Everything came so fast.

Tian Yang did not pay much attention to Emperor Heaven before.

A Heavenly God has amazing energy, but unfortunately there is no one behind Emperor Heaven. It is already bullshit to cultivation to Heavenly God Realm.

Tian Yang chose to disembark because he was certain that Feng Young Young Master would take the shot.

Young people are angry.

Moreover, the World Chamber of Commerce is the top three Chamber of Commerce. No matter where they go, no one dares to stop them from entering. Naturally, the Third Young Master has a proud personality.

A remote Small world prevents Wind Third Young Master from entering. According to the young nature of Wind Third Young Master, it will inevitably break in, and will inevitably have a fight.

Tian Yang is happy to see this scene, and can also measure the true strength of Emperor Heaven from it.

Wait until the two can’t start a relationship, and then come out to be a peacemaker.

Tian Yang has a good idea, and he plots everything into it, but he doesn’t count it at all. The strength of Emperor Heaven is more horrible than imagined.

“What kind of method was that just now, and why it is so powerful, exile Wind Third Young Master together with Warship, this means ~~~ is too incredible!” Tian Yang did not see the trace of this move at all. “Could it be Space Formation under this Starry Sky? But what formation would be so powerful?”

Tian Yang was lost in thought, secretly rejoicing that he had not invaded blindly before, otherwise he would be exiled and missed the auction opportunity.

At this moment .. At the moment, Tian Yang dare not despise Emperor Heaven

Bang bang bang!!

In a dim swamp.

With the sound of hong long long, a few shadows dropped from the sky, hitting the swamp. The sound of an earthquake shaking.

“Third Young Master, bad. Warship is broken!”

“Third Young Master, we are in a dangerous situation!”

“Third Young Master. We are surrounded by Ominous Beast on the swamp!”

In a huge swamp, several warships of great value lay lying in the swamp, and most of the ship’s hull was covered with mud.

Nearby, lit up a pair of eyes.

“Asshole, Emperor Heaven, I won’t let you go!”

Wind Third Young Master came out of a mud, and the whole body was up and down with a rancid smell, and the violent Divine Strength was crushed. A lot of Ominous Beasts were bombarded and bloody air soared into the sky.

“roar! !!”

What followed was a lot of Ominous Beast roars

Tian Yang brought people into Great Heaven World.

As soon as I came in, I was amazed by the strong Immortal Qi.

“Emperor Heaven Fellow Daoist, your Formula outside the World is very special, do not know which one was arranged by the Formula Master?” Tian Yang asked casually.

Tian Yang is very clear where Chu Feng Third Young Master must have been teleportation.

Good luck, less bitterness, and if you are out of luck, it will not be clear when you will be back.

“This is my master’s arrangement for me, a little Formula One. Let you laugh!” Lin Fei said in a tranquil voice.

Tian Yang didn’t ask any more.

Is there a master behind Emperor Heaven? This news is very important.

Lin Fei took Tian Yang to the nearby Heavenly Fortune Building, and then arranged an Immortal Mansion, which was very full of face and left an invitation letter from Auction. That’s when he left Immortal Mansion.

“Not easy!”

Until Emperor Heaven left, Tian Yang said softly.

“It seems that Auction is really going to cost a lot.”

Invincible Palace.

Lin Fei was eating fairy fruit. It was one of his clones that went out before, refining Divine Spark to achieve Heavenly God Realm.

“Unwise guys need to take a good bite!”

Lin Fei has no plans to hide strength. A Clone was arranged to go out, and a Heavenly God was enough to make many people converge and not dare to act recklessly.

World Chamber of Commerce?

Lin Fei didn’t care. Except for the rules, all exiled.

“The Tian Yanghui Chamber of Commerce’s Tian Yanghui has a fox, and the Third Young Master is a fool, and deserves to be exiled!” Lin Fei ate another piece of fairy fruit

World Chamber of Commerce’s Wind Third Young Master The day after he was banished, the Hell Paradise Chamber of Commerce arrived.

Maybe I heard the news, Hell Heaven left Warship decisively outside Starry Sky, and the headed person took his men into Great Heaven World and also lived in an Immortal Mansion.

“The Third Young Master of the World Chamber of Commerce is really a fool, so that’s all right. Without a World Chamber of Commerce to compete, maybe you can really buy Low Grade Divine Equipment!”

In Immortal Mansion, the headed person listened to the news and tapped his finger on the table.

Hell’s Paradise Chamber of Commerce came to a heavyweight Vice President Arakawa this time, and also a Heavenly God Level Expert.

“Continue to arrange for people to inquire about the news, as well as our people to restrain it, do not act recklessly in the Great Heaven World!”

Arakawa now also feels unable to see through this Emperor Heaven.

Since entering, Arakawa is not in a hurry. After all, this time Auction, without a World Chamber of Commerce, has a better chance to take pictures.

“It’s time to meet Tian Yang, the old fox!”

Countdown to time.

Some first rate influences came one after another. With the situation of Chamber of Commerce, hell heaven Chamber of Commerce came first, and everyone came in honestly.

Everyone imagined that the scene of Great Heaven World being besieged did not appear.

Those who try to profiting from somebody’s misfortune are Completely helpless. The daily consumption is also a large expenditure, which can be regarded as a large loss of money.

Last two days to Auction.

Here comes the Great Commander of Chaos Ancient Country, which has never been dispatched.

Today’s Chaos Ancient Country has a lot of influence, especially when it comes to one person.

When Great Commander came, he smiled when he saw Warship outside.

“Emperor Heaven is really capable, and the Chamber of Commerce and Hell Heaven are not good guys to discuss. I didn’t expect to leave Warship.” Great Commander secretly thought.

The Great Commander was shocked to be Celestial Being after the last benefit.

This time, Auction is going to take a trip anyway, and bring enough good things. Be sure to take a photo of Low Grade Divine Equipment.

“Those people may be here to see the excitement. It seems that this auction, I can auction a few more Low Grade Divine Equipment!” Great Commander is happy to think about it, as long as they do not care, the greater their chance.

Great Commander arrives in person.

Lin Fei also came out to welcome him, this is a partner.

“Great Commander, you’re here in person. My little place is really flourishing!”

Great Commander said with a smile, “You do n’t lack me in this place. I am embarrassed to say that. By the way, the people at Eight Supreme Gates haven’t bothered you. If you need it, you can speak up. Face, they still have to give it! “

Who do not know, there is a chaos behind Chaos Ancient Country, who dare to don’t give face, one of the nine God Sovereign Experts.

“Your kindness, I’ve got it!” Lin Fei politely refused, “They don’t look at me as a nobody, and they won’t come to trouble me all the way!”

“Emperor Heaven, come out and die for the old man!”

“Emperor Heaven, you killed my lover, I want to destroy your World!”

Lin Fei’s voice had just fallen, and there were several angry voices in Starry Sky.

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