Great Heaven World’s rare calm. √∟,

As the countdown to the auction enters, Expert one from another territory comes to Great Heaven World.

Regarding the revenge between Eight Supreme Gates and Great Heaven World World Master Emperor Heaven, do not know who has been rumored to spread it. It is even more rumored that Eight Supreme Gates will send someone to quell Great Heaven World.

Rumors spread fiercely.

Everyone came to the Great Heaven World, not at all to meet the Eight Supreme Gates, plus the previous things, everyone cautiously put away their tempers.

Great Heaven World is here, not that they can just pay attention.

In the area outside Heavenly Fortune Building, Immortal Mansion was rented out, and in a short time it became a lively place, and everyone was watching.


The fifth day before the auction.

The three Chamber of Commerce in the territory finally came outside the Great Heaven World.

The dark Warship stopped outside.

Being able to come to Great Heaven World before the auction shows the importance of this time auction.

The first to come is the Chamber of Commerce. There are five Top Grade Warships. The atmosphere is dark, and it puts a lot of pressure on Immortal entering the Great Heaven World.

The war flag on the Warship and the two Boss Gu characters on the war flag frightened everyone to avoid the edge and chose to enter the Great Heaven World from elsewhere.

Fengyun Chamber of Commerce is the top three Chamber of Commerce. Its influence and influence are complete and terrifying. No one wants to offend.

“Not that the people of Eight Supreme Gates are here. Why does it look like Great Heaven World hasn’t happened?”

On the Warship deck in the middle, a brocade middle age person lightly saying from the Chamber of Commerce.

This person is the former Vice President Tian Yang.

Tian Yang, Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce, masters a large number of channels of Chamber of Commerce. It is not difficult to find out the news, and several of the top XNUMX Heavenly Gods have been killed.

This way. Tian Yang urged to hurry, just to worry about falling behind.

But now it looks. Great Heaven World seems to be okay, Tian Yang can’t figure it out, it is difficult for that Emperor Heaven and the ability to turn over.

“Maybe ~~~ they may not be on the road!” Said one of his men.

Tian Yang sneered, this is simply impossible. There is no one of the top ten Heavenly Gods to discuss. There is hatred between Emperor Heaven and killing the door is bound to be a big battle.

“Don’t guess, you will know if you go in!” Tian Yang thought very clearly.

“Chairman. Someone is coming later!”

Another hand came down to report.

“The speed of the World Chamber of Commerce is not slow, do not know who brought the team to this time!” Tian Yang was not surprised. “Let’s wait for an old friend here!”

Not long after.

Five majestic Warships came across.

Stopped a short distance away.

A young man in Jinyi walked to the deck, and gaze sharply, “Chairman Tian, ​​long time no see!”

Tian Yang also looked at it indifferently said, “It turned out to be Third Young Master. We haven’t seen each other for hundreds of years. At that time, you were still a child, and you are now so old!”

The young people in Jinyi flashed a little displeasure. “Everyone will grow up. But President Tian is not old at all. When I came out, father asked me to say hello to President Tian.”

“Let’s go in together!” Tian Yang had long heard the name of Feng Third Young Master. This is a young man who is very competitive. With the foundation of Chamber of Commerce, he has also been promoted to 1-Star Heavenly God Realm. It’s Heavenly God not just in name only, but also in reality.

As the Vice President, Tian Yang is good at communication, and does not show a disgusted expression, always smiling.

“This old fox is really not easy. Be careful in dealing with it in the future!”

Feng Third Young Master had secretly thought in his heart, and also jealous of this Tianyang president.

“Let’s go in!”

Ten ships of Warship rushed toward the Great Heaven World.

As far as Warship stopped outside Starry Sky, they didn’t take it seriously, just a Small world, and Warship’s entry was their qualification.


Their Warship went in, and as a wave came, weird things appeared, and Warship appeared again outside Starry Sky, a long distance away.

Outside Starry Sky, there is a silhouette in vain.

“Here is the Great Heaven World. To ensure that the World is not affected, everyone’s Warship can only stay outside for a while!” A heavy voice echoed in Starry Sky.

Tian Yang stood on the deck, said with a slight smile, “Your lord is Emperor Heaven!”

“I’m Emperor Heaven. Now that you know me, you have to leave Warship outside.” Lin Fei expressionlessly said, “Please follow the rules!”

Tian Yang has information on Emperor Heaven.

I saw it personally at the moment, and found an accident that did not match the information.

Emperor Heaven is already a Heavenly God.

The Divine Power flowing on the body can be detected as long as it is not a fool, not to mention Tian Yang, a Realm person, he is also a 1-Star Heavenly God.

“I want Congratulations Emperor Heaven Fellow Daoist, and there is another Heavenly God in the territory!” Tianyang Congratulations said, “Emperor Heaven Fellow Daoist has spoken, and our Chamber of Commerce will definitely follow the rules!”

Tian Yang is a flexible person.

When Emperor Heaven appeared, it was Heavenly God Realm. Tian Yang took it seriously. As a business man, his interests are important and he can’t offend.

The Chamber of Commerce Fengyun has always been represented as a merchant.

If Emperor Heaven did not reveal Heavenly God Realm, Tian Yang would not care about the other party.

Rules are measured by strength.

Tian Yang also simply arranged for people to stay on the Warship. He brought people to the Warship and gave Emperor Heaven the full face.

“Where is this Fellow Daoist?”

Lin Fei turned to Warship by Third Young Master.

The Wind Third Young Master is young and full of vigor, and ca n’t look at the remote soil. Regardless of the other Realm, in the eyes of the Wind Young Young Master, it is a soil creep. What about promotion to Heavenly God Realm, I am afraid that Great Heaven World is also Emperor Heaven, a Heavenly God. What can scare people.

“You have a lot of soil, do not know who I’m on behalf of? I’m here on behalf of the World Chamber of Commerce. Where can we go to the Chamber of Commerce, Warship can flow unimpeded, you little World Master, why? Want us to disembark! “Feng Third Young Master sneered,” The younger must enter with Warship, that is also worthy of your Great Heaven World! “

“Go in!”

Wind Third Young Master ordered Warship to go in.

In fact, Wind Young Young Master also has his own ideas. In his opinion, everything is done with Martial Power, a small Heavenly God, and where can I go, who dares not let himself in.

If Emperor Heaven really dares to shoot, Feng Young Young Master doesn’t mind shooting, came to have an excuse to launch an attack, take down Great Heaven World in one fell swoop, and torture all the secrets.

Five Warships rushed towards Great Heaven World again.

“It’s still too tender!”

Tian Yang said with a smile in the distance, happy to see the two fighting.

“I do n’t follow the rules, we do n’t welcome Great Heaven World!” Lin Fei expressionlessly hit a trick to the crowd, Starry Sky shivered outside.

“Upside down Space-Time!”

An invisible force shrouded in five warships.

Oh la la !

A huge black hole appeared out of thin air, all five Warships fell into it, and the black hole healed.

“Emperor Heaven, you dare!”

As he was about to heal, a silhouette tried to charge ahead.

“Get back!”

Lin Fei appeared on top of Wind Third Young Master, and he kicked it down. Wind Third Young Master was hit again into the black hole, and the black hole healed instantly, and Starry Sky returned to normal.

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