Giants of the Upper Realm secretly negotiate to open the Upper Realm’s access to Mortal World.

Coming out of Great Heaven World, Lin Fei let War One control War Fortress and rush to God Tomb day and night.

God Tomb is far away.

If it weren’t for a map of God Tomb, Lin Fei wouldn’t have thought of finding the right route.

Lin Fei has been on the road for ten days.

Fatal energy consumption, the speed of War Fortress, has been kept at the limit.

“It’s still too slow!”

Although the speed of War Fortress is fast, Lin Fei is still not satisfied, not at all has reached the satisfactory speed as imagined.

“Master, you don’t need to worry. According to this speed, we should be in the God Tomb area in three days. This is very fast!” Lin Yi said with a smile.


Lin Fei really has nothing to say.

Suddenly, Lin Yi frowned and said, “Master, I just noticed that Warship appeared in several other directions, and they were all in the same direction we went!”

Lin Fei came to spirit, secretly thought, “could it be for myself!”

“System, get me the images!”

System is now versatile.

Lin Fei only needs to pay Divine Spark to use the function, and the hidden effect is also first-class, at least it has not been discovered.

System explores a screen and divides it into several images. In each image, there is a big warship.

“This is Zheng Yi’s door!”

“And this one is from Demon Profound Sect!”

“Good Luck Gate!”

“Could it be, go to God Tomb insuffcient, which is also a coincidence!”

Lin Fei muttered to himself, leaning against the banner on Warship, tolerated it, which surprised him so much that he would meet them at this time.

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