(Want to hear more of your voices and want to receive more of your suggestions, now search the WeChat public account “qdread” and pay attention to it, and give more support to “Invincible Leveling King”!) Lin Fei is so swaying Already.

Regardless of whether you are at Imperial Palace or not, now he has already changed his shotgun to a cannon, and no need to give Saint Emperor Imperial Court any face.

Slap a World Master into a meatloaf, and Lin Fei’s voice echoed over the Imperial Palace.

The courtiers who were about to come out and scold, closed their mouths one by one. The Emperor Heaven in front of them was not what they could deal with, anyway, Saint Venerable would come out deal with.

“Emperor Heaven, what do you mean!”

Sou sou sou ~~

Deep inside the Imperial Palace, several voices burst into the air.

Saint Venerable, including wind and rain Paragon, is all out.

They never thought that Emperor Heaven would come to Imperial Capital. Even when they broke in face to face, their hearts began to feel uneasy. After all, the Emperor Heaven is now notorious.

Most importantly, their strength is not as good as Emperor Heaven.

This is undeniable.

If you let them whisper, they won’t be able to do it for a short while, and even if it’s stubborn, it will also make the know Saint Emperor Imperial Court strong.


Without waiting for Lin Fei’s shot, the next general shot was the Devil Serpent.

“What are you, dare to say my Young Master!”

Devil Serpent is also a Paragon Realm. The strength of the Saint Venerable Lord in Saint Emperor Imperial Court is blown by the strength.

wind and rain Paragon and the others, their faces are not good-looking, their hearts are even more shocking. The people who shot them know that they are the Devil Serpent in Twelve War Generals. How can the strength rise so fast in a short period of time, this is too horrible. Already.

Before Twelve War Generals what strength. They are clear.

But now they blink better than they do.

Immortal Courtyard, the St. Venerable Lord, was beaten by the opponent without a fight. His face was swollen like a pig’s head, and he could hardly recognize what it was.

Inexplicable. They are full of fears about Emperor Heaven.

“Emperor Heaven Fellow Daoist, it’s great that you haven’t died. I heard rumors the other day, who do we think we’re kidding!” Wind and rain Paragon grinned.

Impressed Lin Fei with wind and rain Paragon.

“Devil Serpent, who made you shoot, people in any case are Saint Venerable, OK, not back yet!” Lin Fei called Devil Serpent back.

Devil Serpent said to Immortal Courtyard Paragon, “Not good, I don’t mean to shoot. It’s you this person is too embarrassing, whoever you say bad things to Young Master, don’t hit you!”

Lin Fei said while staring, “I’m sorry to say, you see what a face looks like, I told you, don’t hit the face, how do people go out!”

Devil Serpent frivolous, “I understand Young Master, and I will definitely not face him in the future!”

wind and rain Paragon. Wudi Paragon and the others drew a face, what kind of words are you talking about?

The paragon of Immortal Courtyard’s pig’s head was angry. I was about to speak, but was dragged by wind and rain Paragon and the others, and I finally persuaded it. This would really not make Emperor Heaven angry, or wait for them to do nothing good.

“Emperor Heaven Fellow Daoist, we have asked people to prepare drinks, not as good as to sit in and talk!” Invited wind and rain Paragon.

“it is good!”

… ..

Inside the Imperial Palace Main Hall.

Several St. Venerable Lord Jay entertained Lin Fei in person, and the courtiers were driven out, for fear that Lin Fei would be offended without a word.

“Good wine!”

A glass of Immortal Wine. Lin Fei narrowed his eyes.

“If Emperor Heaven Fellow Daoist likes it, when I leave. I’ll ask someone to prepare some way to take some back!” Wind and rain Paragon couldn’t figure out what Lin Fei was doing, and he was even more uncertain.

“The imperial court is generous!” Lin Fei lowered his glass. “Do not bother me to come!”

If you pass with some Immortal Wine, several Saint Venerable will clap their hands.

Now no one dares to offend fierce person like Lin Fei.

“Do not know Emperor Heaven Fellow Daoist, what’s the matter of coming to Imperial Capital, if we can help, just speak!” Paragon said with a smile.

They want to figure out what Lin Fei is doing now.

May I help you? Daylily is going to be cold, Lin Fei is slandered, if not yours, Profound Ancestor of Eight Supreme Gates, how could he find Great Heaven World.

Lin Fei said with a laugh, “In fact, it’s fine, just come to find someone, and by the way ask for something!”

“Do not know who Fellow Daoist is looking for, as long as I am at Imperial Capital, I will call someone to bring it right away!” Wind and rain Paragon secretly sighed in relief, not just a person, not a terrible thing.

I heard that Emperor Heaven is here. They are most afraid that Emperor Heaven will see the dynasty and change the dynasty, so they came out the first time.

The current strength of Emperor Heaven, they have no doubt that the extinction Paragon strength is not bad, it is not that they were killed by Insta-kill, and who can stop Emperor Heaven’s shot.

“I want a few Paragons from Immortal Courtyard, and by the way hand over Immortal Courtyard, I like this thing!” Lin Fei tossed a word lightly.

“Emperor Heaven, why do you tell us to surrender Paragon and why do you want Immortal Courtyard!”

Pig head face Paragon jumped immediately.

“Fuck, old bastard, you have the ability to try it again!” Devil Serpent stood up angrily shouted.

The Immortal Courtyard Paragon narrowed his neck and was really scared. “Don’t come here ~~~~ This is the Imperial Palace!”

Devil Serpent rolled his eyes, and Imperial Palace how about it, who made you dare to talk to the Young Master like this.

The wind and rain Paragon frowned, and my heart was frightened. Who would think of Emperor Heaven’s tone so big, an opening is a person, and a treasure of Immortal Courtyard, “Fellow Daoist, Immortal Courtyard is part of the imperial dynasty, can Tell me why! “

“Because they offend me, Exagon Paragon is yours at the Immortal Courtyard, and here you should understand!” Lin Fei poured another glass of Immortal Wine, “My reason is that simple!”

A few Saint Venerable suck in a breath of cold air.

It’s that simple?

You Emperor Heaven are too overbearing.

If the imperial dynasty did not have the Paragon of the Immortal Courtyard, and the Immortal Courtyard treasure, the strength would be greatly affected, and it was by no means what they would like to see, despite the fierce internal fighting.

According to Emperor Heaven, they are very uncomfortable.

Lin Fei remembered this treasure of Immortal Courtyard long ago.

When it first arrived at Imperial Capital, System even heard of news. This was a recycling resource. Even, War One also sent a message that War Fortress could devour the Immortal Courtyard and enhance the power of War Fortress.

Lin Fei originally came to trouble with the Immortal Courtyard. In addition to this, there is also a need to be honest and do not think carefully.

Change the dynasty?

Lin Fei doesn’t have this idea for the time being.

Being an emperor was not comfortable, might as well is now comfortable.

“Emperor Heaven, see if this is a misunderstanding. Extinction Paragon joined Demon Profound Sect by himself. Anyway, he died in your hands, can this be the case!” Wind and rain Paragon whispered .

“No!” Lin Fei shook his head. “Paragon, pig, I’ll give you a stick of incense time to think about, whether to take the initiative to surrender the Immortal Courtyard, or do it for myself!”

A paragon with a pig’s head was mad, but he couldn’t get angry. He felt very guilty. Exterminating Paragon brought people over, and it was not about our Immortal Courtyard. Why should we be responsible? If an ordinary person said such a thing, he would have been shot and killed by him, and he would not sit in front of himself.

In this case, the Paragon dare not say, who knows whether the Devil Serpent will fight against himself.

“We don’t know about the extinction of Paragon!” Paragon explained, “You want us to surrender the Immortal Courtyard, and I can’t be the master!”

Lin Fei squinted. “Since you can’t be the master, then I’ll help you do it. Today Heaven Immortal will give it if I don’t give it. I don’t have that mind and you waste time!”

“You go and collect the Immortal Courtyard, kill without mercy!”

Lin Fei ordered the generals to do it. (My novel “Invincible Leveling King” will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% Lottery gift for everyone! Now open WeChat, click the “+” sign “Add friend” at the top right Search for the public account “qdread” and follow it, speed up!) (To be continued)

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