great talent?

Is this the beginning?

Eight Supreme Gates 和上面有联系,十Great Young Master 也是,从红颜Heavenly God 口中,Lin Fei 更是得知有人在下一盘大棋。&26705;&33310;&23567;&35828;&32593;&39318;&21457;&32;&119;&119;&119;&46;&115;&97;&110;&103;&119;&117;&46;&110;&101;&116;

The territory is now undercurrent.

Not to mention Eight Supreme Gates, but to say that the chaos of repression came out of trouble, Lin Fei knew that things were moving towards an unknown direction,

What Lin Fei needs is to improve his strength.

Release a huge gimmick, naturally has the purpose of Lin Fei.

After discussing the cooperation with Liu Family, Liu Family Old Ancestor left, and Liu Ziyue stayed. In Liu Yizheng’s words, Liu Ziyue was responsible for the selection of the Great Heaven World.

“Are you conspiring?”

When Liu Family Old Ancestor left, Liu Ziyue asked.

Lin Fei shrugged, “Conspiracy? What conspiracy can I have, I’m just a money maker!”

“What kind of temperament do you have? I don’t know!” Liu Ziyue didn’t believe Lin Fei at all. “If you don’t make it, many people will suffer a great deal this time!”

Liu Ziyue left.

Leave a back view.

“The strong woman really has a keen sense of discovery, which can be seen!” Lin Fei touch the chin.

Lin Fei does have an idea.

“Dragon King, you can bring them in!”

After a while, two familiar people came.

“How are you two!” Lin Fei was surprised, and the Great Commander of Chaos City really had the idea to arrange for the two of them to come over.

“Thanks to the Great Commander, we can look at it and arrange for us to become contacts. Many thanks to Emperor Heaven Fellow Daoist!” This is a good job.

Here comes two fierce brothers.

The two brothers also had good luck, which was rewarded in Lin Fei. Obtained Paragon weapon, again valued by Great Commander. A significant increase in City Lord House status.

“In fact, I still like to talk to familiar people!”

The fierce two brothers did not dare to underestimate Lin Fei anymore, and they spoke a lot more cautiously, but this killed the Hongyan Heavenly God, who could slaughter God, pinch them with no difficulty.

They didn’t dare to put too much light on them, and immediately turned to the business.

Lin Fei didn’t care much. Chaos City traded for the first time. Instead of trading with Top Grade Saint Stone, it used something else.

“This is the spirit of Primordial Chaos. Great Commander said, you know what it means when you look at it!” The fierce came to take out a white bottle.


Primordial Chaos is a good thing, no one knows it better than Lin Fei.

This transaction is also available.

Because the Primordial Chaos breath can also be transformed into Divinity points. Much better than Top Grade Saint Stone Vein of ore.

The first trade, Lin Fei was casual.

It’s not Low Grade Divine Equipment, he has more of himself.

But in the eyes of the fiercest, it is different. I really saw a batch of Low Grade Divine Equipment and the Divine Power distributed, which scared them. I have never seen so many Low Grade Divine Equipment in my life. The breath of every Low Grade Divine Equipment is enough to make them feel frightened.

Very terrifying Low Grade Divine Equipment.

As soon as the transaction was completed, the two left with Immortal Symbol, which was a big cost.

“Great Commander, after having the first time. Do not know if you can bear the second transaction. What you want then, it’s not up to you!” Lin Fei smiled proudly.


After Liu Family Old Ancestor. A group of people came over immediately.

Liu Ziyue selects the site of Great Heaven World and establishes the Heavenly Fortune Building. With the resources provided by Lin Fei, it won’t take long. A magnificent building appears in the Great Heaven World.

Lin Fei has been here a few times, and then disappeared without a trace.

Liu Family Old Ancestor has also fulfilled its promise to use the influence of Liu Family Heavenly Fortune Building to start publicizing the news.

Although the influence of Heavenly Fortune Building is not as good as Top Grade Chamber of Commerce, it is still in Endless territory. The news spreads and it can surprise everyone.

Auction Low Grade Divine Equipment?

What a joke.

This thing has always been in the hands of the Top Grade Chamber of Commerce. The second-class Chamber of Commerce, such as Heavenly Fortune Building, can be auctioned, and one auction is not as simple as two pieces.

Heavenly Fortune Building is instantly lively.

Believe it or not, territorial news is spreading very fast. Knowing that there is such a Chamber of Commerce for Heavenly Fortune Building, it is going to auction High-Grade Paragon weapon, Top Grade Paragon weapon, Battle suit, Low Grade Divine Equipment and perfect quality. First-class, I just finished talking about various Paragon weapon of the same level.

The news spread vigorously.

Heavenly Fortune Building was immediately pushed to the tip of the limelight wave.

Especially for the Low Grade Divine Equipment, it ’s better to have it than not to have it. Who knows if it ’s true? I missed the village, but there ’s no store.

Many forces have begun to inquire about the authenticity of the news from Heavenly Fortune Building.

The Top Grade Chamber of Commerce is disdainful. The second-class Chamber of Commerce, such as Heavenly Fortune Building, can only have this boring excuse to deceive everyone. The arrival is not publicity, and even they dare not open such a big mouth. The former It ’s easy to say that Low Grade Divine Equipment is not a Chinese cabbage on the street. You can get as much as you want, even if they are in the Top Grade Chamber of Commerce. The auction is also a piece by piece auction. The quality is still average. Heavenly Fortune Building dare to surrender perfect quality, isn’t this hitting their Top Grade Chamber of Commerce?

The news from Heavenly Fortune Building is just that the auction treasure and the rest of the day, no excuse for mentioning where to auction.

This also made a lot of people scold mothers, and I remembered them.


Liu Family Old Ancestor was excited and headache.

In the Liu Family’s back room, four Old Ancestors were sitting together.

“Impossible, World Chamber of Commerce. This is to take the prestige!” Liu out of the ordinary After reading the content in jade slip, he couldn’t help anger.

“The World Chamber of Commerce is indeed excessive, and dare to buy all of our Paragon weapons at such a low price. Isn’t this an obvious attempt to bully our Liu Family!” Liu Yiren said angrily.

After the news of the auction went out, Liu Family’s reputation was soaring that it was almost unknown to everyone.

The reason is simple, because of this luxury auction.

It didn’t take long for the news to go out, and they were in trouble.

The World Chamber of Commerce in the Top Grade Chamber of Commerce actually arranged for people to come to the Liu Family to buy the Paragon weapon on their hands, and the price given was the price of Chinese cabbage, even with an undeniable tone.

This can make Liu Family’s four Old Ancestor angry.

The World Chamber of Commerce is indeed bullying people.

Liu Yizheng’s face is not very good. The World Chamber of Commerce is intimidating them into the Liu Family. Although their Heavenly Fortune Building has a great influence, it still looks too weak against the World Chamber of Commerce, one of the three Chambers of Commerce. Already.

Because this World Chamber of Commerce is too powerful.

The president of the World Chamber of Commerce was already Half-Step Heavenly God when Liu Family Old Ancestor was still Paragon. When they arrived at Half-Step Heavenly God, the other party stepped into Heavenly God Realm. With the influence of Chamber of Commerce, Solicited a large number of Experts, of which there are more than a dozen of Half-Step Heavenly God. The following Paragon Expert is even more numerous. With this strength, it has sat firmly in the position of the three Chambers of Commerce. No one shakes.

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