“It is!”

Great Heaven World, War Fortress.

The terrible Heavenly God diffused.

Lin Fei jumped up, showing a satisfied expression on the tired face, “Red Clothes Chaos didn’t lie to me. Using Divine Spark can really improve Clone battle strength. In one fell swoop, I was promoted to Heavenly God Realm, and strength has increased greatly!”

Next to Clone, the breath turns into a real Divine Power pressure.

After Lin Fei checked with Divine Sense up and down, there was nothing wrong with it. The only bad thing is that Clone Heavenly God needs energy support. Without energy support, the battle strength will plummet.

“If the eighteen Clones are promoted to Heavenly God Realm after one another, I need to prepare a lot of God Stones, otherwise I will not be able to support so many Clones!”

Lin Fei couldn’t help but smile, but fortunately now, don’t worry.

“Promoted Heavenly God Realm, the equipment on your body can be 100% powerful!”

A Clone was promoted to Heavenly God Realm, Lin Fei quite satisfied, what is lacking now is Divine Spark.

“I can’t rush this!”

Come out of War Fortress.

Lin Fei knows that it hasn’t been long before.

Thinking about it, in order to refining Divine Spark, Lin Fei used Time Technique and consumed a lot of Divine Strength. Now it seems to be worth the money.


“Young Master, people from the Liu Family came and said they wanted to see you. I told them you were in retreat and arranged them to live in the small courtyard!”

After Lin Fei came out, Dragon King came to report the situation.

Since returning, Dragon Clan has been housed in a location at Great Heaven World.

Dragon King also lived at Invincible Palace.

In view of handling ability, Lin Fei arranged Dragon King to be Chief Steward of Invincible Palace, after all. Nine Dragon King Experience is rich, and things are arranged properly. The important thing is Half-Step Heavenly God.

Dragon King is also not responsible for Chief Steward’s responsibilities and has arranged things properly. Invincible Palace up and down No one dares to say bad.

“You take them to the Main Hall!”

Liu Family came in person, and Lin Fei was not surprised.

“By the way, as well as Chaos City, Great Commander sent two old acquaintances to say that it was the case of Low Grade Divine Equipment, and I temporarily arranged them to stay!”

“After I have seen the Liu Family, you arrange for them to come over!” Lin Fei said, taking a few steps and turning back. “Dragon King, things in the palace will bother you, and I will accompany you back in person in a few days.”

Dragon King is grateful, “many thanks Young Master!”

… ..

Liu Ziyue is not the first time at Great Heaven World.

But this time, my mood was obviously different.

“This bad guy, still knowing it out!” Liu Ziyue muttered in the Main Hall, his emotions for Lin Fei are very complex, and now Lin Fei. Growing to a very high height, the four Old Ancestors in the family had to bow their heads.

Liu Family has two Old Ancestor this time, Liu Yizheng and Liu out of the ordinary, and the remaining two sit in Liu Family.

In Chaos City. They didn’t worry about the revenge of Paradise Palace for the time being, it was not a good way anyway, after some hesitation, they still wanted to contact Lin Fei. How to enhance the strength of Liu Family.

Unfortunately, they didn’t come at the right time and learned that Lin Fei went to retreat. I had no choice but to live and wait for Lin Fei to go out.

Liu Family Two Old Ancestor. There was a hint of anxiety in the expression. Why did Liu Family spread this kind of thing, but he couldn’t say anything, he just swallowed his teeth.

Lin Fei’s horror also made them secretly scared.

Paradise Palace can’t afford to offend, and Lin Fei can’t offend here.

“Sorry, I’m sorry to tell you to wait long!”

Lin Fei strode in from outside.

“We haven’t been here long anymore!” Liu Yizheng said in two, daring to say nothing, facing a guy who could cut Heavenly God, they didn’t dare to put on a stand.

When Lin Fei passed by Liu Ziyue, he said lowly, “My big beautiful lady, it’s not good to talk bad things behind my back!”

“A stingy man!” Liu Ziyue shook his lips slightly. “Can’t you talk!”

Liu Yizheng and Liu out of the ordinary glanced at each other and secretly rejoiced to bring Liu Ziyue. They are not fools, they know it well, and they can naturally see that some of them are nasty. Lin Fei clearly has a good opinion of Zi Yue, and Zi Yue It’s the same. If you can walk together, it will be of great benefit to Liu Family.

Lin Fei has never seen Liu Ziyue look like this.

Very charming!

It is said that the action of a strong woman will be very charming.

Now it seems that there is nothing wrong.

“Young Lin, our Liu Family, after research and decision, is willing to cooperate with you in a deeper level.” Liu Yizheng said, this is a decision negotiated by four Old Ancestor.

“Cooperation is possible, and I also know that your Liu Family ca n’t get that many things. I have a good suggestion. You Heavenly Fortune Building sells things like Paragon weapon for me. I can give you Liu Family one of them. It ’s a good thing! ”Lin Fei straight to the point said, giving them the opportunity to choose directly.

“Ten percent is too small!” Liu Ziyue immediately said.

Lin Fei said with a laugh, “20% is a lot, you Heavenly Fortune Building is out of relationship, and I provide Paragon treasure, such a good thing, not everyone can get it, but I can give you XNUMX% benefit . “

Liu Ziyue do not know what to say for a while.

Lin Fei gave them Liu Family a good deal. Liu Ziyue knows the significance of this. They do have a benefit. With Paragon weapon, their Liu Family can quickly expand their influence in the territory. This good thing is really hard to find. Any Chamber of Commerce knowing will smell like a bloody shark come to one’s door.

“Zi Yue, thank you, Young Lin!” Liu Yi was busy coloring Zi Yue, and he was afraid that Zi Yue had said something wrong, and the 20% benefit was turned into a full benefit again.

“Thank you, Young Lin!” Liu Ziyue said helplessly, this guy is too cunning, and he has nothing to say, this kind of person is the worst.

“No need to thank, everyone is a partner!” Lin Fei casually said, “I will arrange the responsibility for security matters. The first scene I hope will be held in Great Heaven World. Your task is to promote and promote. , I want everyone in the territory to know. “

Liu Yizheng and Liu out of the ordinary were also excited.

This is a major event.

It ’s okay to put it in the Great Heaven World for the first time. They just have to go out of their way and security, and Lin Fei must be responsible for it.

Overall, the Liu Family has had little effect.

“Do not know how much Weapon Young Lin intends to put on the auction for the first time, so we can promote this auction!”

“Since the first time, it will be big. I want everyone in the territory to know. I am going to take a hundred perfect High-Grade Paragon weapon, fifty Top Grade Paragon weapon, fifty Top Grade Battle suit, plus Ten Low Grade Divine Equipment. “

The Liu Family made a chilling sound.

Great talent!

They didn’t have any suspicion, Lin Fei said so, things must come out, convinced.

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