Tian Yang and Arakawa took the initiative to leave at Invincible Palace. Alas,

Luo Xian Heavenly God is the same, except that he has found nothing. In the past, he was very tall. It was always embarrassing to lose to Emperor Heaven. This visit has been listening and rarely talking.

After coming out, Luo Xian Heavenly God greeted the two and left.

Tian Yang and Arakawa were nothing, thinking that Luo Xian Heavenly God’s face could not be put down. The things on the mountain seemed secretive, but they weren’t actually secretive. It was not difficult to know.

They didn’t care too much.

After coming out, the two also left separately, so as to digest the information obtained, so as to judge Emperor Heaven this person.

For the time being, Emperor Heaven this person is still very useful to their Chamber of Commerce. As soon as they return to their Immortal Mansion, lay out Formation, they will pass the news back and seek the opinions of Chamber of Commerce.

This is no trivial matter.


“Come on!”

When they left, Lin Fei attracted people.

“After one hour, you go to Tian Yang, the Chamber of Commerce in Fengyun, and say I want to see him, ask him to come over, yes, it must not be discovered, it is best to find a stranger to inform!”

The people came down again and again and retreated.

Lin Fei poured himself a cup of fragrant tea. Slowly drank.

“Fengyun Chamber of Commerce and Hell’s Paradise Chamber of Commerce are really reluctant to use this face, it is a pity not to use it!” Lin Fei squinted, “I want to draw these two together.”

Lin Fei is well aware of the situation.

If you pass, Lin Fei has nothing to worry about.

Someone didn’t leave, Lin Fei didn’t mind pulling them around. When it’s time to come out to support the situation, as long as this pass. Get enough Divine Spark by yourself, how much is scum.

… ..

Tian Yang returned to Immortal Mansion. The news was passed back.

Although nothing was discussed, Tian Yang was very satisfied. At least Emperor Heaven had a good impression on them. When thinking of the original Third Young Master, Tian Yang couldn’t help laughing.

If Wind Young Master knows this result, it is estimated that he will regret it even more.

If the Chamber of Commerce can cooperate with Emperor Heaven at a deep level, the situation of the Chamber of Commerce can even step on the World Chamber of Commerce.

Tian Yang didn’t plan to go back so early.

While Tian Yang was thinking about something, outside men came in and said that someone wanted to see him. Said to be an important thing for Complete, Tian Yang was also a person who did things and asked people to bring people in.

“Say, what’s important!”

Tian Yang didn’t ask who the other party was, he asked with a smile on his face, giving him a feeling of good contact.

“I came by Order of Palace Host ~~~~”

Tian Yang didn’t care much at first. He was quick-minded and quickly realized who the Palace Host was in the other person’s mouth, in order to determine. Or asked, “What’s your Palace Host?”

“My Palace Host is Emperor Heaven!” The person said.

“Take him down and reward 500,000 Saint Stone!” Tian Yang’s mouth tilted up, and he smiled. Secretly thought, “Arakawa, Arakawa. You will lose me this time!”


Come out of Invincible Palace again.

Tian Yang is in a very good mood.

“Emperor Heaven this child will come. Obviously, people were not good at talking before. So I sent someone in private to inform myself, although there are not many things. It can improve the strength of the Chamber of Commerce for some people!”

All the way back to Immortal Mansion, Tian Yang was still in a good mood.

I went to this trip. First, I got the guarantee from Emperor Heaven. I can buy a batch of Paragon weapon and Battle suit. Low Grade Divine Equipment is temporarily unavailable. This also makes Tian Yang happy for a long time.

As long as these things are brought back, Tian Yang knows that his influence in the Chamber of Commerce will be much greater.

Such a good thing, no one wants to prepare for his own clansman.

Good stuff invincible with rank.

Tian Yang can not only prepare for his clansman, but also take it out as a human relationship. Who is Emperor Heaven? With a certain understanding, this guy is a typical hard rock. The Martial Power threat is not feasible, which also makes Everyone wants to buy weapon and Battle suit from Emperor Heaven is impossible.

“Fortunately, I didn’t go back in advance, otherwise, I missed an opportunity!” Tian Yang was very happy, waiting to wait until things got in hand.

These things are so important that Tian Yang is not assured that he will not take them back with his own hands.

After all, in the past few days, there was constant outside news that someone, on the way back, was met with an Expert ambush and snatched the invincible weapon that was photographed by Auction.

Among those who took the shot was the expert of Half-Step Heavenly God Level.

There are even some Heavenly Gods of the loose cultivator, united together, secretly operating on the big forces, with countless casualties.

From this, it can be fully proved that the temptation of Invincible Weapon cannot be rejected, so they will take the risk, and must grab the Invincible Weapon.

Tian Yang did not dare to be sent back, and the price could not be lost.

… ..

When Tian Yang was quietly proud, he thought that the person who cooperated was alone.

Arakawa walked out of the Invincible Palace with excitement and returned to his Immortal Mansion residence.

“A good Emperor Heaven, this trip is not a free run, I finally got the invincible weapon and the invincible Battle suit. With these treasures, you can explain when you go back!”

Arakawa was satisfied.

The Hell Paradise Chamber of Commerce is very large. The three top grade chambers of commerce have unimaginable backgrounds. The Blacksmith Master and the refined Grandmaster are not without it.

But invincible weapon, they really don’t.

In addition to buying a part to go back, the other is to want the Refiner Sect of Chamber of Commerce to crack the refining method. If the method can be obtained, hell heaven will jump up and become the largest Chamber of Commerce, monopolizing weapon and Battle suit. Business, never have to cooperate with Refiner Sect.

“Do not know what kind of expression would Tian Yang know?” Arakawa really wanted to know, it should be very interesting to think about it.

Now Arakawa will not tell Tian Yang about this. As long as there is a cooperative transaction, Arakawa believes that sooner or later the auction right will be obtained. When that time, the influence of seeing Hell Paradise merchants will undoubtedly increase to another level. Commerce, Hell Paradise Chamber of Commerce will be the biggest.

When I think of this, Arakawa was in a good mood, so I drank several bottles of fine wine alone at night. As for why Emperor Heaven would like the Hell Paradise Chamber of Commerce, Arakawa didn’t think about it. The three Chambers of Commerce have almost the same influence. Whoever chooses them is not much different.

…… ..

Inside the Invincible Palace.

Lin Fei is also in a very good mood.

Regardless of whether it is Tian Yang or Arakawa, Lin Fei has the same answer. The thought of them alerting each other makes them laugh.

“Master, you are so bad!”

Little Devil flew down Lin Fei in a circle and landed on his shoulder with a smirk on his face.

“I was broken there, and I didn’t let them do it!” Lin Fei shrugged.

“You promise them good things, and when they see you in danger, they will definitely come out and stop them. These are two free thugs, hehe!”

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