“You said Emperor Heaven, that damn Lin Fei, didn’t die outside, and killed our people?”

Deep in a territory.

On a magnificent sect Main Hall.

Several people are reporting the situation.

“Impossible, how could Lin Fei’s strength escape from Senior!”

“This news is not credible!”

“Send someone to re-investigate, someone must have impersonated Lin Fei and killed us!”

Many Elders present did not agree with the news.

Things of the day, they know more.

In the hand of that lord, Lin Fei ability was so powerful that it was still difficult to escape, and he resurrected the dead without seeing the lord.

This ability is not even possible with Old Ancestor of Demon Profound Sect.

Now when I heard that Lin Fei appeared and killed their people, no one believed it to be true and thought it was a rumor outside.

They all believed that Lin Fei died in the hands of the lord.

Such abominable guys should be damned in the hands of the lord.

Suddenly, someone ran outside.

“Sect Master, no, Black Saint Young Master took someone to kill that Lin Fei!”

The news caused a small commotion.

Now in the Demon Profound Sect, the status of Black Saint is already above the Sect Master. After all, the strength of the Sect Master is also Half-Step Heavenly God, far not as good as Black Saint’s Heavenly God Realm.

Everyone at Sect knows that Black Saint Young Master has suffered a lot in Lin Fei’s hands. In Sect, there is no good end to mentioning Lin Fei.

“Now that Black Saint is gone, we don’t have to worry about whether Lin Fei is real or fake. This time. Came to uproot Great Heaven World!”

Sect Master’s words, no one dare to say anything!


know this message not just Demon Profound Sect.

Eight Supreme Gates, who had suffered at the hands of Lin Fei. The seven major Overlords, as well as some top powers, all know the news.

They couldn’t help Lin Fei.

After all, people die in the hands of lords.

At this point, they are convinced.

Cracking a joke, the lord is not dead on hand, Lin Fei is not yet heaven defying, that is the real lord of Upper Realm.

Lin Fei is dead, they still have to breathe out.

Eliminating Great Heaven World is the best option.

But they found out. I don’t know when Chaos Ominous Beast appeared in Great Heaven World, but also two 9-Star Paragon Realm.

They sat outside the Invincible Palace and prevented them from entering.

With the intervention of Chaos Ominous Beast, they all have fears. As for why they are fearful, they do not know, just know the order on it, and it is not appropriate to live with Chaos Ominous Beast.

This matter was temporarily eased.

Things set aside. Doesn’t mean they haven’t arranged for anyone to stare at Great Heaven World, as long as Great Heaven World is in one day, this breath can’t be swallowed.

I heard that Lin Fei returned and killed 200,000 troops. Whether this news is true or false, it no doubt stimulates these Sects.

Especially the Ten Great Young Masters.

They all left the territory together. Head to Great Heaven World, especially the know Chaos Ominous Beast clan left. No more blocking, let’s meet the real and fake Lin Fei for a while.

…… ..

Lin Fei finally couldn’t stand daughter’s pitiful look. Keep daughter around.

In recent years, it is really bad, especially for the lively Lin Le, full of longing for the outside.

“Father, are we going to Saint Emperor Imperial Court!”

The entire group is fast.

Lin Le asked his father.

“So smart, we just go to Saint Emperor Imperial Court!” Lin Fei said with a smile.

“Wow, father, are you trying to lay down the Saint Emperor Imperial Court? I have long seen them displeased. When those people came, the people at Saint Emperor Imperial Court did a lot of bad things for them, and even wanted to encourage the internal Man, it ’s bad for us Invincible Palace! “

Lin Le’s temperament follows father Lin Fei, and everything is done in full swing.

I was so angry when I heard that I was going to Saint Emperor Imperial Court.

Lin Fei said with a laugh, “I don’t really like Saint Emperor Imperial Court either, since they offend my baby daughter, father will help you out!”


When this time went out, Lin Fei brought five generals out, which was enough.

The entire group is fast.

Saint Emperor Imperial Court is small.

It didn’t take long for them to reach the Imperial Capital World at Saint Emperor Imperial Court.

Over the years, the Imperial Capital of Saint Emperor Imperial Court has developed into a huge world with terrifying influence, and the up and down commands can be perfectly executed.

“Let’s go in!”

Lin Fei took daughter directly into Imperial Capital.

“Imperial Capital is strictly forbidden to fly, kill without mercy!”

They were just approaching the sky above Imperial Capital, and immediately came out a few Immortal Venerable, said expressionlessly.


there is a person

A few peng pengs, several Immortal Venerables were blown.

The sightless person deserves it.


Murders in public over Imperial Capital have rarely happened.

“How does that person look a little familiar!”

“You’re really familiar with this!”

“I remember, he’s Emperor Heaven, yes, it’s Emperor Heaven!”

“Oh my God, it doesn’t mean he’s dead outside, why didn’t he die!”

… ..

Many people at Imperial Capital have seen Emperor Heaven.

At this look, they recognized it, and one after another was startled.

But they heard that Emperor Heaven died outside and was killed by a lord. At that time, many people booed, and a rising genius died like this.

Unexpectedly, one day, Emperor Heaven brought someone to Imperial Capital.

I heard that the guards who guarded the Immortal Venerable were killed, and they were about to come out to suppress them. As soon as they knew Emperor Heaven, they immediately turned around and turned back.


Go to hell!

Lenovo’s news from the previous days, how dare they have the courage to take a shot, might as well to stay aside, so as not to be embarrassed, it is really dead in vain.

Now who do not know the power of Emperor Heaven.


Emperor Heaven came to Imperial Capital.

This has led to a series of chaos.

For example, the courtiers of Saint Emperor Imperial Court.

I was still restless a few days ago, and some people even planned to change places to live. I always felt this place was not safe.

Who would have thought of coming to Imperial Capital in the blink of an eye.

Emperor Heaven’s fierce name is out, can they not panic?

“Father, is this Imperial Palace at Saint Emperor Imperial Court!”

This is Lin Le’s first visit.

Because of the relationship that year, Lin Le rarely left Great Heaven World.


“It turned out that Imperial Palace looks like this, it’s nothing to look at!”

Lin Fei said with a smile, “Imperial Palace, what can be nice.”

Lin Fei at this time had already come to Imperial Palace with daughter.

The whole Imperial Palace is a mess. Those who are on duty here, who have never heard of Emperor Heaven’s fierce name, have even fled directly.

“Emperor Heaven, who, as a courtier, allowed you to come in!”

A courtier flew out, was a World Master of a Great World, and jumped out to scold Lin Fei.

“You said that the courtier is a courtier, you have asked me not!” Lin Fei laughed, waved a slap, and patted the other side into a meat pie, anyway, these people were not kind.

“Saint Venerable, you guys, am I going in and asking you out?”

Lin Fei’s voice spread over the Imperial Palace.

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