ps: Sorry, I was pulled out to drink alcohol last night.

Thank you for your monthly pass. Xiao Ke can hide his face and walk away ~~

Lin Fei feels great!

Luo Xian Heavenly God’s words will certainly not be taken seriously. Whoever believes that is the world’s first fool, Lin Fei knows better than anyone. Such people will definitely kill the killer if they have a chance.

The more the opponent is in a bad mood, the more happy Lin Fei is.

You are unhappy and how about it, not to hold back now.

“Fellow Daoist has won a lot of prizes. I am a little luckier for this person, how else is it really not!” Lin Fei said modestly.

Luo Xian Heavenly God was even more uncomfortable. He had slandered Emperor Heaven dozens of times, and wished to leave the place immediately. The thought of this mission had to bear it.

At least ~~~ It would not be appropriate to offend Emperor Heaven.

I did n鈥檛 see that the heads of the Chamber of Commerce and Hell’s Paradise Chamber of Commerce all came to visit Emperor Heaven. It 鈥檚 such an honor. Even their Zheng Yi gate does n鈥檛 necessarily have such a big shelf, so two Top Grade Chamber of Commerce visits.

Can only endure now!

Tianyang Heavenly God interjected, “Emperor Heaven Fellow Daoist, you are too modest. Now the entire territory, who do not know your ability, has slaughtered six Heavenly God, the first of the young generation, it is you!”

This can make Luo Xian Heavenly God angry.

For a long time, Luo Xianyi 3, … Heavenly God has regarded himself as the first of the young generation.

Later, Emperor Heaven emerged as a number one, made a world-shaking major event, compared him, and the gap became larger and larger.

Slaughter God?

Luo Xian Heavenly God can do it. Without Emperor Heaven, this is the gap.

Arakawa Heavenly God is also said with a smile. “Young generation, Fellow Daoist, you are the most qualified. My Disciple of Chamber of Commerce disciple, if I have half of your ability, I would be too late to be happy.

This is to push me to the tip of the wind.

Lin Fei did not take these vanity names as one thing. No matter how high the vanity name is, if there is no ability, it is also a paper tiger. People can easily defeat themselves.

Since they said so, Lin Fei would not refuse.

Young generation first?

He is indeed qualified to be a pawn.

“The two deserve me too much,” Lin Fei said in a hurry. “But. With these two words, I substitute tea for wine, and toast everyone.”

Tian Yang and Arakawa secretly nod.

This Emperor Heaven does have courage!

The first of the younger generation, this position is not for anyone who dares to sit, without courage and courage, and dare not go next, although Emperor Heaven did not say at this time, how can the two of them not hear the tone.

The understanding of Emperor Heaven was limited to the information that came from the survey.

Now after seeing it in person. The two saw the out of the ordinary of Emperor Heaven, at least this is a very courageous person, no wonder the Slaughter God, or Heavenly God Expert from Big Sect.

Luo Xian Heavenly God is sour.

The first of the younger generation. Even he himself did not dare to admit that the territory was so large that the young generation of Experts was endless. This position is like one after another in the world.

Who does who bad luck.

“Emperor Heaven is really shameless, and this hat dares to wear it. As long as I spread the news, although no one will come to trouble you now. Wait until those guys are born and see how you are the first generation!”

Luo Xian Heavenly God dare not easily fight Emperor Heaven.

Six Heavenly Gods were slaughtered, not Immortal Venerable, neither Immortal King, nor Paragon, but Heavenly God, a respected statue.

Can’t take Emperor Heaven how about it, Luo Xian Heavenly God is always sick.

Aren’t you crazy, I see when you’re crazy.

Thinking of this, Luo Xian Heavenly God was inexplicably in a good mood.

“The three came to visit, I’m afraid it wasn’t for the sake of drinking tea. I’ll just talk about anything. I am the most refreshing person in this person.” Lin Fei put down the cup and threw down the words.

Tian Yang and Arakawa did not intend to enter the subject so quickly.

This Emperor Heaven is too direct.

They are somewhat completely unprepared.

But then again, they like to talk to cheerful people.

“We, the Chamber of Commerce, want to make a deal with Fellow Daoist.” Tian Yang said first, “About the weapon and Battle suit you handed over to Heavenly Fortune Building for auction!”

At first Lin Fei provided weapon and Battle suit to Heavenly Fortune Building, but they did not keep them secret.

“It’s the same for our hell paradise. As long as Fellow Daoist is willing, the price is not a problem, and the Chamber of Commerce can afford it!” Arakawa Heavenly God followed, not too badly.

They are bound to get.

Lin Fei frowned, showing an embarrassed look, “Two people, you are here first step late!”

Tian Yang and Arakawa chuckled at each other’s heart, could it be first boarded? This is not what they want to see.

“Could it be gone?” The two asked anxiously.

Beyond Refiner Sect’s Paragon weapon, the two know exactly what the future represents.

Invincible weapon, will be the mainstream in the future territory.

In the future, everyone will be proud of having an invincible weapon Battle suit, and those who do not will do everything possible to get it, and refuse to fall behind others.

Lin Fei embarrassed, “The two came to visit with great sincerity, but this weapon battle suit is not as simple as a daikon cabbage, and it takes time to refine. I’m afraid I will disappoint the two. Sorry, if there is something good, I will definitely contact the two! “

The two really wanted to get a lot of weapon and Battle suit from Emperor Heaven.

After Lin Fei’s remarks came down, the two understood that this thing is really not so easy to get. This perfect quality weapon must take time to refine, and it is no wonder that Emperor Heaven said such a thing.

Emperor Heaven is a nice person.

They both had a better impression of Emperor Heaven.

This guy is not only straightforward, but also honest with Complete. If know Emperor Heaven has a lot of weapon and Battle suit on hand, I’m afraid it won’t think so.

“That’s a pity!” Tianyang Heavenly God shook his head. “I originally wanted to buy a few pieces for people in the clan to go back ~~~”

Arakawa Heavenly God has the same expression. I believe in Emperor Heaven’s words. The good thing is not Chinese cabbage, not what you want.

From Lin Fei’s words, the two heard one thing.

Experts sit behind Emperor Heaven!

These Paragon weapon and Battle suits are not made by Emperor Heaven, but by the people behind them. They can make a weapon battle of this quality. The strength of the latter is definitely not weak. On the contrary, Complete is powerful.

This kind of people, they have never heard a sound of wind, as if it suddenly came out, they stepped on the Refiner Sect, as long as the Emperor Heaven is there, the Refiner Sect has no early days.

Without getting Paragon weapon and Battle suit, the two will not continue on this topic. They talked from one to the other. From time to time, they tried the information behind Emperor Heaven to learn more about the background of Emperor Heaven.

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